Saturday, October 30, 2010

Episode 154- Hogday Afternoon Part 1

It's almost over. It's almost over. It's almost over.

So Aisha ends up in STEREOTYPICAL AFRICA! Because all of Africa is apparently the Savannah and it's all populated by lions. She is pulled behind a rock by Tanya to avoid a lion. They must be in Kenya (forget Norway!).

Rito and Goldar are STILL wandering around underneath the Command Center. It's been days upon days upon days and they're still down there. Lost. Must be pretty hungry too. They follow a sign and end up in the storage room (with the potential remains of Alpha 4), where they plant the explosives. Finally. Except Rita shows up and tells them to wait because Zedd wants the crystal intact first. Oops.

Zedd and Rita call the HydroHog from Aquitar. Rita flatters him, he comes, and he drains a lake of water. The Aquitian Rangers kind of fail at stopping him, so he dries up the lake. He calls them aliens. THEY ARE FROM THE SAME PLANET. *headdesk* They pass out from lack of water, and apparently there is now no water to be found in Angel Grove. Why this is only negatively affecting the Aquitian rangers, we're not sure. No wonder there are so many fish in this episode. They had to go SOMEWHERE once the water evaporated.

Aisha discovers the animals are sick. She worked in an animal shelter. Surely she can help! Because she's so much smarter than the Wildlife Rescue people who spent at least 8 years in college specializing in this sort of thing. Or something. Aisha and Tanya run through the setting sun, trying to get back to the village before nightfall, lest they be eaten by hyenas. Because don't forget, they're in AFRICA.

If only this episode had been eaten by hyenas.

5 fish. This gets ALL THE FISH of Angel Grove. LITERALLY.

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