Sunday, June 27, 2010

Episode 125 - Stop the Hate Master Part 2

Previously, on Power Rangers - we seriously need a Care Bears crossover. Also, we hate rapping monsters.

The episode begins with Alpha scanning Aisha with a giant magnet to try and figure out why she's immune to the Hate Master's spell. The answer is clearly just that Aisha is that awesome, except it turns out that Aisha's necklace has just absorbed all of her family's love over the generations. So Aisha comes from a family of awesome. We approve of this. Just as they're figuring it out, someone hacks the Command Center, shutting down all the power and cutting off their access to Zordon.

Damn, Billy is good at this being evil thing. (He also refers to Kim as a snippy little upstart and tells her to go find a mall. I'm assuming that there's just been hatesex.) Even though they all hate each other, the Rangers are still hanging out together. (Rocky's contribution to the hate is leering at Adam.)

Up on the moon, Zedd comments that the Rangers are almost cute when they're nasty, and we have to agree. Rita wants to know when they'll be done destroying the Rangers so that they can go on their honeymoon, since apparently Goldar crashed it last time. She's a lot more friendly to Zedd right now.

At Ernie's, Bulk and Skull are posing as waiters to try and solve the graffiti bandit case. They're really bad at being waiters, and end up spilling food all over some poor woman.

While all this is going on, Aisha realizes that they do have one power source left - Alpha. So they use just enough of Alpha's power to get the teleporters up, so that she can go try and turn off Billy's blocking device. She also leaves her necklace behind so that once the power is back, Alpha can use it to power the care bears stare and remove the spell. This is not quite as good a plan, because she really shouldn't give up her only means of protection, and once the power is back she could just teleport back and give Alpha her necklace. But I guess they didn't think of that.

Alpha still doesn't have enough power to teleport her directly to the Juice Bar, but he does get her to the park, where she is promptly attacked by tengas, and then the Hate Master. (Somehow she went from the park to the lake in the process) Aisha beats the Hate Master's spell by remembering her grandmother's words of wisdom to her about how hate is a bad thing, and the Hate Master runs away, totally undone by the power of Aisha's awesome.

At the Youth Center, Adam tells some random guy to move, because he's going to work out there. He's all forceful. ♥ Tommy laughs at Adam, and tells him that he'll be the one working out. Then Adam tells Tommy that he's way better than Adam is, and then they're about to fight for control of the Rangers. We are (unsurprisingly) rooting for Adam. Unfortunately, at this point Aisha shows up and manages to knock them out of the spell just enough that Billy hands over the blocker and Aisha restores power to the Command Center, and then Zordon and Alpha send out the Care Bears Stare to destroy all remnants of the spell. Which means we don't get the Adam vs Tommy fight.

The Rangers all morph and go summon their Zords to fight the Hate Master. This is an awesome Zord fight, and we don't say that very often. But they fight the monster individually! The Frog Zord has an army of tiny Frog Zords that electrocute the monster! And then the Frog Zord spits fire! The other Zords all shoot lasers or whatever, but it's pretty cool. Also, for some reason Titanus is there.

At the end of the episode, Bulk and Skull (also free of the Hate Master's spell) announce that they've solved the graffiti bandit crime. Turns out that Skull sleepwalks. (Oh, Skull) Ernie makes them clean it up. You would think that they would open the envelopes before they make big announcements.

Adam apologizes to Tommy, who tells him to forget about it. Nobody else bothers to apologize, and instead there's a love fest.

Fish: 3! Not too bad overall.

Covered in: Poor random lady was covered in food.

Fic we want: Besides the care bears thing, we're still in favor of hatesex. Also, Adam challenging Tommy for control of the Rangers. :D And Aisha's family!

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