Thursday, February 9, 2012

Episode 302- The Magna Defender

Today on Power Rangers, it's Sixth Ranger Time! Wow, that was fast.

So Henchman Guy has found the Fish of Orion. Leo shows up in the cave. There is a fight. It's kind of boring, until the bad guy decides if he can't have the Fish, nobody can, so he BLOWS UP THE CAVE. He hugs Leo and blows up the whole freaking cave. It's kind of epic!

And then a new hero walks out of the smoke carrying now-demorphed Leo. He has horns. He's kind of awesome. Nevermind that he just saved Leo's life. It's all about the horns here.

Later, Leo is in hospital. With Alpha attending him and omg it's so adorable and hot at the same time (more shirtless!Leo please!). Leo wakes up and imagines it was his brother carrying him out of the cave, so Leo takes off. Shirtless! Any episode that starts off with Leo shirtless and horribly traumatized is a good episode in our book. I would totally be happy with a topless Damon and Kai, too, but I'll settle for just Leo.

Leo goes back to the cave and finds somebody mining something in the rocks, but he runs away when Leo calls out to him. Using his Plastic Sword of Swishyness, he breaks apart some rocks and finds what looks like a stone egg. Being smart and trusting his team, he takes it to Kendrix to examine. Because Kendrix is the smartest person on the team and totally knows Things.

On her way to examine the stone egg further, she gets attacked by a squat monster thing who tries to steal the stone egg, which turns out to be the Fish of Orion. The Magna Defender shows up to stop him and Kendrix is able to escape with the Fish. Good teamwork, guys! Except he asks for the fish from her (by holding out his hand) and then all the other rangers attack him. The squat monster thing attacks, Kendrix throws the Fish, and he runs away with it. Magna Defender really does NOT want to talk to them, so he stalks off in dramatic slow motion to dramatic music. With his cape swishing dramatically in the smoke. It's very dramatic, guys.

All the bad guys are now having a Fish of Orion party. They are doing EVERYTHING they can to break that rock open and having NO LUCK. Because the Fish totally aren't ready to come spilling forth from that rock yet. Most of the monsters hide while Big Hammer Guy takes on the rangers. The fight is interrupted by the Magna Defender, though! He comes on the scene in dramatic slow motion with dramatic music. It's all kinds of dramatic.

He's such a badass he totally wins it. He just kind of looks askance at the Sting Wingers and they all fall down. Because they know he'll just beat the crap out of them if they try. Leo keeps seeing his brother in everything the Magna Defender does, but he doesn't want to believe it. Because Mike is supposed to be dead and all. Poor Leo and his dead-brother-angst wishful thinking.

The Magna Defender then beats Hammer Guy with dramatic cape flowing and dramatic jumping and dramatic theme music and super dramatic big explosions. He also manages to split the rock and yet no Fish come pouring out. Because it's a fake! Which means now it's story time! Because 3,000 years ago, the Magna Defender released the Fish of Orion. He ended up trapped in a hole by Scorpius and his minions and now there is going to be an epic battle because he is Dramatic, in case you hadn't noticed.

Squat monster grows and the rangers call out the zords and there is a boring and, frankly, very fugly battle. Let's get back to Super Dramatic and Awesomely Horned Magna Defender, shall we? He's about to end his fight. Without weapons. Because he's just THAT much of a badass. Kai, being super awesome, suggests they work together. Kendrix points out they're working for the same thing and the Magna Defender gets REALLY angry, shoves her away, and says she has no idea what he's fighting for. Which, technically, is true. Leo realizes he's not Mike, logically this time, and has another sad.

3 fish. It wasn't fishy, just terribly dull.

(before anybody gets upset, I know the Magna Defender has a really really good reason for being all dramatic and angry. I would be too, and it's a trigger of mine, which is why TSB explained it in advance and is recapping that episode. I just love all the over-the-top effects)
(also, thank you, Rev, for remembering I have that particular trigger and giving the heads up that we are at that point)

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