Sunday, November 28, 2010

Episode 161 - Rangers in the Outfield

I promised Queenriley that I wouldn't spend the whole recap going "ADAM/TANYA I SHIP THEM SO HARD" so let me get this out of my system now.

ADAM/TANYA OTP <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Um. Possibly I love this episode. It has my favorite things! Baseball! Adam being adorable! Tanya standing up for herself! Shawn getting what's coming to him! FAAAAAAAVORITES.

Pretty much, if there wasn't such a boring Zord fight, and if Adam's wardrobe didn't suck so hard, this might be my favorite episode.

Anyway, we open with a baseball practice. Adam and Rocky are on the team, and they are both very pretty. Tanya shows up to watch the practice because her asshat boyfriend Shawn is on the team. Adam tells Tanya that Shawn's nickname is the Sultan of Swat, because he's like Babe Ruth or something. Whatever. What Shawn actually is would be a grade A asshat.

A pitch comes towards them, and Tanya catches the ball and throws it back. She has never held a baseball before, but she is A++++ awesome at it. The coach sends his pitcher to take a shower, and then has Tanya pitch. She strikes out Shawn, because she is awesome. Especially considering the shoes she's pitching in. And the skirt.

Later, Shawn is being mocked by his friends for being struck out by his girlfriend. He comes over to Tanya, where the Rangers are all congratulating her for being so awesome. Shawn is all "Yeah, well, it was luck. I wasn't concentrating" and then there is RAAAAAAAAAGE. Everyone defends Tanya for being awesome, and she sticks up for herself, and if Adam wasn't wearing a ridiculously baggy sweatshirt, this would be the greatest ever. Adam invites Shawn to go to batting practice with them the next morning, and he admits that he needs the practice.

Meanwhile, Prince Sprocket comes up with a plan to use the batting cage thing so that if someone hits something, they'll be stuck in a monster. Bulk and Skull are supposed to be doing "refuse removal" but they try to bat, and fail to hit anything. Rocky, Adam and the asshat show up, but Shawn forgot his batting gloves, so he leaves. Rocky hits something, and is then trapped. Adam is very concerned.

Cue giant ridiculously boring fight scene. It took up half the episode, but it was just really boring. Tommy manages to get himself also captured, which means he's able to hand Rocky his zeonizers, and then they summon zords and use the stupid battle helmets, and blah blah blah, sword destroys robot. I don't really care.

Now, we get to the important part! The game! It's the bottom of the 9th, and Tanya is still pitching. A whole game? That is pretty damn impressive. She's clearly getting tired, though. She throws two strikes, but the guy manages to hit the last pitch, and it looks like it's going to be a home run, but Rocky manages to leap up and catch it! Because he's awesome!

I would have liked it if Tanya had managed to strike the guy out, but Queenriley had a good point - the next part wouldn't have been nearly as satisfying if she had. You see, Shawn shows up to yell at her for nearly blowing the game, but Adam defends Tanya, pointing out that it's a team sport, and she only had a 1 run lead, and you know, she did a great job overall. Shawn tells Tanya she's not good enough, and Tanya has had enough and dumps him. BECAUSE SHE IS AWESOME AND DESERVES BETTER. Like the guy in green standing next to her.

Adam tells her he's proud of her, and she's all "well, I guess I did ok with the game" and he's all "NO. For being awesome and realizing you deserve better!" Tanya is sad because she's lost a boyfriend, and Adam is so clearly going "Hi! RIGHT HERE" but sadly there is no smooching. :(

Possibly because Rocky shows up to cockblock them.


Fish: 2. The splicing in the fight scene was pretty ridiculous, and Tanya did learn baseball pretty fast. But you know, she's that awesome.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Episode 160 - For Cryin' Out Loud

This episode is not one of my favourites. It's not as bad as I remember, but it's still kind of... uh... fishy.

So we start out AWESOME. Adam and Rocky are MOCKING TOMMY to the fullest extent. They're even singing the wedding march and apologizing for not having time to get gifts. Tanya joins them and wonders what's going on. Tommy explains that he and Kat have to pretend to be married for a few days for a class project. Tanya joins in on the mocking. Because she is just awesome like that.

Kat finally shows up and, surprise!, she has a baby with her. A REAL baby. Not some soda bottle baby, or the flour baby, or even one of those high tech baby dolls I hear they use now. No, she has a real, live, flesh and blood, breathing toddler in her hands. I'd estimate he's about... oh... 14 months old? He's young. He's the most freaking adorable little baby I've seen on this show, though!

Kat apparently agreed to watch this little boy, whom she babysits for on occasion, for "a couple of days" while they're doing their project. First of all, who lets a teenager babysit a baby that young for "a couple of days"? I did overnights with kids when I was 17/18/19, sure, but they were generally older children and I DIDN'T HAVE SCHOOL. Nobody would say "Sure, take my kid for a couple of days and he can go to all your high school classes with you!" Uh... no. Second of all, it wasn't really fair of her to spring this child on Tommy "for their class project" when it wasn't actually a part of the class project. They just had to pretend to be married, no children involved. I mean, my kids are a prime example of the fact that more children are surprises than planned, but still... that's... more than a little extreme for a class project. And at least if it were real life surprise!baby, Tommy would have had a good 8-9 months to prepare for a wrinkly little alien invading his life. But hey, the kid is there now and there is nothing "Daddy" can do about it, so he will help out and do the best he can.

Anyway, back to the story. Everybody oohs and aahs over the adorableness of Joey, and then Tanya notices a distinct aroma. She and Rocky quickly make excuses and flee. Adam doesn't even bother with an excuse. He just runs away. Far, far away. Tommy tries to sneak off and Kat calls him back to help her change the diaper. I really can't blame her. She may have sprung this kid on him, but he's supposed to be "Daddy" here so he BETTER help her out.

On the moon, the Machine Empire is basically bickering over who had what idea. King Mondo wins, as usual, and creates the BooHoo Monster out of some of Joey's toys. This causes something to happen to amplify and alter Joey's cries so everything he begins to cry, he causes an earthquake. Suddenly we aren't so sure he isn't really Tommy's illegitimate son...

Joey ends up at school with Kat in what we're assuming is the next day. Bulk and Skull try to stop her from entering the computer area with the baby, as it's been designated a no-crying zone. She gets in anyway. Rocky says babies can't be THAT much trouble. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Oh, Rocky. Joey wakes up and starts crying, causing an earthquake. Kat and Rocky get him outside and calmed down while Tommy and Billy go try to figure out what caused it. Meanwhile, Kat and Rocky get joined by Adam and Tanya just in time to get attacked by Cogs. Tommy joins them and they morph to fight, Kat running off to the side with the baby. Luckily Alpha shows up to watch over Joey while Kat goes to fight. We want a MILLION FICS of Alpha babysitting, like he did with Baby!Dillon. Unfortunately, cogs get hold of Alpha and fry his circuits, kidnapping Joey in the process.

There is some really bad episode splicing with Sentai and the rangers end up fighting downtown. "Joey" (who looks very little like the American Joey, and looks like she could be a girl in the Sentai...) is up on top of a really tall and flimsy metal staircase, so Tommy fights his way up. There is some dramatic scene where he nearly falls off, but the baby doesn't budge in his stroller, and he, unsurprisingly, eventually makes it to the top. He offers Joey a bottle only to discover it's empty. What a tease, Tommy. Unfortunately, the staircase gets attacked and the stroller falls off the edge. Tommy jumps after it, grabbing it in midair, and lands safely. Except it's empty!

Because Billy is SMART and teleported baby Joey to "help him out in the Chamber". OMG Billy with a baby? SO FREAKIN CUTE.

Back to the fight, they have to call out the Zords and there's a big boring fight and they win. As usual.

At school, they are all saying goodbye to Joey who is apparently going home now that the project that didn't really involve babies is over. The teacher comes up to Tommy and Kat and congratulates them, says he enjoyed their performance, and then just gives them their grade right there in front of everybody. Kat mentions looking forward to having kids one day, in the future, y'know, far in the future, not now by any means. The teachers says he was hoping to hear that because he and his wife need a babysitter for that Saturday. For their twins. And Kat just can't say no. So she agrees. And the teacher says he had hoped Tommy would join in. So Tommy has to help now too. Hahahhaha.

3.5 fish. It wasn't as bad as I remember, but it certainly wasn't great. The only reason I'd ever rewatch is for the adorableness of the baby. Dawwwwwwwbabies.

Fic we want: Alpha as a babysitter. Millions and millions of fics of Alpha as a babysitter.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Episode 159 - Target Rangers


Have a link!

Anyway, let's talk about Zeo and how Rocky is a giant dork. These are things I love, so! The episode opens with Rocky trying to hit on his science partner, Jennifer. She is so not interested, it's actually pretty ridiculous. He falls off his chair at one point. She keeps babbling about the project and he's all "So, this dance?" and she ignores him. Their science project was apparently to create a videogame, which is pretty awesome, except the things they're saying makes no sense. Even with Jennifer being completely anal about the project, she still allows Rocky to keep the password.

Rocky and Adam go and talk about Rocky's interest in Jennifer, which Rocky is denying. Adam is pretty clearly going "Dude, I'm dating Tanya. So you should probably also find a girl." However, King Mondo wants the password for some reason, so he sends down Cogs to fight them, and they MORPH. What is with the lack of unmorphed fights? I miss it! :( Anyway, the Cogs steal the password.

Up in the Power Chamber, Billy is working on something awesome. He wishes that they'd had it when he was a Ranger, and Alpha mocks him. It's pretty awesome. The Cog that stole the password (which is MOOK. Hilarious, but also the worst password ever) uses it to turn some junk into a robot.

Just in case you were wondering, Bulk and Skull were supposed to be guarding the junkyard. This... ends pretty much how you would expect.

Rocky and Adam let everyone know that they've been robbed, and they go find the monster, which grows. There is a ridiculously long Zord fight, which ends with the robot trying to throw them into the sun. Billy calls with a solution - apparently the Zords all have special helmets, some of which have better powers than others. They use the new powers to escape from the sun's gravity. Then they destroy the monster.

Later, Rocky's lab partner is freaking out because their data has been lost. Rocky is all "My bad" and she is understandably PISSED. He produces the disc (it's a floppy disc. SO OLD) and all is well. He tries to ask her out again, and she is STILL PISSED as she SHOULD BE because he screwed up their project. (It wasn't really his fault, but um, I'm guessing she did all the work.) ILU Rocky, but you're being THAT GUY. He tries to convince her to go out with him again, and this time she's all "well, maybe later."

Fish: 4. For the ridiculous fight scene and the password thing.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Episode 158- A Shooting Star

This episode can be summed up in two sentences. Cheating is bad, guys, just in case you didn't know. And the wardrobe department is seriously messed in the head this season.

So basically, we have two storylines. In one, Tanya is distraught at being the new kid in school. She's made a friend in Shawn, a boy she's tutoring in Algebra. There is flirtation! Shawn is a dumbass though. He wants to cheat, not study, and so he shows Tanya he has the answers to the test. She can't support him in cheating and so he throws a hissy fit trying to manipulate her by doing a friends-break up with her. She is clearly too awesome and doesn't fall for it. In the end, he realizes she's right and he turns the test answers into Principal Caplan. He goes to her for help and apologizes. Her respect is important to him (uh, for now, but we totes know what you're up to later, Shawn, and you're a jerky jerkface who deserves at least a slap, if not a kick in the balls, preferably both... and for you, we make a new tag, Sir) and she, after a minute of teasing, agrees to help. Problem solved. Or is it?

In the other storyline, Billy is building the Zeo Zords in a Super Secret Location. That the Cogs ferret out in all of about a minute. He's even skipping school to build the zords, which isn't surprising because he could show up for tests only and still get 110%. Once again we wonder why in the world Billy didn't graduate at the age of six and have his Master's by the time he was ten. Based on the fact that all the boys are wearing long sleeves, jackets, and baggy clothing, effectively covering them completely, I think it's safe to assume it's probably January or February and it's cold out. So why why why are the girls wearing scrap fabric for skirts and tight tops? Really? I mean, I don't think those skirts could get any shorter if they TRIED. And alas, this is a trend that continues all season. Anyway, Billy finishes the Zords and, despite warning them it's not safe to use them yet, the Rangers have to go fight their first Machine Empire monster. The battle is boring, but the Zord is pretty awesome and Adam is happy to finally have a cool Zord, however brief that may be (oh honey, if only you knew what was in store for you next season... because I am literally the only person in the world who LOVES minivans and did even as a teenager). They win, of course, and King Mondo is distraught.

Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull still have Rito and Goldar enslaved. Rito is now wearing a French Maid's outfit. Goldar gets snippy, but Rito grovels. It's... still very disturbing.

Fish: 2.5. It wasn't bad, overall, but... well... yeah. It's still Power Rangers.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Episode 157 - A Zeo Beginning Part 2

We didn't talk about the opening theme last time, did we? Nope. Okay, opening theme. I like the Zeo theme. It gets stuck in my head a lot. I mean, we haven't quite lost the go go power rangers yet, and I will sulk like crazy when it happened. So, theme song. Still acceptable.

We open with everyone looking worried about Zordon, but of course, he's fine. He apologizes for not telling them about the Power Chamber beneath the Command Center, because he doesn't want to worry them. Because having a backup plan is worrying? I... fail to see the logic in that.

Tanya tries to show off her new knowledge of the Power Rangers, but she is told that no, it isn't Rita and Zedd, but instead the Machine Empire. Everyone asks a bunch of questions, which overloads Alpha's sensors. Poor Alpha.

Meanwhile, the Machine Empire is bickering among themselves. I love the Machines. Sprocket is a brat, but I can't really blame him, since he's been programmed to be a kid.

On the other hand, I hate the Bulk and Skull storyline. They take Rito and Goldar as their servants. Frankly, I think this is a few steps back in their character development, and it pisses me off like crazy.

Rita clubs Zedd with her wand, and then they head off in Serpenterra.

Back in the Power Chamber, Zordon fills them in with a bunch of exposition. They are then told that it's time for them to become Zeo Rangers.

Knowing what happened to David Yost this part makes me cry.

Even if it does make a little bit of sense with what we know about Billy's character.

Billy says that his experience with the Alien Rangers made him realize that he was more valuable behind the scenes and passes his powers onto Tanya. Oh, BILLY. *cuddles him so much* (Especially because David Yost really does not sound happy about it.)

The Rangers all get their new powers, complete with color change. (Kat remains pink, Tanya is yellow, Rocky is blue, Adam green, and Tommy is red, of course.) Alpha pats Billy on the shoulder when Rocky gets his color. Poor Rangers, they all need to go shopping for new clothes.

They all morph to go fight the Machine Empire and... confession time. I don't like the Zeo costumes. I think the giant strip of white at the collar is ugly. Also, this was the first costume change for these Rangers (not counting Aquitians, because they were a separate set) and I loved the original PR costumes. The Zeo ones are... okay? I guess? But I have been bitter for the last 14 years that they changed the costumes, so I will continue to be bitter about it.

After the Rangers defeat the cogs, Mondo actually takes it pretty well. He's all "oooh, a challenge." This is a much better attitude then Rita and Zedd have ever had, I've got to admit.

At the Youth center, the male Rangers (including Billy) are all loudly talking about how they're back, and the Zeo Crystal. On the bright side, Adam has nice arms. Tanya and Kat also show up and let us know that Tanya will be living with Kat and she'll be enrolled in Angel Grove starting tomorrow.

Billy is all angsty, but they remind him that once a ranger, always a ranger. Aww, team.

Fish: 1. As much as we may bot be pleased by the Billy development, it does make sense in character. And yeah, a lot of exposition, but it worked.

Fic we want: More reactions to the color switch.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Episode 156- A Zeo Beginning Part 1

We're on Zeo guys! This is such a great season. Let's hope the fish is low with this one.

So we start off in the smoldering ruins of the Command Center. It's pretty powerful, with the rangers running in slow motion through the flames and a voice-over from Tommy. It works. I don't think he was the best choice, what with his lacking emotional depth and all, but he handles it alright *cough*Davidwouldhavebeenabetterchoice*cough*.

On the moon, Rita and Zedd are throwing an awesome party. Finster is harshing their squee, however, but they try to ignore him. Rita finally listens and looks, only to discover the Machine Empire is at their doorstep. They're in big trouble, pack up, and get the hell out of Dodge. The Machine Empire is serious business, yo. They set up shop almost immediately, sure they can easily claim the planet as their own.

Back on Earth, the Rangers are despondent in the ruins. Adam notices the crystal buried in the rubble (because he's observant, unlike his younger counterpart) and they dig it out. It SINGS to them, cracks the ground at their feet, and down down down they go past the horrible green screen and cheap special effects. Billy recognizes they're in the lower chambers. They hear Alpha's voice and, like moths to the flame, follow it.

Elsewhere on Earth, Rita and Goldar are lost. They have no memory of who they are or where they came from. They try to ask some teenagers but get confused when the kids run away screaming. Poor amnesiac Rito and Goldar. I feel so bad for them this season.

Back on the moon, Finster warns them to conserve their power and carefully chart their course. They try to figure out where to go and Rita overrules her husband. She calls out, "Papa, can you hear me?". They're going to stay with her dad.

Back in the nethers of the Command Center, the rangers come upon a large, green, glowing vortex. Alpha tells them to go into the light. They're here! Rocky is hesitant to go into the light. Billy has to reach out and drag him through. Billy knows where they are! He's seen plans when he was poking through the mainframe. They wonder about Zordon. Alpha is mean and teases them, saying he should have told them right away.

And that's our cliffhanger, folks. What the hell happened to Zordon? (let's all pretend we don't know and act worried, mkay?)

Fish: 1.5 fish, and only that .5 because we're not sure how the Zeo Crystal ended up at the ruins while Goldar and Rito ended up in suburban Angel Grove.