Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Episode 102- The Wedding Part 2

I'd like to thank everybody for the awesome birthday wishes yesterday! I had a fantastic day. Today, however, I'm being attacked by spawning Triffids intent on killing me (with their pollen, not the venomous tentacles). We'll see how that goes.

So the best part about this episode? Monsters in love! It's adorable.

So the Rangers are still trapped in this weird abandoned theatre being attacked by a gaggle of monsters (a murder of monsters? A school of monsters? A pack of monsters? What would a large family group of monsters be called?... we both vote for murder of monsters, like a murder of crows). They fight, while still morphed, and do surprisingly well considering they AREN'T SUPPOSED TO HAVE ANY POWERS. Ahem. Anyway. They eventually run away and try to find a way out of the abandoned theatre. They can't get out the front and find a very convenient hidden stairwell. It leads to a basement, which leads to an Old Abandoned Mine Shaft. This Old Abandoned Mine Shaft leads them right out of the power-blocking theatre.

Meanwhile, Rita wakes Zedd on the moon. He's completely smitten with her and they make plans for the immediate wedding. It's freaking ADORABLE. Squat wants to be the Flower Beast and Baboo wants to be the Monkey of Dishonour! Seriously, the MONKEY OF DISHONOUR! Oh folks, I think I'M in love here! Goldar stomps off after being named the Best Man and we assume it's because he's jealous (and terrified for his treacherous treacherous life).

We are curious about something here. Rita has the Power Rangers tied up with all the monsters in the Old Abandoned Theatre of Power Blocking Ability because she doesn't want them interfering with her wedding. Why would they in the first place? How would they even KNOW she was getting married? I mean, it's not like Zordon actually pays attention to what Zedd is doing up on that moon anyway (and Zordon is totally still wearing the awesome graffiti Evil!Alpha put on him last episode).

But back to the show, the Rangers find their freedom thanks to the Old Abandoned Mine Shaft and they find themselves in an abandoned city where they have to fight all the monsters that are now grown. We'd just like to take a moment to say Evil!Alpha is awesome and should have gotten an entire season of his own as the Big Bad. He'd have been PHENOMENAL. Anyway, there is a zord fight and they all fail really really hard. Alpha then teleports them back to the Old Abandoned Theatre of Power Blocking Ability and they just SIT AROUND on the staircase. They don't try to get out. They don't leave out the UNGUARDED front door. They don't backtrack their way down the Old Abandoned Mine Shaft. They just kind of... sit there. And wait. For... whatever they are waiting to happen.

Frankly, it makes me want to call in Scooby Doo and Mystery, Inc. because seriously? They'd have this figured out and taken care of in about two seconds flat, and then Billy could hit on Velma. I kind of have a thing, sorry.

On the moon, Zedd has called all his monsters to him, all but two which he sends back to guard the rangers. They come bearing gifts and discuss how weddings always make them cry. Aw, the big softies. There is a wedding cake with ADORABLE Rita and Zedd cake toppers. Zedd calls his monsters closer and calls them his mutant sons, and then says they are one big evil family. I am ded of adorable!

And that's it. We end with me being Ded of Adorable.

List time!
5 fish. OMG 5 fish. These episodes are just swimming in schools of fish.

No Billy speak nor covered in food. But there was lots of adorable monsters in love!

Fic we want? Evil!Alpha- what if he'd been evil all along and Zordon was (failing) at brainwashing him? Or just Evil!Alpha in general, because he is awesome.

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