Sunday, January 16, 2011

Episode 176- Brother, Can You Spare An Arrowhead

This episode is really boring.

It's also a time-filler. We get a full morphing sequence, a full Zord summoning sequence, and a full MegaZord combining sequence.

The subplot is the most interesting part, so I'm going to start with that. Bulk and Skull, having lost Rito and Goldar, finally make it home with them. They're hanging out in the garage when the Monster Sirens give them the all clear. How much do I love that Angel Grove has Monster Siren? Lt. Stone tracks them down to the garage and they scramble to hide Rito and Goldar. Lt. Stone tells them they have to take a psychological evaluation before they can be officers. They are to meet him at the Youth Center. Why they're doing a psychological exam in the Youth Center instead of the Junior Police headquarters I have NO idea. The fish (ie, the budget) directed them there, I guess.

So Bulk and Skull see monsters in all the ink blots Lt. Stone shows them. Bulk even says one of them looks like the Putties! He remembers the Putties! He even makes Putty noises! I love Bulk. Lt. Stone looks over their responses. The results? You live in Angel Grove. Unfortunately, that's not verbatim from the episode, but it should have been. Because that's basically what it says. The results are that Bulk and Skull think about monsters ALL THE TIME (duh, they live in Angel Grove). While this means they can't be officers in any other city, because they live in Angel Grove, they are exactly what the Police Force is looking for. So basically? The results: You live in Angel Grove.

Now, the actual plot of this episode? Very boring.

The MUST BE REPEATED BECAUSE REALLY TOMMY? setup: Tommy meets up with Mondo. He's told he can hand over his arrowhead and Mondo will give him his brother back. Tommy's memory sucks because he's apparently forgotten all the other times they've traded powers and valuables to get back hostages, only to have the Big Bad stick their tongue out and go "Nyah nyah nyah boo boo!" in their faces. Which is, unsurprisingly, just what Mondo does. OF COURSE he doesn't give David back. DUH.

Somehow this makes Tommy MORE focused and he's able to combine the zords. Uh... okay? Anyway, he basically just hugs the back of the MegaZord and it makes a bunch of guns out of his arms. They defeat the monster.

Tommy goes to talk to Sam Trueheart because he needs to know what's the deal with the arrowhead. Sam tells him it controls monsters if it's in contact with some magical rock. Tommy is barely listening and it clearly irritates Sam, who tells him David needs to come home now.

David is teleported out of the cave with the monster the cave created and cogs come and grab him. Mondo comes down too, just to taunt the rangers. David is all excited to see them. It's kind of cute. He's all upset that Mondo has the arrowhead, though. Tommy manages to get David away from the cogs and teleports him to "safety", which in Ranger-land means Somewhere Else. David is flipping out because he thinks Mondo has Tommy. Tommy takes off his helmet to show David that no, he's really okay, because he's the red ranger. David is the first person they've outright told that does NOT become a ranger later on.

Mondo finds the rock. He puts the arrowhead on it. Tommy finds Mondo at the rock. Tommy takes the arrowhead. It's... really easy and stupid. Somewhere in there the rangers beat the monster that was created in the cave. It was really boring and I've forgotten most of it already, a whole 15 minutes after watching the episode.

Back at the Youth Center, David is emoting all over his glass of water. Tommy talks to him and they try to figure out what to do with the arrowhead. They could just take it to Sam Trueheart, y'know, David's adoptive father, the wise man that bestows all kinds of wisdom on them all the darn time. Instead they both hold it and it magically separates. Mmkay.

4.5 fish. It just piled up everywhere.

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