Thursday, September 2, 2010

Episode 141 - Master Vile and the Metallic Armor Part 2

Hi! I am back from Morphicon where I got some important pieces of my personal fanon confirmed (Aisha becomes a politician, y'all. I win at life) and got to listen to Catherine Sutherland complain about how all she did was scream for Tommy. I love this ridiculous show and that absolutely amazing con. But you aren't here for my con report, you're here for a recap. SO.

Previously, on Power Rangers - The Rangers become Sparklepires. This somehow makes Tommy even more stupid than usual.

So, the episode begins with the Shogunzord getting the crap kicked out of it. Poor Shogunzord. It's only been a few episodes since we got you! And they're all abandoning it for the other Ninjazords, which I like way better than the Shogunzords anyway. The Rangers all hope that Tommy and Kat are doing their job.

Oh, poor delusional Rangers. Up on the moon, Kat is not doing that good a job at pretending to be evil this time, I guess since her natural self is all pure and good and all that. Rita and Zedd don't really believe her, so they decide to put her in a reverse caring meter which will turn her completely evil. Instead of Tommy going off to go get the crystal, he just stands there watching Kat and not doing anything. Because he is a moron. Either go rescue her immediately and forget the plan, or go do your damn job! Luckily, Zordon sees fit to inform Tommy that if they find the Zeo Crystal it will suck the evil from her, so no big deal! Yay plot device!

Tommy goes into the caves where he is confronted by the other Rangers who claim that Master Vile has won, and they were spared along with their families if they stop fighting. You guys, I want the AU where this is true. *puppy dog eyes* Obviously, Tommy realizes that this is a test and ignores them (as Rangers don't give up. Insert bitchy comment about the OO team here and keeps going. Hmm. Illusions. he's then confronted by evil Kat and Rita, but he also realizes that these are illusions, and ignores them.

THEN Kat shows up and claims she escaped because she didn't think he was ok, and that made me laugh a whole lot. She tells him to attack Master Vile who is standing by the Zeo Crystal, but Tommy isn't sure, and somehow that shows it's another illusion. Then Tommy goes up to get the crystal, and fake!Kat reminds him that he's evil and we get a glorious flashback to Green With Evil, but it is countered by his awesomeness of being the White Ranger, or some nonsense like that. So he manages to get the crystal.

For the record, if they needed a truly GOOD Ranger, they should have used one of the SCT. Or KAT. Her whole thing is that she's pure and good!

So Tommy gets the crystal and sucks the evil from Kat and then steals the Falconzord, and we get the world's longest freaking fight scene. The Rangers are all losing and they're getting the shit kicked out of them and Tommy and his falconzord shows up. They appear to be defeating the monster, except then it combines with Ninjor's powers (if you count the N on its chest and the shoulder pads) and starts draining their energy again. The Rangers have angst about how they can't hurt Ninjor, and they get beaten up, and longest freaking fight scene ever, I really do not care. Am I a bad fan if I really don't watch this for the Megazord fights? Because I don't. Bored now.

On the bright side, then they fall out of the Zords and Rocky's falling noises are hilarious.

The Rangers decide to Sparklepire up or activate their Twilight Armor or unleash their inner Edward Cullen. Tommy mentions that they should hurry up since they left the Zeo Crystal in the Zord. TOMMY. YOU IDIOT.

Master Vile shows up and thanks him for getting the crystal for him. The Rangers use their remaining power to dazzle the monster and make it run away, but they are pretty much out of power.

HOWEVER, there is one good point to the episode. Bulk and Skull show up at Ernie's, and Ernie asks why they're outside since the monster sirens have gone off. (Yet Ernie is outside sweeping, because he's that awesome.) Except they get interrupted by the arrival of all the monsters, who are ready to Party at the Youth Center! They all dance the conga and it is amazing.

So yeah, the episode ends and everyone is worried about losing. But MONSTER PARTY. Awesome!


Fic I want: MASTER VILE WINS! and the Rangers give up! Best AU ever!

Note: As of now, we are not moving to dreamwidth. We do have an account there, but we're not moving in the immediate future. (Ask us again next week.)

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