Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Episode 131 - Changing of the Zords Part 2

Previously - Kat has stolen Kim's power coin, and if she doesn't get it back, it might kill her. This is what we call epic.

We open with Kim still unconscious, and Billy apparently managed to finish med school, because he's busy giving a medical diagnosis. We know Billy is a genius and all, but really? It makes you wonder how they explain whatever bruises and things they get from fighting monster. (I tend to be on the healing factor side of the debate, but it's worth thinking about.)

Tommy is all worried and confused, and making it all about him and how he can't lose her, and how he knows what it was like to lose his powers, and seriously, Tommy, not about you. Adam is being practical and wondering what they're going to do without their Zords and Ninjor being gone, etc. Nobody has any answers, and Kimberly just continues to lay (asleep, although I'm going more with 'coma') on the table, with glowing pink lines racing over her skin.

Up on the moon, Zedd is indulging in an evil cackle about how awesome he is. Then he realizes he needs pilots for his new Zords, and apparently he thinks the Rangers should work for him. Umm... ok? We're not really sure where this came from, but we guess we'll go along with it. He decides to send down a monster named Fangenstein (cue all the really bad dental puns now) to distract the Rangers.

At the Youth Center, Tommy is hitting things, and Adam and Rocky look on worriedly. Kat shows up, claiming she's supposed to be having lunch with Kimberly, and then trying to convince Tommy to go with her instead. Tommy is busy being emo (or he knows that having lunch with another girl who is CLEARLY crushing on him while his girlfriend is in a coma is totally inappropriate) so he says no. Then communicators go off just as Aisha and Billy walk into the youth center (they were making out?) and they go off to fight the monster.

Kimberly wakes up (we're not sure how) just as Zordon discovers that Kat is being attacked by Tengas. The other Rangers are having a hard time with the tooth monster, so they can't be spared to go save her, and Kim is not just going to sit there and watch one of her friends get hurt. Because she is that awesome. Besides, Tommy didn't listen to Zordon's warnings about power loss, and neither will Kim! She goes and fights the Tengas, but unfortunately passes out and faints. :( Then Zedd pulls out his monster, since it is no longer needed.

Bulk and Skull are getting yelled at about how they tried to rescue a bunch of kids, which somehow then ends up with them being yelled at for always running into monsters. They are clearly monster magnets, but Lieutenant Stone doesn't quite believe them, so he decides to shadow them for 24 hours to see if anything happens.

Back at the Command Center, everyone is freaking out about Kim, when Zedd calls up on the viewing globe and demands to be teleported into the Command Center. As they do that our chat starts to descend into all caps with frequent exclamations of "DAMN!" and "HOLY SHIT" and "I LOVE ZEDD SO MUCH" and "EPIC!" Because that is how we roll. And seriously, it is an AWESOME scene. Zedd tries to make small talk, and Alpha hides from him and calls him Ed, and Zedd delivers the ultimatum - he is draining Kim's lifeforce (power, whatever, we know what he's really saying) and if they don't work for him, they get to watch her die. The episode ends with him saying time is up, and asking for their decision.

THAT is what we call an awesome cliffhanger.

Fish: 2. Not very much yelling this episode except about how awesome Zedd is.

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