Saturday, October 10, 2009

Schedule and status update

Hey guys, this is just a quick good news/bad news post. Regretfully, there will not be an actual recap today. TSB has company in from out of town and I have a home full of ill people. Life is getting in the way of recapping today, so my apologies!

There is good news, however! TSB will be making the trek to visit me next weekend and you can be sure there will be LOTS and LOTS of recaps then! You can expect more than our usual Saturday update then.

Now, not wanting to leave you with nothing, I've gone and been nerdy. I've managed to work out a Ranger Recaps Timeline. I'm not sure there is anybody else here quite as nerdy as I am when it comes to maths, timelines, and schedules, but just in case you were curious when we'd get to a certain season or your favourite part of Power Rangers history... well... here you go.

This is based off calculations of two episodes per week with the multi-part episodes done all on one day, with no further breaks, or at least playing catch up to where we should be when there is a break. This is also assuming the movies will get their own special recaps and are not counted in the standard episode count. We haven't decided that part yet, so this is speculation.

This is just an estimate based off somewhat dubious maths. Do not hold us to these dates due to marathons, in person super recaps, or breaks in the standard schedule due to life. They are not set in stone, but rather a general guideline.

MMPR season 1- should be finished by mid-to-end next month, if we get in about 6 episodes next weekend.
MMPR season 2- will start end of November, 2009
MMPR season 3- will start beginning of April, 2010
Zeo- will start beginning of July, 2010
Turbo- will start beginning of December, 2010
Space- will start end of April, 2011
Lost Galaxy- will start mid September, 2011
Lightspeed Rescue- will start early February, 2012
Time Force- will start end of June, 2012
Wild Force- will start end of October, 2012
Ninja Storm- will start beginning of March, 2013
Dino Thunder- will start mid June, 2013
SPD- will start mid October, 2013
Mystic Force- will start beginning of February, 2014
Operation Overdrive- will start very beginning of May, 2014
Jungle Fury- will start very beginning of August, 2014
RPM- will start mid November, 2014

Based on this timeline, if we don't stray at all, we will recap the final episode of RPM on Saturday February, 14, 2015.

So. We'll be here for the next 5 and a half years. I hope all of you will join us for the ride.

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