Sunday, August 28, 2011

Episode 262 - The Great Evilyzer

So the professor is creating some new device that will turn people EEEEEEEEEVIL. I don't think that good and evil quite work that way, but I am seriously hoping that I will get evil Rangers out of this. Also, then the terrible trio gets attacked by an evil robot thing, so hey! Points. Ecliptor steals the evilyzer, and laughs evilly.

... So why would someone WANT to build an evilyzer anyway? No, seriously. WHY?

On the bright side, we should get some evil Rangers out of the deal!

Astronema tells Ecliptor to test it on the Rangers (YESSSSSSSSSSS) but she has a bigger plan.

Ashley and Andros are on some planet with really heavy gravity which causes Ashley to fall over. Once they're back on the Galaxy Glider, Ashley and Andros show off for each other, and... that is not how space works. Ashley's glider gets hit by the evilizer and tries to throw her off and AGAIN, THAT IS NOT HOW SPACE WORKS.

Apparently the gliders are programmed to be good. UM. THEY ARE GLIDERS, THEY ARE NOT SENTIENT. THEY DO NOT HAVE GOOD AND EVIL SETTINGS. Although I really wouldn't be surprised if my router was permanently set to evil. So you know. Maybe I could believe this.

CASSIE, YOUR HAIR. Is this a symbol of her going evil? Because HAIR.

The Rangers morph because there's some disturbance in Angel Grove, since there's some monster. They shoot at it, and then it vanishes, only to be met by TWO monsters. And then more monsters. Astronema makes one of them grow, while the others are apparently tough to defeat even while they're small.

Andros summons his new toy and Astronema uses the evilyzer to turn it evil. Look, I don't care about evil Zords, I wanted EVIL RANGERS. HOW DO WE HAVE AN EPISODE ABOUT THIS WITH NO EVIL RANGERS.

The Delta Megazord starts destroying the city, and man, the space rangers are going to have a lot to explain. They should call Tommy for some tips. Andros decides that the smartest way to fight an evil Zord is to summon the OTHER zord. Andros orders the Delta Megazord to stop being evil, and it looks like it works, but the evil!Zord is smarter then they are and it shoots them a lot. You go, evil!Zord.

They hit the Delta Megazord with some frequency that should jam the evil although it is overheating the Zord. The Delta Megazord heads to space and the Rangers follow it and try to link with it to find out if it's still evil. THAT IS NOT A GOOD PLAN. But for some reason it works.

The combined Megazord beats ALL the monsters by punching them. What were the monsters doing while the two Megazords were fighting? I mean, they should have helped the evil!Zord.

Astronema threatens to destroy Elgar for talking too much, which would have redeemed the episode. Sadly, it doesn't happen. Andros and Ashley find Ashley's EEEEEEEEEVIL glider, which she then fixes. The terrible trio is still running from the evil toy.



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