Saturday, July 2, 2011

Episode 252 - From Out of Nowhere - Part 2


Ok, let me get this out of the way first. I don't particularly like Andros. QR loves him. We both have a lot of feelings. (BITTER SHIPPER ME IS STILL BITTER. Also, Andros is not my particular brand of emo.)

So the five Rangers run out to face the Quantrons, and it is so nice to see some awesome mooks after the Pirahnatrons. Plus, unmorphed fighting for the Earth Rangers! Awesome.

So the Red Ranger nearly gets stabbed in the back by just standing there and watching the Rangers, but Ashley yells at him and he doesn't get sliced in half. Cue awesome theme song.

The Rangers win the battle and Andros demorphs. And this is where I am bitter. BITTER ASHLEY/CARLOS SHIPPER IS BITTER, OKAY? I never got over that. Ashley is all "OOOOOOOOH, PRETTY" and she's all "you're HUMAN" and Andros is all "What, there are humans on other planets" and the others are all "aliens!" like that's weird. UM, HI, YOU GUYS, ZORDON??? You fight all the time.

I do love that Cassie totally mocks Ashley for her obvious flirting.

Meanwhile, Carlos is busy trying to fix Alpha. Because he is awesome and techy and also needs hugs. TJ and the others are discussing their plans, and Andros fills them in on what happened. Andros is all "that gives me some time to rescue him" and the others are like "Yeah, we're all in this together" and Andros just basically tells them that they suck for being planetary Rangers since they know nothing about space.

Andros fixes Alpha's voice, and THANK GOD we get the ay yi yi yi yis again. SCREW YOU, OLD VOICE. Then he's all "I'm going to fix your shuttle so you can go back to Earth." Ashley comes over to see him, and she asks him about his home, and he says he never goes back to KO-35. Ashley figures that he doesn't like accepting help, and my dislike of Andros/Ashley is making me grumpy. GRUMPY.

So he leaves them on the planet and he's a jerk. So we're in for a lot of Red Ranger learns not to be a dick episodes. The Rangers are all "so we should go protect the Earth" and then they realize that Alpha is still on the ship. Meanwhile, they get attacked by Quantrons. MORE unmorphed fighting.

Back on the Astro Megaship, Alpha tries to convince Andros that he's an idiot. He repeats that they should be a team, and DECA backs Alpha up. Alpha/DECA OTP? Alpha points out that Andros is going to need help, and he thinks about the other four Rangers and decides to go back. Alpha is so pleased with himself. Oh, Alpha, I love you so freaking much. ♥

The Rangers are getting their butts kicked and are introduced to Astronema. Oh, ASTRONEMA. I love you so freaking much. How are you totally the best and hottest villain in PR history? She totally hits on Cassie, and it's amazing. She orders their DEATHS even, but luckily for the Rangers, that's when Andros shows up to rescue them. He hands them their new morphers (and I love the space morphers) and it's time to morph. Which is a great morphing sequence.

So, costumes. I think the color bar thing looks ridiculous. But I love the weapons. I do wish that one of the girls had a close ranger weapon instead of just shooting stuff.

They beat the Quantrons, but some of the X-Wings show up to shoot them, so they head back to the Megaship, where we find out that Alpha has programmed the black box from Turbo to do something. I kinda want Andros to hang out with Harlan from Space Cases.

They check the screen and find out that they're being shot at just before they get hit, and Alpha announces that the shuttle can link with the Megaship to form a Megazord, and it's part of Zordon's master plan. ZORDON, YOU GENIUS YOU. This is the best Xanatos gambit ever, and the Rangers form the Megazord, which... love. :DDDD Even Astronoma is impressed. Well, before she yells to destroy them! I love her so much. Seriously, HBIC.

So we get a tour of the ship and DECA keeps showing off her knowledge, and Andros turns her voice off. You FAIL, Andros. Andros says they need to fix the Megaship since it's not ready for a long distance voyage, and the Rangers suggest that they can go to Earth. Because apparently NASADA can fix an alien space ship. Right. Sure. Maybe Billy came back and is working at NASADA. That would explain some of it.

Of course, all they do is send Astronema to Earth, so fail. Still. This is EPIC.


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