Yes, it's THOSE episodes. The ones for which we created our fish scale. Please note this recap required two beers and I'm about to go start my third. I can't take these episodes otherwise. *SOB*
We start out with Bulk and Skull studying to take their detective exams. Aw, boys. They keep getting distracted, though, because Kat is distraught that she's crap at making fashion accessories. She made a purse. A really ugly purse. Tanya tries to make her feel better and Adam tells her it's the first thing he's ever known her to be not perfect at. Oh show. At least you realize what you did to her character. Jason rushes in to grab them all fast. There is an emergency at the Power Chamber.
Billy is aging. Rapidly. THIS IS NOT BILLY. THIS IS FAKE!BILLY. There is exposition where we learn there were consequences to aging him up during the time they were all turned into kids. At least they sort of half-assed TRIED to make this part make sense? This part, anyway. So nobody can think of anything, except Adam and Rocky are off in the corner being all suspicious. They have contacted the Aquitian Rangers. They are on their way.
Cestro and Delphine show up and immediately asses the situation. They can totes fix this, you guys. EXCEPT THEY CAN'T. THEIR DEVICE FAILS (and totally destroys the teleportation system in the process). BILLY IS SMARTER THAN THE AQUITIANS. At least his first device didn't blow up. THEY FAIL. Billy is still rapidly aging.
Meanwhile, Finster has recreated Rita's staff and made some cool improvements. She tries to point it at Kat to make her evil again (good plan, except it totally failed last time you tried it). Instead, she zaps Kat's god awful purse instead, turning it into a monster. It's as if Kirby and Oogie Boogie had an evil, malformed love child.
Mondo, upon regaining his throne from his Wayward Son Gasket, shan't be outdone by Rita and Zedd. He has his own monster. It turns cogs into... things. He plants an evil cog device inside the Megazord and ends up controlling it.
The rangers fight the monsters. They kind of fail. Mondo teleports Evil Deformed Kirby Jr. away and the rangers retreat. Billy detects something malfunctioning in the zord and so he goes in to check it out. It takes off with him inside and he can't get out.
To be continued. Unfortunately.
5 fish. All the fish in the LAND came together for this episode. And they brought their Aquitian Fish buddies, too.
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