Today on Power Rangers, history STILL doesn't work that way!
This episode is all about Tommy's self esteem. He spends the whole thing beating himself up. Literally.
Anyway, we start off with Good!Tommy being all weak and fuzzy. His vision is blurry, he stumbles around, and at one point he falls down some steps. Meanwhile, Rita and Zedd are arguing about who's idea it was to send the rangers to the past.
Back in 17something, in Angel Grove That Should Not Exist, all the supposedly-British redcoats have very distinct Australian accents. They are looking for the witches and end up finding the really big rats instead. Everybody flees in terror.
Good!Tommy must morph and go fight Evil!Tommy. So they fight again. In their zords. DragonZord, in coming out of the water, manages to soak the entire warehouse district... and it's actually got people working in it! Alas, nothing gets destroyed.
Good!Tommy has to go back in time to get the other rangers, so he steals the wand from the freaky wizard guy and transports himself back. The other rangers want to stop the rat monster things, but he says there is no time and they have to go stop Evil!Tommy instead. So... they all just go. It's TIME TRAVEL, Dude. You can stop the rats and go back to your own time the exact second you LEFT IT. As in, the FUTURE can wait while you beat up some rats. But no. They all go back and stop Evil!Tommy.
So eventually Good!Tommy manages to break the spell on Evil!Tommy. And BUZWHA????? Under a spell? Since when? How? He's a clone of ONLY THE EVIL PARTS OF TOMMY. If that's a spell, his entire BEING is a spell. But whatever. So now Evil!Tommy is Good!Green!Tommy. Good!White!Tommy tries to get the rangers to stop fighting the DragonZord and Good!Green!Tommy manages to deactivate him just in time.
Tommy Squared go back in time by themselves and beat up the rats. White Ranger Tommy comes back to the present but leaves Green Ranger Tommy in the past... where they somehow accept him into their town instead of burning him at the stake.
Back in Present Day Might-Potentially-Exist Angel Grove, the rangers are trying to cheer Adam up because he's sad they had to leave Marissa behind (he invited her to join them but she refused, and then Rocky literally DRAGGED him away). A girl nearby drops all her books and Adam helps her pick them up, only to come face to face with a present day Marissa. Show? Genetics doesn't work like that.
The only good part of the whole episode? Not-Really-There 17something Angel Grove Redcoat Skull says Green Ranger Tommy can join his... "regiment". Just like that. His [long pause] regiment. Oh show. *smishes it so so much*
List time!
5 fish. Just... no.
Other things we keep track of? Nada. Zip. Zilch.
Fic we really want? Ms. Applebee telling the class about the legend of the Giant Rats that terrorized the Angel Grove that really oughtn't exist.
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