Saturday, February 19, 2011

Episode 192 - The Lore of Auric

Warning, rage blackout ahead.

SO, we open in a poorly disguised Indiana Jones movie, with two people running from machines, where they end up in a cave, and basically go about proving themselves to be the worst archaeologists since Indiana Jones and Lara Croft. They also scream a lot.

However, they manage to find the lost tiki or Auric, which looks suspiciously like Magneto and after they pull it off the stand with a whip, Louie Kaboom comes and takes it from them, leaving them to die in the temple death traps.

Meanwhile, at the beach club, Kat brings Tanya a package that was delivered to their house. It's from Aisha! AISHA. You know what this show is missing? AISHA. Seriously, she just needs to come back and fix everyone's problems. Also enclosed in the package is a GIANT KEY and a map that apparently leads to Mysterio Island where Tanya's parents vanished from years ago. Apparently she's thought they were dead this whole time? Really? But now she knows they might be alive and she can maybe find them and this island that can't be found.

Tanya goes to ask Zordon if he can teleport her there, and he's all "no powers for personal gain" except decides to make an exception so she can go. Then out of NOWHERE Jason is all "Hey Tanya, why don't you trust me with the key?" and pouts and she looks totally confused as to why he thinks she isn't going to need the key, but for some reason she hands it over to him.

WHAT. JUST WHAT. Jason had NO RIGHT to ask her for that key. It has NOTHING to do with him. And of course he is promptly going to LOSE IT and SERIOUSLY HE IS THE WORST FRIEND EVER. Why would you go parade the key around? If they needed to put it in a safe place, WHY NOT THE POWER CHAMBER? Tanya has known Jason for ALL OF THREE EPISODES and this is STUPID.

Louie Kaboom uses the key to wake up Auric the Conqueror, who apparently only helps good people, so he refuses to help Louie. (Why he has Conqueror in his name, we don't know.) Sprocket is way smarter, and instead tells him that the Rangers are evil and he needs Auric's help to stop them from conquering, and Auric calls Sprocket a little metal boy and agrees. Sprocket is a pretty good manipulator.

Jason summons Pyramidas and goes to try and reason with Auric, and he fails at it. Rocky is wearing a really preppy shirt, which is frankly more interesting because I am still mad at Jason. Since Jason fails, they have to call Tanya back and prevent her from finding her parents at this point. Tanya is actually really cool about it and doesn't punch out Jason, which is way more than I would do, but they summon the Zords and say Zordon's name, and Auric realizes that they're the good guys. Because Zordon is totally famous.

Bulk and Skull lose another of Detective Stone's cars. Stone should really stop entrusting the cars to them.

For some reason, Tanya GIVES JASON THE KEY. NO. THAT IS STUPID. She goes on and says that she can't think of anyone she would trust more. I CAN NAME FIVE OR SIX OTHER PEOPLE. I'm seriously angry about this - Jason had no right to ask her for it in the first place.

She goes back and finds her parents who are about to be burned alive, but she turns the switch and saves her parents, and they ask who she is, and she says her name and there's a tearful reunion.


Fic we want: Seriously, Auric is totally Magneto. Make it happen.

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