Amazingly, this episode is actually about Adam, and not one of those secretly about Tommy ones that pop up more often later on!
The episode opens in the Youth Center, with Aisha and Billy discussing their boyfriend. Adam is off at a family reunion, and they hope it goes well, because they know how important family is to Adam, and how much he wants to make them proud.
Adam returns, with a gorgeous lantern (referred to in the show as an Oriental lantern - it is later mentioned that Adam is Korean-American, but that isn't for another seasson, and the garden has a sign on it saying that it's a Japanese garden, and anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself. For the purpose of the recap I am going to use the show's terminology. Which was my point) and we're told that he's been chosen as his generation's guardian of the lantern, which is supposed to have some sort of powers. This of course means that Rita and Zedd want to steal it.
There's an inscription on the lantern, but Adam can't read the language. Bulk and Skull overhear Adam say it's a mystery, and try to read it themselves, but all they can come up with is 'don't try to read something not in English.'
Billy takes Adam to Ko's Japanese garden, and explains that Ko is an old friend of his family. The garden really is gorgeous. Ko has a ton of lanterns, and Adam admires the collection. Ko shows Adam one and reads the inscription, which translates to "the dragon you fear is only as potent as your imagination" which Adam figures out means that fear is only as powerful as you make it. Aww, Adam is smart. *adores* Ko then translates Adam's lantern (and we never do find out what language it's in - which is a) problematic as they're just lumping all of Asia together under "The Orient" and b) annoying for my personal headcanon.) The inscription on Adam's lantern states "The lamp may light the path, but the soul must light the way." Adam finds this one harder to figure out.
The other Rangers (except Kimberly) wander through the paths of the garden and mention that Kim is starting up a garden at Aisha's house, but she's really busy preparing for a gymnastics competition. However, their lovely
Adam is concerned about how he let down his family! (There is a reason this boy is my favorite, for real) and Bulk and Skull say that they are on the case. This is... not comforting. But they do manage to see Rito going through the lanterns, and Rito throws Adam's lantern towards them before teleporting away, leading to them screaming, wondering why they're screaming, and then realizing that it's because a bunch of aliens just used their powers in front of them leading to them continuing screaming. Oh, BOYS. We also find out that the Junior Police Patrol has a handbook. You would think that "what do you do in a monster attack" would be on page one.
Rita and Zedd choose one of the lanterns to be their lantern monster, and then return the other ones so that it won't clutter up the moon. That's really considerate of them!
The Lanterra monster attacks Bulk and Skull (And we like this monster, it is hilarious) and the two soon run into Adam and Aisha, who are still searching for Adam's lantern. (By searching I mean that Aisha is clearly indulging Adam's crazy need to search himself, even thought he Command Center is also scanning for it. However, considering that the Command Center hasn't noticed the monster yet, I can totally get why Adam wants to search himself.) Adam asks the Command Center if they see anything unusual on the viewing globe, and look! A monster! Way to notice ANYTHING, Zordon.
Adam doesn't want to attack the lantern monster because he's afraid of damaging it. Which is adorable but... don't Rita and Zedd's monsters usually revert to whatever they're made out of after? But then Adam figures out that the inscription on the lantern meant that the power is inside of him, not the lantern, so he beats up the lantern monster. Because he is awesome. Then Rita and Zedd make it grow, and there are Zords summoned, and Ninjor shows up, because he actually pays attention to these things.
Back at the Youth Center, Adam is still trying to pretend that he's okay with destroying the lantern. Kim and Rocky try to comfort him, but then Bulk and Skull show up with Adam's lantern! Yay! They tell some ridiculous story about how they fought off the monster, and then they end up slipping where Ernie mopped. I didn't see any sign saying there was a wet floor, Ernie! You fail!
During the credits, Skull finds a fish in his shoe. THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING.
Fish: 2
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