Friday, February 19, 2010

Episode 87 - The Power Transfer - Part 1

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to say our goodbyes. Oh, Jason/Trini/Zack, we did love you, and we're sorry that the whole contract thing didn't work out, but your leaving us allowed us to know and love the Stone Canyon Trio, so it isn't all bad.

Anyway, in this episode we get proof that Angel Grove is its own country. Which I've been saying for a really long time now! The episode opens with a bunch of reporters from different countries (on payphones, we are so old) making calls to their editors to report a very big and important scoop - they have chosen the teens for the peace conference! Sadly, Clark Kent is not one of the reporters. Seriously, show, we couldn't get a single joke about this? You make me sad. :(

In Angel Grove, everyone (except for Jason/Trini/Zack) is watching tv at the Youth Center to hear about the announcement. Apparently 10,000 people countrywide applied for three spots. There is NO WAY that Angel Grove isn't its own country. Because otherwise they would never choose three teens from the same city. It doesn't work like that. Everyone seems really bored, except for Bulk and Skull who are all excited to be chosen so they can eat a bunch of Swiss chocolate. I don't really blame them, I want some chocolate. Mmmchocolate.

But of course, they aren't the ones chosen. In case you couldn't tell from the incredibly obvious foreshadowing, they call the names Jason Lee (Scott), Zack Taylor, and Trini Kwan. The three of them aren't there to celebrate, and Billy/Kim/Tommy seem really surprised by this. They run off to go see Jason/Trini/Zack in the park, and congratulate them. (This whole scene is in shadow. They weren't even trying.) Jason/Trini/Zack seem very surprised by this.

I'm going to take this opportunity to rant about this whole situation. Look, they keep talking about how maybe Billy will be chosen. Did Billy apply? Did they not know that Zack/Trini/Jason had applied? Why hadn't Zack/Trini/Jason been informed in advance that they had been selected? What if they decided not to go? Did nobody bother to discuss the situation with Zordon about maybe setting up replacements in case they were chosen? Did they have any say in the matter at all? Why does this episode have so many fish?

Anyway, I feel there should be fic about this whole process. Maybe we could sort out some of the fish in the process.

At the Command Center, they reuse old footage so that Zordon can lecture everyone for a while about what an honor this is and how now maybe Jason/Trini/Zack could save the world. Tommy is wearing Green, and it is driving me crazy.

So, they need to select new Rangers. Or rather, Zordon needs to select new Rangers. Nobody else has a say in the matter, and they seem to be all confused as to who the new Rangers will be. Hmm. Three teens, know how to fight, already know identities? Gee, I wonder. (Seriously, I know this is a kids' show, but how stupid do they think we are?!)

Anyway, this version of the Power Transfer is apparently wicked complicated. None of this just giving people the coin nonsense. Instead, they need to go to the Deserted Planet in the Farthest Galaxy and retrieve the Sword of Light. So they teleport out, and we rage in all caps for a while that even if they were traveling at the speed of light, if they were going billions of lightyears away it would take A VERY DAMN LONG TIME to get there. Also, Zordon makes a point of explaining Tor to them, except we met Tor yesterday, so IDEK.

Zedd sees that they are leaving, and announces that they will chase the Rangers with Serpenterra. My reaction was basically "Aww yeah, Serpenterra!" complete with victory arms. But since Zedd needs to distract Zordon while he chases after the Rangers (... um, sure) he sends Squatt and Baboo down to Angel Grove Park with a giant disco ball that squirts perfume that puts people to sleep. I'm not sure why Zedd didn't just, you know, TAKE OVER THE WORLD while the Rangers were away. Fail, Zedd! (At least he has the most awesome Zord ever.)

So, we get to the Deserted City on the Deserted Planet, and it is totally awesome, and I really expect The Doctor to be there, since it would be right up his alley. (Billy would be the best companion ever, y/y?) Anyway, the architecture of this city is awesome, including floating upside-down pyramids and mini death stars. Zordon has given them a map to the statue that holds the Sword of Light (why they couldn't just teleport to the statue, I have no idea) and the map is secretly a fire escape map with a drawing of a statue.

Back on Earth, the Stone Canyon Trio have officially transferred to Angel Grove! And they are wearing matching outfits, because they are all dating each other! And they don't stop touching each other, and I love them all so much, you have no idea.

Bulk is kinda cute, and offers to help Aisha open her locker. Seriously, Aisha, why are you giving him your locker combination? You should know better. (Rocky and Adam have lockers right next to each other, so at least they won't be disturbing others while they make out in front of them. Who wants to write me that fic?) As Bulk tries to get Aisha's locker open, the pink cloud comes in. Aisha's locker is apparently filled with balls and food, so the SCT bends down to pick it up, so the cloud passes right over them. Zordon teleports them out, and explains about the perfume squirting disco ball. He tells them he's sending them to the park, but he'll send them downwind of the gas. He doesn't bother to offer them gas masks or anything. They get down there, and Zedd (from a billion light years away) notices and demands they send down Putties. The SCT gets chained up. With chains. We both start giggling a lot.

Back on the Deserted Planet, Jason summons all the Zords to fight Serepenterra. We're not really sure how, we guess the fish brought them along. Honestly, I still don't know how they even got the Zords there. So many fish. Anyway, then he's getting his ass kicked, so they call Tor, and Tor nearly gets squashed. Why Zedd is attacking the whole Deserted City, I have no idea. Tor nearly gets squashed again, but Zedd stops attacking. I don't even know.

Meanwhile, Tommy finds a statue, and wonders if it is the statue they're looking for. Gee, a statue with a sword? Could it BE? Tommy tries to pull off the sword, but he fails. Because he's not King Arthur. Seriously, show, don't you know this? Jason shows back up, and tells them how he got his ass kicked. They all shoot at the statue, and all together try to pull out the sword. As they try, Zedd decides he will blow up the whole planet. Now we know who actually destroyed Vulcan!

In conclusion, Tommy is impotent and Zedd is menacing. We'll continue this tomorrow!


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