Saturday, January 8, 2011

Episode 172- There's No Business Like Snow Business Part 3

Why do I seem to get most of the science fail episodes? WHY, Power Rangers, WHY???

Last time on Power Rangers- Kim dumped Tommy. Billy and Kat took Tommy to go snowboarding to cheer him up. Billy and Kat tried to force a very nice girl on him.

Mondo has sent down the Defoliater and every time anybody says that all I can hear is the Defiler. Oh Power Rangers. You're a very bad show (or I'm a very bad girl... same difference). They turned this into a Very Special Episode in order to teach kids about global warming. Except they're doing it ALL WRONG. They don't talk about what climate change really means, no, instead they just talk about how it's getting all hot outside. *headdesk*

So Tommy, Kat, and Billy check out and head home. They keep pushing him to stay for Heather, except he's CLEARLY NOT READY GUYS. He tells her they have to leave and he wishes he could explain (seriously, just say there's a family emergency, it's NOT THAT HARD). She's upset but understands and kisses him on the cheek.

In Angel Grove, everybody is OMGSOHOT. In the temperature sense, that is. They call the zords right away and fight the monster. They seem to defeat him, as he claims he's wilting, except he's not REALLY beaten. He's just pretending.

Tommy is still really upset about being dumped, DUH, and Kat knows how to cheer him up. Ernie is closing early to do inventory, so she manages to set up a romantic dinner in his closed Youth Center. She gets everything set up and even dresses up herself. Tommy comes in, confused but dressed in a tux as asked, and is amazed at what she's done for him. Even more amazing, she's called Heather to come down for the dinner.

OMG GUYS, JUST STOP IT. Seriously, these are the WORST FRIENDS EVER. Do NOT push him to date so soon! He's NOT READY. Give him time to move on in a healthy manner. Yeesh.

Anyway, Tommy has to leave early because Kat and Tanya are under attack and can't fight off the monster on their own. Instead of Adam and Rocky helping and waiting to grab Tommy until he was absolutely necessary, they pull him away. Heather is understandably angry. She drove for a really long time to get to that date and he's just abandoning her again with nary an explanation. I'd have left, too.

So they go have a boring fight and beat the monster. For real this time.

Kat and Tommy sit at the fancy dinner and she apologizes for it not working. He thanks her for setting it all up and she says she just wants him to have somebody to make him happy again. NO, KAT, JUST NO. REBOUNDS ARE A BAD IDEA. So her favourite song comes on and Tommy asks her to dance. Queue the beginning of the Tommy/Kat romance.

5 fish. Just... ugh. At least it's over?

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