Saturday, April 2, 2011

Episode 212- Built For Speed

It's an Adam episode! It's... a really bad Adam episode.

So apparently the radio station is putting on some play/stunt show/thing. It's set in the 1950's and has cast a bunch of local teens in the stunt show. All the bad kids apparently also had to play the bad kids in the wild west show. And every other show. They're totally typecast and not at all happy about it. So a fight ensues and Tanya gets all mad they went off script. Apparently this happens a lot because the two groups cannot get along. Outside, they challenge each other to a drag race. Adam tries to talk them out of it.

Guys, it's just a play! But they wear clothes in the stereotypical "bad boy" 1950's style and they drive 1950's cars and they apparently really are like that or something? Is Angel Grove stuck in a time warp or something? THIS MAKES NO SENSE.

Meanwhile, some super speedy racer monster has planted a super small detonator on one of the cars. Adam chases him and manages to blow him up. Porto made a second one, however, and they all have to go fight it. They did a really BAD job of splicing the Japanese footage with the US footage. It looks like a completely different show set in a completely different country BECAUSE IT IS. Adam blows up the guy again. And then they have to fight him again and Tommy shows a stunning moment of character development, however brief, by allowed Adam to take charge and destroy the monster for good.

At the drag race: Bulk and Skull hide in the back of the cars in hopes to bring attention to themselves. As the drag racers manage to head off towards the cliff, the chimpanzees cover their eyes and they go right off the edge. Luckily the Megazord is there to catch them... except at those speeds and that sudden a stop, there would have been MAJOR damage to both cars and people. Adam gets rid of the detonator in the car and lectures the kids about drag racing. They apologize to each other once back on solid ground. Lt. Stone shows up to get the chimps and actually starts to think they might be Bulk and Skull, except they drive off in his car before he can say so.

5 fish. What the hell is up with the stupid time warp going on????

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