Saturday, January 21, 2012

Episode 298- Homesick

Today on Power Rangers, I get to use the inappropriately young friends tag again! I love that tag.

So we start off with what looks sinister. There is somebody hiding and watching people. Mind, this view of the camera is at adult head height. Sneaky Person wears gloves and breaks into the empty control center of the ship. S/he manages to stop the engines. Systems have been jammed. This person is really good AND Terra Venture's security SUCKS. Kai and a group of Starship Troopers can't seem to get in. Damon, however, proves how awesome he is and opens the door in two seconds. Inside they find a Small Ginger Child. Who managed to avoid security, break into what should have been a heavily guarded room, hack into the ships systems, lock everybody out, and turn off the engines. Quick, somebody get this kid a job STAT.

Dirty Small Child is in for questioning. Ship Commander Whatshisname is surprised. Who wouldn't be? This kid isn't Justin. But maybe he'll be a future ranger with Silvy and Fred. Dirty Small Child is snotty and uncooperative and also apparently named Matthew. Damon tries to make a connection and points out the kid probably doesn't have identity cards. Kid totally talks to Damon. Because Damon is THE BEST. He admits to Damon that he was a stowaway and he just wants to go home.

His mother gets on communications and is very worried. She's upset, and who can blame her? Her son has been missing for quite a long time now and she finally finds out it's because he snuck on board a ship to go to space? Yeah, I'd be pissed, too. She points out she'll never see him again. My heart? Just broke into a million little pieces.

Damon takes Matthew, now clean and adorably ginger, out in the field to teach him how to do Useful Things on the station. He bonds over missing his family. They handle dangerous chemicals. Damon is the best big brother. It's adorable. But then Damon has to leave Matthew to deal with dangerous chemicals because a monster is attacking.

Gas is knocking everybody out and Matthew proves to be smarter than all the adults, because he not only runs away from it, but manages to hide and figure out what's going on with the monsters. His suit rips (not much use if they tear THAT easily), but he is brave and continues to try to get to both safety and a position to help. Clearly he will be a future power ranger.

He locks himself in the control room, stops the elevator with the monster, sounds the alarm, and then finally succumbs to the gas and passes out. Seriously, why is this kid not in charge of ALL the things?

Alpha tells the rangers how to get to the command tower so they can go help Matthew, because he and DECA have built little tiny space ships. Because they are awesome. There is a nonsensical space battle and somehow the rangers make it back into the city. I'm going to pretend there is some kind of easily accessible bubble or something. Everybody is knocked out, except the rangers, and Damon manages to get a few words out of Matthew... who is somehow less unconscious than everybody else.

Fugly Zords come out and they are not affected by the gas? They suck it up and manage to clean the air? Then they turn to stone and there are explosions and then they're more powerful? I... don't understand this part. The Sentai splicing is really bad. Somehow they go from living creatures to slightly less odd looking mechanical zords. Whatever. They're still ugly. And the dimensions make no sense when they form the Megazord.

Everyone saved now, the Commander gives a medal to Matthew. Who is smarter than all of them. He's sad and still misses his mom, which makes me want to bake him cookies. He goes off to do more Useful Work when the Power Rangers show up to congratulate him and call him a hero. They take him home. HOME! The Rangers take him back to Earth! Because they are awesome.

If he were my kid, I'd hang the medal on the wall and then ground him for a year.

2 fish. This was a good episode! The zords are... special... but I liked Future Ranger Matthew.

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