Saturday, June 30, 2012

Episode 327 - Turn Up The Volume

It's a Damon episode! OMG it has been so long since we had a Damon episode! So Karone is tearing through the halls and she runs into Damon in the middle of a job and BEGS him to come with her to see something. She drags him through the halls to the job board, when really he should be working, but she wanted to point out that the Chief Mechanic spot is open. How they have unfilled jobs on a freaking SPACE STATION I don't know. Karone encourages him and some random Mean Boys tell him not to bother. One of them looks like Daniel Jackson. I wouldn't go up against Daniel Jackson either. But of course Karone says Damon will beat him, and Damon's all "Uh... I guess?" because really, he has Shit To Do. Meanwhile, Trakeena is trying to find a new monster. She found a sound thing that makes everything shake and break. She sends him to Terra Venture. Where Karone is asking Damon about what invention he's going to present and he's all "I DON'T KNOW! THIS WAS YOUR IDEA, OK?" Poor Damon. He doesn't even want to DO this. But then there is a monster and they are distracted from their angst. The monster does his Sonic Blast thingy and everybody covers their ears... through their helmets. Because that helps or something? Anyway, Damon is awesome and blows up one of the monsters woofers. Which stops him temporarily. Mean Guy is in the bar thing area trying to come up with an invention for the mechanic position. He's not having much luck. Damon and Karone walk past talking about an ultrasonic transmitter and Mean Guy overhears. He wants to steal the idea. Damon is up past 11 working on it and Karone tells him to go get some sleep, but he's determined to finish. Oh Damon, I love you and your amazing work ethic! Seriously, nothing quite as sexy as a responsible and determined man. Karone goes to investigate a noise and Damon works well past 1am, where he eventually falls asleep on his desk. Where Mean Guy steals his plans. Because Mean Guy is apparently not as sure about this job. WHY IS THERE A JOB FOR CHIEF MECHANIC I JUST... I CAN'T EVEN DEAL WITH THIS. Damon wakes up late, missing the deadline, and Karone is frustrated. Dude, he was up really really late! Can't blame him. He runs into the presentation just in time to find out Mean Guy got the job. Mr. Baxter is apparently his name. And that's when they realize he stole Damon's plans. Karone is about to call him about, but Damon is SUPER PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE and wishes him the best, says how proud he must be. Damon is not happy he cheated, but he figures Baxter wants the job way more than he does if he's willing to cheat. Damon doesn't stoop that low (mind, he shouldn't really let Baxter get away with stealing his work, but I appreciate that he realizes there is a time and a place to address the issue, and in front of a large crowd celebrating the job is probably not the best place to do so). Damon goes to warn Baxter that he didn't finish the plans. Baxter doesn't listen. Damon will be having none of this, thanks, and will find a way to save the day. I LOVE DAMON YOU GUYS. Like, seriously, best ranger. The rangers have to fight the sonic monster thingy and it's mostly boring. Baxter's device fails miserably because Damon didn't get a chance to finish his plans. Duh. Mind, it was built so fast that pretty much EVERYBODY should have known it wouldn't work. Because SCIENCE IS NOT IMMEDIATE YO. Anyway, the device overloads and Damon jumps in to save Baxter from being obliterated in the explosion. Because Damon is AMAZING GUYS. The Commander demands to know what happened and Baxter doesn't know. The Commander is all "But you designed it! You should know." and AGAIN SCIENCE DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT. You need to analyze the wreckage, get some data, determine what doesn't match, what happened. You can't just KNOW. Baxter is about to say it was Damon's plan when Damon steps in and says Baxter needs TIME. Which is true. Although Damon should have let him own up to stealing. Either way, they work together and solve the problem and fix the machine in a matter of minutes and then the monster is defeated. DAMON IS THE BESTEST EVER. Karone is helping Damon fix stuff and she is all "I can't believe you let him get away with it! That job should be yours!" and Damon is all "He's not such a bad guy." Which is true. But still. Baxter owns up to it and steps down from the job. He nominates Damon to take his place. EXCEPT DAMON WASN'T REALLY INTO THE JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE, SHOW! He seems all excited for an office and stuff? Except he doesn't like the desk and he doesn't like that he won't be hands on fixing things and he LIKES getting dirty and he LIKES his coveralls. BECAUSE HE DOES NOT WANT THIS JOB. Karone keeps trying to talk him into it. BUT HE DOESN'T WANT IT. He insists Baxter take the job, even though Baxter stole his work, because Baxter actually wants the job. AND DAMON NEVER WANTED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE OKAY? Much as I love Karone, she is a really bad friend for a)not listening to him at all and b)trying to force him into being something he is not. He was happy where he was. There is nothing wrong with his job the way it was. He LIKES hands on manual work. LET HIM HAVE HIS HAPPY JOB PEOPLE. Karone is not happy. But Damon is, and that's the important part. 5 fish. Job searches do not work this way. Jobs do not work this way. Stealing does not work this way (except, unfortunately, when it totally does). Science does not work this way. Also, Karone is a bad friend.

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