Thursday, September 30, 2010

Episode 147 - Alien Rangers of Aquitar - Part 2

I do not have a Delphine icon! This is unacceptable! Delphine is freaking awesome! And badass! And the first female leader of the Rangers! Plus, Rajia Baroudi is the nicest ever.

So! We open with the Rangers observing the viewing globe (Not in that way, they're kids!) and we see the five Aquitian Rangers looking back at them. Let's talk about the Aquitians for a second. First, the fact that they are constantly referred to as the Alien Rangers pisses us off. Second, the voice distortion thing is annoying. Other than that, we love them. I mean, it would be great if Tideus or Corcus would get a personality, but whatever. (And way down the road in Forever Red, it would be nice if they called Aurico by name.)


Delphine says that of course they will go to Earth and help out the Rangers, but she worries about the water content. Considering that like 70% of the Earth is covered in water, I don't really get the problem. Maybe it's the saline level? But they clearly have no problem breathing air, so I'm just going to stick a science doesn't work like that tag on this and stop analyzing it. (Or yell fish. Oh god, the fish jokes.)

We find out that Ninjor gave the Aquitians their Zords, and I would love to know that story. Baby!Adam does emo fairly well, and he wishes they had Ninjor, but apparently the time travel whatever means they won't find him. But they know where he is now and they've already changed things, so the fact that they can't go find him makes absolutely no sense at all. I still stick by my alternate reality theory. The Aquitians say they're going to teleport over, and the Baby!Rangers agree to meet them by the lake.

Then they notice that there's an implosion device (like a bomb, but worse) outside. Apparently making a long distance call weakened their security. I guess if they had to divert a lot of power I could possibly buy that explanation? Alpha insists he will teleport them away so that they'll be safe, and baby!Aisha tells him that they love him, and we start to tear up a little, especially when Alpha says that he loves them too. But he says it after they teleport out, because he can't say it to them, and oh, ALPHA. *cuddles*

Alpha uses a mini-squeegee to disarm the bomb. He's adorable. Master Vile is very annoyed that a mini food processor on legs disarmed his bomb and I can't stop cackling. Master Vile = favorite. The villains sense something good on the way to Earth, and Rita complains that she's allergic to good. Oh, RITA. ♥

At the park, Billy uses the mini viewing globe device to check if things are ok, and then Bulk and Skull show up, and Billy distracts them by babbling scientifically. Goldar and Rito show up, and they are not pleased to see the tiny children, because Rito is convinced he'll get beaten up again. Bulk and Skull run away. (Seriously, Rito says "Not the little people again!" and then we died laughing.)

But wait! The Aquitian Rangers are here! They summon something that is either water or blue energy and beat up Rito and Goldar. The Aquitians are badass, y'all. They exchange names and things, and then Billy stays with the aliens (We guess he got his alien kink early?) while the other Rangers go home since their parents will be worried.

Finster gets trampled by a whole bunch of monsters as Master Vile sends them down to attack. And they attack the Warehouse District. Angel Grove, I love you, but you make no damn sense.

Tiny Billy has finished transferring knowledge to the Aquitians, and then they morph. You guys, it is so awesome. And I love Delphine. I love that they made her the leader, especially because based on the footage it really does look like the Red is the leader. But they made the choice to let her lead, and she is awesome and bad ass and made of so much win.

Plus, they control their Zords telepathically. WIN.

(I do wish they'd used a different shade of blue for Cestro. That color is ridiculous.)

The Aquitian Rangers are badass, and they beat up all the monsters and destroy one using the Shogunzord, and the rest of the monsters run away. Master Vile is so disgusted by this that he has a temper tantrum and then goes back to his own Galaxy. Zedd is so glad to have his father-in-law gone that he kisses Goldar. Someone is shipping that somewhere, right?

Back at the Command Center, the Rangers all celebrate. And then they angst about the water content and how the Aquitian Rangers can't stay there forever.

In conclusion, Delphine is awesome.

2.5 - Except for the science whatever, this was pretty awesome.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Episode 146- Alien Rangers of Aquitar Part 1

Once again we have Tiny Children! I love the episodes with Tiny Children. It's a... thing. Sorry.

So at the carnival, people are running around in fear. They know something is wrong, but nobody else has kept their memories. Also, there are NO other small children running around. So. What. The rangers were the only teenagers at the carnival? Everybody else was in their thirties and forties? Really? And what would have happened to the kids who were under 10 BEFORE time was reversed? Did they just disappear? Apparently, I ask too many questions. Let's move on, shall we?

So the Tiny Rangers decide to head to the abandoned warehouse district. Awwwww. Billy is clearly put in charge. Once there, they meet up with Tiny Bulk and Skull. They are clearly rebel daredevils because they are skateboarding through the abandoned warehouse district... while wearing knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, and helmets. What baaaddddd boys.

Tiny Bulk and Skull do not recognize anybody but Billy, though the rest of the Tiny Rangers clearly remember them. Why are they the only ones that retained their memories? I just don't get it. Clearly the fish are strong with this episode.

So Rita, Zedd, Goldar, and Rito are huge and stomping around somewhere. Master Vile shrinks them down and reveals his plan. Rito must first go chase down the Tiny Rangers. He catches up to them with some Tengas and attack. The kids are smart, or more to the point Billy is in charge and they all listen to his wisdom without question, and split up. Tommy and Kat run off one way and manage to throw some trash cans at Rito and some Tengas. Rocky, Billy, Bulk, and Skull set up a trap where Rito and a Tenga stand on the end of a catapult and they jump on it, launching them into a shopping cart which careens into a concrete wall. Rocky owns his Bad One Liners by cracking a joke about not forgetting their receipt, and then the kids run away. Adam and Aisha use some construction equipment and rope to throw a beam at some Tengas. The kids try to meet back up, but a cop car pulls up, scaring away Rito and the Tengas. Bulk and Skull run for the cop car despite Billy trying to stop them, but it's too late. The cops have seen the kids and call them out. Tommy and Kat finally catch up but Billy waves them off before the cops see them. The other four attempt to appeal to the cops by calling on their authority as power rangers, except nobody has heard of the power rangers yet and honestly? Tiny Children claiming to be superheroes and using that as the explanation for being in the abandoned warehouse district without an adult? Not convincing. Sorry guys, but you LOOK like little kids. No adult will believe you. They get hauled down to the police station where their parents will supposedly be called.

Honestly, they're all about 10 I'd say. That's plenty old enough to be running around outside playing with friends without an adult. At least in my book. I'm not so sure the abandoned warehouse district is the place to play, but I can't really see a bunch of ten year olds getting hauled off to the station due to lack of supervision. Ushered to a safer area sure, but hauled in? Eh... not so much. Well, maybe by today's uber-paranoid standard, sure, but not so much for the early 90's. Anyway!

Bulk and Skull's mothers pick them up while our Tiny Rangers sit and wait. Tiny Kat, with the WORST accent fail since the inception of the show, calls the station and inquires about her "son" Billy and his friends. She's instructed she'll have to come down and sign for them to be released to her custody. So she and Tiny Tommy come up with a plan. She stands on his shoulders (sitting would have been sufficient, but whatever) and wears a long trenchcoat to cover them both. Billy uses his awesome police hat (that all four of them got, and ice cream to boot!) to cover the cops glasses so he can't see Kat clearly. Apparently NOBODY else in the busy police station notices either, because the kids just walk out the door with Kat on Tommy's shoulders. Mkay then. Angel Grove has a very incompetent police force. And what about their ACTUAL parents? Where are they? Didn't the police call them?

So the kids need to get to the Command Center, but they can't teleport for some reason. So they walk. For HOURS. They get about halfway there when a sandstorm whips up. Luckily, at this point, Alpha and Zordon have figured out that the Command Center itself went back in time too and so it's stuck in spring cleaning mode. The power was out due to a vacuum. Alpha plugs it all back in and power comes back, so he teleports the kids straight to the Command Center. They're so happy to see him! Frankly, they're acting like Tiny Children ought to. Which is confusing because they're supposed to only LOOK like Tiny Children but ACT like their teenage selves. But okay show, I adore Tiny Children stories, so I won't complain here.

So they discover Master Vile is throwing another awesome party in an attempt to draw together all the monsters of the universe. Monsters of the Universe, Unite! They all agree to help take over Earth. The Tiny Rangers don't want to leave it unprotected, but they have no powers and can't do anything. Billy shows his alien fetish and suggests they need Other Rangers (wink wink, nudge nudge). So they discuss calling the Alien Rangers from Aquitar, and Rocky manages to wrangle some continuity into the show by mentioning how they helped Dex! Way to go show!

But wait. What? Alien Rangers? Why are they called the ALIEN Rangers of Aquitar? Wouldn't the Earth Rangers be aliens to the Aquitians? If they are Aquitian Rangers on Aquitar, they aren't exactly aliens to themselves. Oh show. Way to be ethnocentric there. I'll let it slide though, because they are awesome, and, well, Tiny Children! (yes, I have a thing, deal with it)

So the Alien Rangers are Aquitians from Aquitar, which is a planet entirely under water. Far far away. That is ENTIRELY water. The whole thing. WATER.

So Alpha sends out a signal and it travels as a thick green pulsing beam all the way to Aquitar, where it penetrates all that WATER and reaches the underWATER pods the Aquitians live in. The DRY pods filled with AIR. Because on a planet made entirely of WATER, somehow, SOMEHOW, creatures not only managed to evolve that require some semblance of DRY LAND and AIR to breathe (whatever their air may consist of), but they became the dominant species! Of the underwater planet! Science really really REALLY doesn't work that way, show.

So the Aquitians respond and all we see are five faces looking quizzically through the Viewing Globe.

To Be Continued...

5 fish. Just... oh the questions.

Fic we want: What are Trini/Jason/Zack/Kim doing at this point? Do they keep their memories?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Season 3 Roundup

So, season 3 has ended! Well, not quite, but we're considering the Alien Rangers episodes to be their own separate miniseason. Plus, that means we get to do two end of season posts, and we like end of season posts. We get to feel all accomplished!

Kim's leaving was really well done. The best sendoff on the show, period.
Evil!Kat is freaking awesome.
Turned into children! We always like turned into children!
Rito. How do you not like Rito? And Rito loves Goldar!
Ninjor is seriously badass.
Speaking of badass - Zedd in the Command Center.
Potion Notion. (Aww, Rita and Zedd. And Skull and Kim!)
Excuse for hatesex (Thanks, Hate Master!)
Rocky got to be smart!
The Zords being destroyed. Wow, that was an awesome moment.
Master Vile. The villains this season were seriously awesome.

Sparkle armor.
There were some seriously fail filled episodes. We're looking at you, Face Stealer! And you, Tommy eats everything episode. (And you, Christmas Special!)
The serious amount of Kat focus. We like Kat, and we're glad that she got a good introduction. But she did not need every episode to be about her, when poor Aisha and Rocky pretty much got nothing.

Episode 145 - I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger

Hey, it's Kim!

Wait, what is she doing here? Kim is in Florida! (Although it is really nice to see her. Kim!)

Ok, we know that a lot of fandom is under the impression that Kim has come back from Florida to spend Christmas with the Rangers, leading to approximately 87,000 Tommy/Kim fics from this time period and it's referenced in every single fic ever that deals with the breakup about how everything was fine at Christmas and she didn't mention any other guy, and you know what?

Because this episode takes place before she goes to Florida. Air date orders are weird but we had a long discussion (read: rant) about it during the episode, and we came to the decision that it is a flashback. It's still better than the other Christmas episodes. (One day, Queenriley and I will hang out, have a lot to drink and recap Alpha's Magical Christmas. This is not that day.)

So! It's time for the Holiday Special! Mostly Christmas, but they remember that Hannukah exists! (No other holidays are celebrated in Angel Grove.) The episode begins with Aisha conducting a choir of tiny children who can't lip sync, while Kimberly plays the guitar.

Somewhere in the background, Ashley is standing at a crafts table behind some guy.

The party at the youth center is apparently to help the underprivileged kids in Angel Grove. In Angel Grove speak, this apparently means that sometimes parents are too busy working to attend a kid's recital.

Tommy walks in with a poinsettia. Then he notices our inappropriately young friend of the week, so he asks her to help him. She can't act. She really can't act.

Kim has a sad. This is her first Christmas away from her mom, but she's really glad that she's staying with Aisha. Aww, they are such BFF, I love them.

Bulk and Skull come in, and we find out that they're going to be Santa and helper for the party. That is adorable! Bulk will make a great Santa. Although he seems to be seriously lacking in Christmas spirit.

Kim is trying to jump to hang up the mistletoe. Kim, honey, there's this thing called a ladder. We short people have to use one. Of course, that would prevent Tommy from coming to her rescue, and we can't have that. Tommy leans in to kiss Kim, when Skull walks by, interposes himself between Kim and Tommy, and kisses Kim on the cheek.

My Skull/Kim shipper heart is torn between thinking that is adorable and being really pissed at Skull for kissing her without permission. I am leaning towards being pissed at him. Not acceptable, Skull! Bulk also clearly considers kissing Kim, but a glare from Tommy stops him.

Up on the moon, Zedd is ranting about the evils of Christmas. Considering that Zedd has already been coded as Jewish once before, this has... really unfortunate implications. Especially when his plan to destroy Christmas apparently consists of sending evil dreidels down to brainwash children.

Hey, marketing department? If you want to start selling evil dreidels, I will totally buy one.

Plus, we get to find out that not only does Batman exist in Angel Grove, but so does Santa. (As Santa also exists in the DCU, I should not be surprised.) Man, kids in Angel Grove must need serious therapy. On the other hand, the parents have some seriously amazing threats to work with to get kids to eat veggies.

A bunch of the tiny children sing O Hannukah, except for the inappropriately young friend, who also has a sad. As previously mentioned, all she wants for Christmas is for her dad to come hear her sing. He is too busy working. Kim gives her advice on how to handle her dad (tell him how much she loves him so that he'll come watch her show! Because he has no way of knowing otherwise!)

And um, I'm not really sure if the show considered how it looks to have Kim solving the problems of an African American family? But it's a little bit on the fail side.

Up at the North Pole, we have the most annoying elves ever. Rito shows up and ties up Santa, and informs the Elves that they will all make Evil Dreidels instead. The main elf has a really annoyingly high pitched voice. It's awful.

Tommy and Kim are about to kiss under the mistletoe when Zordon calls. Hey, Zordon just cockblocked Tommy and Kim! That totally makes this episode worth it. The Rangers all head to the Command Center where Zordon explains the problem, and everyone is horrified that Santa is being messed with. Then Zordon spouts some nonsense about a cross current of holiday magic up at the North Pole will prevent them from morphing, but they decide to go anyway.

They are all seriously underdressed for the North Pole, even if Aisha pulled a jacket out of thin air. Rocky complains that he's cold. Don't worry, Rocky! Adam and Aisha will be glad to warm you up.

Santa is tied up in the center of the workshop with a giant bow stuck in his mouth. Everyone is concerned about Santa. This is ridiculous.

Back in Angel Grove, inappropriately young friend tells Bulk and Skull that Kimberly is missing. They pat her on the head and tell her not to worry. She is clearly not buying it.

The Rangers figure out that if they can't use their powers, then neither can Rito. Because apparently only good can win here at the North Pole? But in that case, why can't the Rangers morph? And how did Rito win in the first place?

The fight in this episode might be the most amazing thing ever. Kim and Aisha recruit the annoying elves to help, and then they lure Rito outsider. (Goldar has joined them for some reason). Did I mention that Rito is wearing a santa hat? Because it's awesome.

And then the Rangers beat them in a snowball fight. This might actually be the greatest thing ever. SNOWBALL FIGHT. And then they chase them into the workshop and the elves scatter marbles on the floor and they tie them up. This is possibly the most ridiculous thing ever. I love it. Rito and Goldar get tied up, and then returned to the moon. Why the Rangers don't just destroy them, I have no idea. (Right. Kids show. Destroying monsters of the week = ok, killing Goldar and Rito = not.)

Then the Rangers help Santa finish making presents. I think some other stuff might have happened in this scene, but Adam had suspenders that were falling off him and it was really hot and possibly there was a lot of capslock.

On the moon, Rito gave Goldar a present, and I ship those two so much it's ridiculous.

At the Youth Center, Bulk is actually a fairly good Santa! And Skull is his reindeer! Some really greedy kid has a whole list of stuff he wants, including an autographed picture of the Rangers. Don't we all, tiny child. Don't we all.

The Rangers all come in and pass out the toys that Santa gave them.

Inappropriately young friend's father shows up, and he tells her he loves her and will spend time with her, and then tells her that they should have hot chocolate, but she tells him to hold on so she can go thank Santa for getting her dad to come. Bulk's heart grows three sizes larger and he returns all the presents and oops, wait, wrong story!

Speaking of parents, Kim's mom and the step-artist show up as well. They got a last minute flight. Awww.

They sing one final Christmas Carol, and then break the fourth wall to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Fish: 2.5. Holiday magic, what?

Fic we want: How the Bulk stole Christmas. SERIOUSLY.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Episode 144- Rangers in Reverse

TINY CHILDREN! Rangers! As Tiny Children!

Ahem. This episode. Yeah.

So we start off in the Youth Center with incredibly attractive young men (Rocky and Billy) showing off their lovely lovely arms by hauling fruit boxes for Ernie. We approve of this opening scene! So we discover that it's soon to be Kat's birthday, which Rocky only knows because he helped her register for classes (AW), and she hasn't told anybody. Aisha decides it's a great idea to give her a surprise party. Frankly, I'm of the opinion that if somebody doesn't tell you their birthday, it's because they don't WANT a fuss or party. If you want a surprise party, you subtly drop hints about having never had one and oh yeah, did you know my birthday is [whenever]?

So on the moon, Zedd and Goldar are making fun of Master Vile. Rita defends her Daddy! Aw. Master Vile has a very fishy plan about how he's going to insert some crystal orb thing into some very precise coordinates and it will freeze the Earth on it's axis which will SOMEHOW reverse time. This... makes about as much sense as all the OTHER times they've tried to reverse time or travel in time.

At the Command Center, Zordon has deactivated AGAIN. Alpha starts to panic, but Zordon comes back from his PRIVATE CHAMBER (where he watches the rangers have sex) and reassures him that things will be okay... mostly.

So for Kat's birthday, they all take her to a carnival. But she's blindfolded, so she doesn't know where they're taking her, just that they all know it's her birthday and they all want to help her celebrate. So this is more a surprise destination than a surprise party. They are at a carnival. In Angel Grove. This canNOT end well.

Master Vile sends his dutiful son down to Earth to place the orb. It's supposed to be just to the north of Angel Grove, and I have to grumpily wonder, WHY is it ALWAYS Angel Grove? Couldn't they have gone to barren wastelands of Siberia or somewhere else Far Far Away? But no. It's in Angel Grove. Again. I'm beginning to think Angel Grove isn't just it's own country, but that it's really it's own PLANET.

Anyway, so Rito goes to place the orb and Zordon calls the rangers to alert them of the danger. They morph and go fight some Tengas on what appears to be the edge of the carnival, although they were made it seem like Rito was far away. Oh well. That's the least of the fish in this episode. So they fight for a bit and then they must call on the SPARKLEPOWERS and I'm reduced to capslock irritation. Stupid sparklepowers. We spend the rest of the fight ignoring the actual fight and instead figuring out how Kim relates to Jacob since Tommy is obviously the super-special-but-nobody-can-figure-out-why Personality of Cardboard Belle and Kat is, unfortunately, reduced to the Sparkle and Stalkery Creepiness of Edward. Kim just has really nice abs.

Oh. But they were fighting. Right. Um... so Rito gets past them and manages to place the orb and then Tommy gets knocked back because it can't be undone once it's placed. Rito and the Tengas go away and the rangers rush back to the carnival. Then time almost immediately reverses a good TEN YEARS. And... suddenly we're at my favourite part of the episode!

It's the rangers! As Tiny Children! ADORABLE TINY TINY CHILDREN! And Rocky has the worst hair EVER. Seriously, whomever inflicted such atrocious hair on that poor little boy ought to be forced into a different career in which they never ever ever get to give advice on hair again. Ugh. And for some reason Billy is now a dashing brunette and no longer blond. But the rest of them! Tiny!Aisha is scared! Tiny!Adam asks Tiny!Billy if they can still morph! Tiny!Tommy tries to morph and gets all upset when it doesn't work! OMG THEY'RE ALL SO DARN CUTE!

Meanwhile Zedd and Rita are on Earth and they grow all big and stomp around a bit. While scaring the FREAKING CUTE TINY RANGER CHILDREN!

And that is all.

3.5 fish. It just... it's fishy, okay? But there are Tiny Children! So that makes up for it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Episode 143 - Sound of Dischordia

We had a long debate about which episode we were on, before we decided to go to continue on with the Ranger Central episode guide. This may or may not have had something to do with us not wanting to watch I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger.

Not that this was much of an improvement. I mean, yay Aisha! But the song. And the FISH. And the singing! And this is coming from someone who likes the Zeo episode where Tommy and Tanya have to sing the whole time.

Honestly, the only thing I remembered about this episode was Catherine Sutherland complaining at Morphicon about how stupid this song is. And it is really stupid.

The episode begins with Aisha and Kat in some sort of music studio in Angel Grove High. Fancy! They're singing some awful song that Aisha wrote to enter the write the school song for Angel Grove contest. This fits in with my personal fanon that when Tanya goes on to be a famous singer, Aisha writes some of her songs and then Tanya makes all of the former Rangers who can sing go on tour with her. Anyway.

Kat is having trouble with the harmony, and she's losing her confidence. If I was writing this episode, she would be having a crisis of confidence and then placed under a spell where she doesn't think she's good enough and then she has to realize how awesome she is. But I'm not writing it. Instead, Bulk and Skull shatter some glass with their singing and Kat realizes she's not that bad, and they practice some more, while Tommy tells Kat how awesome she is.

Hey, Tommy, you remember Kim? Your girlfriend? God, no wonder she dumps him. (Oops, spoilers!)

Kat and Aisha show up at the Juice Bar, having bought out the mall, and the guys tease them about their shopping habits, clearly noticing that they're just nervous and that the shopping is stress relief. I totally know people who do this *stares at overflowing bookshelves* so yay for characterization! Also, adorable.

Up on the moon or Master Vile's ship or whatever, Master Vile decides he needs a singing monster. My poor eardrums. The monster then attacks Kat and Aisha, and it makes them dance. (Someone had better use the awesome icon of the dancing in the comments, or I will be sad)

The other Rangers show up, and there is more dancing, and the monster tries to make Tommy give up his power coin and Zord, because it is all about Tommy.

The Rangers manage to break the spell long enough to summon the sparklearmor, and then they dazzle the monster.


Yes, this is exactly how we do the recap.

Then they power down and the monster grows and we are only ten minutes into the episode. CRAP. There's a six minute long zord fight where Ninjor shows up and only Tommy can save the day and there's a bunch of fish, and the only important thing is that the monster calls them Power Puffs! Oh, and they summon the toy version of Titanus and pasted on some fire.

After the defeat, Master Vile refuses to leave because that would mean admitting that Zedd didn't suck.

At the contest, some group is singing a song that has the power of rock, but has nothing to do with school spirit. Kat and Aisha sing their awful song, and they win. Then there are hugs. I am in favor of hugs!

Fish: 4. Seriously, long Zord fights are never a good idea.

Fic we want: All the female Rangers go on tour together! Make this happen!

Places you should all be going to - !

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Episode 142- Master Vile and the Metallic Armour Part 3

Oh show. The opening once Kat joins has always SEEMED very Kat heavy, but I wasn't sure if it was just a bias or if it really was skewed THAT far in her favour. So today I checked. Breaking it down shot by shot we have:
1 shot each- Zedd, Goldar, zords, Bulk and Skull, and Toy (now with pasted on fire, yay!)
2 shots- Rocky (the only two being his morphing shot and his name/character title shot) and the logo
3 shots each- Rita, Rito (with Tengas), Billy, Aisha, and Adam (counting their morhping and title shots)
5 shots- morphed team (two of which are shark cycle shots, so not the whole team), Tommy (two with Kat and counting his morphing and title shots)
and coming in at a whopping 8 UNMORPHED shots- Kat. Yes, that's EIGHT shots for her, and I'm NOT including the two shots she has with Tommy. So, if we add those two shots into her grand total (as I did with Tommy), she comes in at a whole TEN shots of the opening sequence. Ten. And people wonder where we get the idea that this season had a weeeee bit of a Kat bias?

Anyway, onto the episode.

This really didn't need to be a three parter. No, it really really didn't. This so could have been resolved last episode. So. We start out with the rangers in the Command Center being all weak and power-drained. Poor Rocky is almost falling over from lack of energy. Zordon pulls out his Magic Power Restoration Fish and zaps them all so they regain their energy.

At the Youth Center, there is much dancing! And monsters showing up for the party! And the Vulva Monster arrives in a limo! Bulk and Skull are dancing, as are a few other humans. There's a guy at a dj table and kids are taking orders and serving food. Either this is a whooolllleeee lot of "under a spell" or Angel Grove residents are just really desensitized to monsters by this point. We vote for the latter. Master Vile throws the BEST parties ever.

Back at the Command Center, the rangers need to wait for their sparklepowers metallic armour to recharge. Billy thinks he can hurry it along, but he needs Adam and Aisha's help. The others demorph and go to the Youth Center to keep an eye on the party. Bulk and Skull are surprised to see them, assuming they'd been lost the whole time. But they're not worried. They are SURE the Rangers will come back and save them. Because they have faith in the Power Rangers and are just awesome like that. Goldar interrupts and once again wonders why he bothers since Tommy isn't Jason and really makes a poor substitute. Mostly he just talks about how they own the Earth now and the Rangers can't save the humans, though. Frankly, they've barely taken Angel Grove. The only way taking ONE city would constitute ruling the whole world is if we're talking RPM and that one city is Corinth. But then, Venjix had killed all the other billions of people on Earth before trying to take Corinth, so that one city really WAS all of Earth at that point. ANYWAY! I digress.

They make their way back to the Command Center where Zordon tells them they need to go to another planet in another galaxy to get the zords back. The atmosphere is highly corrosive to metal so they can't use their metallic armour there, but are determined to try. They find some heavily corroded zords and Billy says they need to find the podiatal emergency egress. He clarifies it's the Big Toe Emergency Exit and starts blasting away at the corroded and unstable zord. He finds the door and Rocky charges in first. They climb a ladder and manage to fire some lasers which destroy a building... a building that appears to be in Angel Grove and NOT on the deserted distant planet in another galaxy they happen to be on. Uh... what? The fish are working their powers here and confuse the heck out of me. It... really doesn't work that way.

Moving on! So they find the engine room and the Zeo Crystal and manage to break Master Vile's connection to the crystal by clutching their stomachs and grunting a lot. The Rangers go to Earth and Master Vile sends his goo monster thing to beat them. The zords (all clean and corrosion free now! darn those fish and their effective cleaning procedures!) show up and they fight for awhile, even though the goo monster is still tied into Ninjors powers. Alpha waits until they are close to losing and then pushes a few buttons to break Master Vile's spell of darkness, which breaks his hold on Ninjor and weakens the monster enough to be destroyed. Alpha apparently has a flair for the dramatic. So they win and drive Master Vile away.

But he's determined to beat them eventually and then yells at Rita a lot. MAJOR family issues there. Wow.

In order to keep the Zeo crystals from falling into the wrong hands again, the rangers break the crystal into five pieces and scatter them. Zordon has built a TARDIS created a temporary hole in time and space.

With things all settled down, the rangers are back with Lt. Stone and Bulk and Skull on their horseback riding outing. They gallop off and Kat looks semi-comfortable (though she's sitting English style in a Western saddle which CAN'T be comfortable) and Skull still looks like the only experienced horseman in the bunch.

Fish: 4.5 The fish were the only thing that DID make sense in this episode
Billy speak: "We have to find the podiatal emergency egress."
"It seems the layer of corrosion is much thicker than I anticipated."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

L'Shana Tova!

Just to let you know, there will be no recap tonight, guys. It's Rosh Hashanah and both TSB and I are very busy preparing and celebrating.

To tie this into Power Rangers: Bridge Carson, as our sole Jewish ranger in the entire history of Power Rangers, would be 6 years old for this Rosh Hashanah. I'm sure he'd be anxiously awaiting his lavish dinner or brisket or chicken, dessert of honey cake, and snacks of apples dipped in honey.

L'Shana tova! May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year! I wish you all a happy, healthy, and truly sweet 5771.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Episode 141 - Master Vile and the Metallic Armor Part 2

Hi! I am back from Morphicon where I got some important pieces of my personal fanon confirmed (Aisha becomes a politician, y'all. I win at life) and got to listen to Catherine Sutherland complain about how all she did was scream for Tommy. I love this ridiculous show and that absolutely amazing con. But you aren't here for my con report, you're here for a recap. SO.

Previously, on Power Rangers - The Rangers become Sparklepires. This somehow makes Tommy even more stupid than usual.

So, the episode begins with the Shogunzord getting the crap kicked out of it. Poor Shogunzord. It's only been a few episodes since we got you! And they're all abandoning it for the other Ninjazords, which I like way better than the Shogunzords anyway. The Rangers all hope that Tommy and Kat are doing their job.

Oh, poor delusional Rangers. Up on the moon, Kat is not doing that good a job at pretending to be evil this time, I guess since her natural self is all pure and good and all that. Rita and Zedd don't really believe her, so they decide to put her in a reverse caring meter which will turn her completely evil. Instead of Tommy going off to go get the crystal, he just stands there watching Kat and not doing anything. Because he is a moron. Either go rescue her immediately and forget the plan, or go do your damn job! Luckily, Zordon sees fit to inform Tommy that if they find the Zeo Crystal it will suck the evil from her, so no big deal! Yay plot device!

Tommy goes into the caves where he is confronted by the other Rangers who claim that Master Vile has won, and they were spared along with their families if they stop fighting. You guys, I want the AU where this is true. *puppy dog eyes* Obviously, Tommy realizes that this is a test and ignores them (as Rangers don't give up. Insert bitchy comment about the OO team here and keeps going. Hmm. Illusions. he's then confronted by evil Kat and Rita, but he also realizes that these are illusions, and ignores them.

THEN Kat shows up and claims she escaped because she didn't think he was ok, and that made me laugh a whole lot. She tells him to attack Master Vile who is standing by the Zeo Crystal, but Tommy isn't sure, and somehow that shows it's another illusion. Then Tommy goes up to get the crystal, and fake!Kat reminds him that he's evil and we get a glorious flashback to Green With Evil, but it is countered by his awesomeness of being the White Ranger, or some nonsense like that. So he manages to get the crystal.

For the record, if they needed a truly GOOD Ranger, they should have used one of the SCT. Or KAT. Her whole thing is that she's pure and good!

So Tommy gets the crystal and sucks the evil from Kat and then steals the Falconzord, and we get the world's longest freaking fight scene. The Rangers are all losing and they're getting the shit kicked out of them and Tommy and his falconzord shows up. They appear to be defeating the monster, except then it combines with Ninjor's powers (if you count the N on its chest and the shoulder pads) and starts draining their energy again. The Rangers have angst about how they can't hurt Ninjor, and they get beaten up, and longest freaking fight scene ever, I really do not care. Am I a bad fan if I really don't watch this for the Megazord fights? Because I don't. Bored now.

On the bright side, then they fall out of the Zords and Rocky's falling noises are hilarious.

The Rangers decide to Sparklepire up or activate their Twilight Armor or unleash their inner Edward Cullen. Tommy mentions that they should hurry up since they left the Zeo Crystal in the Zord. TOMMY. YOU IDIOT.

Master Vile shows up and thanks him for getting the crystal for him. The Rangers use their remaining power to dazzle the monster and make it run away, but they are pretty much out of power.

HOWEVER, there is one good point to the episode. Bulk and Skull show up at Ernie's, and Ernie asks why they're outside since the monster sirens have gone off. (Yet Ernie is outside sweeping, because he's that awesome.) Except they get interrupted by the arrival of all the monsters, who are ready to Party at the Youth Center! They all dance the conga and it is amazing.

So yeah, the episode ends and everyone is worried about losing. But MONSTER PARTY. Awesome!


Fic I want: MASTER VILE WINS! and the Rangers give up! Best AU ever!

Note: As of now, we are not moving to dreamwidth. We do have an account there, but we're not moving in the immediate future. (Ask us again next week.)