Saturday, July 31, 2010

Episode 132- Changing of the Zords Part 3

About all this episode taught me is that Aisha makes an awesome Jazzercise instructor, and never ever EVER trust Tommy around machines that drain/sustain your life. Seriously.

So we start off with Zedd in the Command Center and my little heart goes all aflutter at just how purely AWESOME this is. Tommy agrees to pilot the zords and then Zedd leaves while cackling maniacally. Totally wasted opportunity there, Zedd. He had the chance, he could have really taken out the Command Center. If he'd done so, this episode would have been over right then and there. Zedd and evil would have won.

In the dark dimension, Kat is observing Kimberly spin on the table as her life force is drained away. Kat is sorry it has to be that way. Her eyes flash red and then she gets a distraught look on her face (and for all the poor acting on the show, Katherine Sutherland really sold this on facial expression alone) and says she means it. She really doesn't want it to be that way. Kat is starting to break the spell.

Back in the Command Center, Billy is trying to track down Kim while Alpha tries to build a device that will sever Kim's life force from the power coin. He finally locates her in the dark dimension but is unsure how to get in there. The front door is apparently "locked". Tommy has a brilliant selection and, drawing from his last sparring match before Jason left town, suggests they go in the back door. Heeee, I'm a twelve year old boy inside. In all seriousness, it's actually a really good plan. They sneak in the back and sneak Kim out with Zedd being, hopefully, none the wiser.

Billy sets up his portal machine in the park. We have to wonder WHY this needs to be done in the park, out in the open, where anybody can see them. But whatever. We get sunlight shining in Billy's hair making him look all pretty, so I'll take it. Tommy goes through the portal, well aware of his time limit, and finds Kim.

Meanwhile, during a hootenanny on the moon that's chock full of hoot with just a little bit of nanny, Zedd notices a disturbance in the force the intruder, and sends Tengas down to take care of the other rangers while he goes to deal with Tommy. The rangers immediately go to Ninja Power and I lament the loss of the unmorphed fighting sequences. Aisha is awesome because she immediately rounds up a good six or seven of them and starts dancing. They follow her every move and instruction and she manages to lead a great Jazzercise class with the Tengas. She tells them to fall down, and they DO. Adam grows really big and appears to squish two of them, but really he just picks them up and flings them away. The others just fight but two Tengas manage to escape notice. They come upon Billy's device and one asks if the other knows what it is. The other says no, and then suggests they destroy it. And they do.

Meanwhile, Zedd goes down to the dark dimension where he's holding Kim and fights Tommy. I don't like Tommy, this much has been made clear, but the Zedd/Tommy battles are pretty epic and I admit, begrudgingly, that I'd totally watch a half hour of Tommy and Zedd fighting. Mostly because of Zedd. But still. Anyway, Tommy breaks Zedd's staff, which promptly turns into a snake. Tommy says the snake is just like Zedd "cold and slimy". He's wrong of course. Snakes are neither cold (cold blooded, yes, but they still need to be warm to live) nor slimy (reptiles are not slimy, amphibians are... snakes are most definitely not amphibians).

Back on Earth, the Tengas run away and Billy fixes the portal device in all of about five seconds, with not a hint of duct tape in sight. Rita, seeing her prize slipping away, orders Finster to make a monster. In the meantime, she summons the zords. They appear in the park with much ground shaking, and Rocky mentions that earthquakes don't happen in Angel Grove. Except for all the times that they do, Rocky. Anyway, Adam is sad they'll have to use the zords for evil and they all just kind of work under the assumption that Tommy failed already. Rita's new monster finished, she sends it down to Earth. It FLASHES the rangers. Like, literally. It opens it's jacket to reveal it's naked body covered in eyes and flashes them. I love this monster already! They of course have to morph and fight.

Back in the dark dimension, Tommy has driven Lord Zedd away. He tries to figure out how to turn off the device, but decides to just start messing with buttons and knobs instead. HE MESSES WITH BUTTONS AND KNOBS. On the device that is DRAINING KIM'S LIFE AWAY. That's... probably the dumbest thing Tommy has EVER done. Luckily he manages to shut the darn thing down instead of the more probable event of draining her life completely. He picks her up and takes her through the portal, just in time, as it closes behind him. She's still unconscious and he gets Zordon to beam her to the Command Center so he can go help the others fight the awesome Flashing Monster.

They climb in the zords and Billy manages to break them away from Zedd's power source, tying them into their own power source... which is never explained what it is, where it came from, how it works, and how Billy was able to do so in less than a minute. Anyway, the zords are now under ranger control. They come together and fight the Flashing Monster, now so big he could flash all of downtown Angel Grove in one go. First they just shoot confetti at the monster, but then they pull out the sword and, I must say, it's pretty cool because it's on fire. They, of course, finish the monster and save the day.

Back at the Command Center, Kim has mostly recovered. Alpha has managed to sever her life force from the power coin and she's feeling better. She can still be the pink ranger, if she draws power from the others, though it's only a temporary solution. Rita and Zedd still have her coin and the falcon zord (which somehow renders the other zords completely inoperable? Whatever).

On the moon, Zedd is distraught that he lost. Rita comforts him by telling him all the things they still have and how awesome they are. Then she handles his snake for a bit.

Back on Earth, Kim and Tommy are walking along the lake at sunset, with the water sparkling behind them. Kim tells Tommy she's scared. Tommy tells her he will always be her friend and then kisses her on the cheek (and TSB is sure they then have sex on the beach). Roll credits.

All in all, 4 fish. Because... well... it just didn't make sense.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Episode 131 - Changing of the Zords Part 2

Previously - Kat has stolen Kim's power coin, and if she doesn't get it back, it might kill her. This is what we call epic.

We open with Kim still unconscious, and Billy apparently managed to finish med school, because he's busy giving a medical diagnosis. We know Billy is a genius and all, but really? It makes you wonder how they explain whatever bruises and things they get from fighting monster. (I tend to be on the healing factor side of the debate, but it's worth thinking about.)

Tommy is all worried and confused, and making it all about him and how he can't lose her, and how he knows what it was like to lose his powers, and seriously, Tommy, not about you. Adam is being practical and wondering what they're going to do without their Zords and Ninjor being gone, etc. Nobody has any answers, and Kimberly just continues to lay (asleep, although I'm going more with 'coma') on the table, with glowing pink lines racing over her skin.

Up on the moon, Zedd is indulging in an evil cackle about how awesome he is. Then he realizes he needs pilots for his new Zords, and apparently he thinks the Rangers should work for him. Umm... ok? We're not really sure where this came from, but we guess we'll go along with it. He decides to send down a monster named Fangenstein (cue all the really bad dental puns now) to distract the Rangers.

At the Youth Center, Tommy is hitting things, and Adam and Rocky look on worriedly. Kat shows up, claiming she's supposed to be having lunch with Kimberly, and then trying to convince Tommy to go with her instead. Tommy is busy being emo (or he knows that having lunch with another girl who is CLEARLY crushing on him while his girlfriend is in a coma is totally inappropriate) so he says no. Then communicators go off just as Aisha and Billy walk into the youth center (they were making out?) and they go off to fight the monster.

Kimberly wakes up (we're not sure how) just as Zordon discovers that Kat is being attacked by Tengas. The other Rangers are having a hard time with the tooth monster, so they can't be spared to go save her, and Kim is not just going to sit there and watch one of her friends get hurt. Because she is that awesome. Besides, Tommy didn't listen to Zordon's warnings about power loss, and neither will Kim! She goes and fights the Tengas, but unfortunately passes out and faints. :( Then Zedd pulls out his monster, since it is no longer needed.

Bulk and Skull are getting yelled at about how they tried to rescue a bunch of kids, which somehow then ends up with them being yelled at for always running into monsters. They are clearly monster magnets, but Lieutenant Stone doesn't quite believe them, so he decides to shadow them for 24 hours to see if anything happens.

Back at the Command Center, everyone is freaking out about Kim, when Zedd calls up on the viewing globe and demands to be teleported into the Command Center. As they do that our chat starts to descend into all caps with frequent exclamations of "DAMN!" and "HOLY SHIT" and "I LOVE ZEDD SO MUCH" and "EPIC!" Because that is how we roll. And seriously, it is an AWESOME scene. Zedd tries to make small talk, and Alpha hides from him and calls him Ed, and Zedd delivers the ultimatum - he is draining Kim's lifeforce (power, whatever, we know what he's really saying) and if they don't work for him, they get to watch her die. The episode ends with him saying time is up, and asking for their decision.

THAT is what we call an awesome cliffhanger.

Fish: 2. Not very much yelling this episode except about how awesome Zedd is.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Episode 130- Changing of the Zords Part 1

Sorry it's been so long, guys. Vacations, illness, and family got in the way. But we are back! And we're back with... new zords? Already? Um... well... okay then! Let's spend the whole opening admiring the awesome PRETTY of the cast, shall we? Because that's pretty much what we do at the beginning of every episode.

So this episode starts with Kat, Kim, and Aisha in the Youth Center. Kat comments on their remarkable skill at shopping and we wonder if the mall in Angel Grove has any merchandise left. Kat heads home and gets all mooney over Tommy on the way. She's jealous (under a spell) and wants Kim out of the way so she can have Tommy for herself (did I mention under a spell?). I hate these infidelity subplots (but at least she's under a spell?)

Later, Kim invites Kat to the lake to hang out. Kat doesn't want to go, but then Tommy asks if she's going and suddenly she wants to. Kim is a bit suspicious (understandably so) but they head out anyway. Kat says she'll meet them there.

Finster, meanwhile, has found himself some old forgotten Zords. Or more to the point, he has found where he can find some zords. So he takes Squatt and Baboo and they go in search through dense jungle, making some awesomely hilarious quips on the way, until they sit down to rest and stumble upon the zords.

At the lake, Bulk and Skull have been put in charge of keeping the area clean and safe. Skull sees some kids who appear to be drowning and they rush to the rescue, shedding clothes as they run. I LOVE this sequence. The music, the running, the slow mo, the rush to rescue poor children in desperate need of help. Of course, then I want to smack the little shits for laughing at Bulk and Skull when they jump into the lake because the kids were faking it the whole time. Where are there parents? They ought to be punished for that.

Rita stops Kat in the park. She asks Kat to steal a power coin for her, which Kat gladly agrees to. At the lake, Rita sends down some Tenga warriors to create a diversion. Frankly, the diversion wasn't really necessary. The power coins were all in the bags which were all left carelessly lying about on a table for anybody to pillage. But the Tengas are there and they're wreaking havoc and Kat manages to steal Kim's coin. She also steals a picture of Kim and Tommy.

Kim, in fighting the Tengas, suddenly feels very weak. Her vision goes all blurry. She screams for Tommy (sigh) and he races to protect her by... putting his arm across her chest? Really? I can see the merit in doing so to prevent an airbag from exploding in her face, but I'm not quite sure how that will save her from the Tengas. Anyway, the Tengas run away since Kat has the coin, and the rangers go to morph. Kim can't find her coin and only NOW do they feel the need to contact Zordon. Who, of course, has no idea what's going on.

Zordon explains that Ninjor, when recharging the power coins, tied it into their life forces, so with Kim's coin gone, she's growing weaker and weaker. If they don't get it back, it could kill her. But that happens later, and I spend most of the episode wondering why in the world she's having all these side effects when that never happened in any of the multiple other episodes they lost their coins.

Goldar goes down to Earth and Tommy vows to fight him alone. Kat is told to steal the falcon zord and she's all too happy to comply. She's a very effective evil, I must say, far more so than any of the other rangers when put under an evil spell. She manages to zap Tommy and take the falcon zord (which then looks like an owl, but ends up being a real falcon on Zedd's arm? Okay...). Ninjor, in trying to help, gets trounced by Goldar and then captured. This is pretty bleak and Tommy is sure it's the end. He is upset that Zedd has beaten the power rangers, but really... uh... Zedd hasn't. Not yet. There are still FIVE OTHER RANGERS. FIVE. The Power Rangers is not a solo Tommy-only show here. Even if he wishes it were.

Anyway, Zordon then explains Kim could die as she faints because she's so weak and this would be a totally awesome ending!

Except it's not over yet. Instead we get Kat in a tree (and I really want to call a handsome fireman to come get her out of the tree, and then we want a follow up with Kat on a hot tin roof). She rips the picture of Kim and Tommy in half, throwing away the Kim part and proclaiming that Tommy will be hers. I hate infidelity subplots. *sigh*

2 fish. It wasn't that fishy, it was just bad in general.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Episode 129- A Ranger Catastrophe Part 2

Just to let you all know, there won't be any recaps next week, because I'm going to Disney World! Our regular schedule will resume when I get back.

Previously, on Power Rangers - Aisha and Kim are the worst cat owners ever, and is sad. Yes, the Kat era has begun, which means that Kim is leaving, and I'm going to pout, because Kim is made of total awesome. However, I like Kat, so it's all good.

So, Tommy and Kat are all kidnapped, and the other Rangers are watching in the viewing globe as he loses consciousness. Why he passes out, we don't know. Billy spouts some sort of technobabble that we didn't quite catch and didn't really qualify as Billy speak about how they need to increase something to penetrate the shield.

Up on the moon, Rita summons Kat back to her, and Rita with a kitty is the cutest thing ever. Rita is a much better cat owner than Kim and Aisha are. And cat!Kat is a very tolerant cat - most of my cats would not submit to being handled in that fashion.

Goldar wants permission to go fight Tommy, even though we know that Goldar is just using him as a poor substitute for Jason, and then Zedd and Rita argue over the cat, and then send Rito down to fight the Rangers.

Seriously, when there's a Zord fight this early, this is a sign that there are bad things to come. I mean, Billy gets to say the morphing call, which is awesome, and we get to see the individual zords fight again, and then the Rangers beat Rito without Tommy, proving that they are awesome and don't need him.

At the Command Center, the Rangers watch as Goldar and Tommy fight, and then Billy comes up with a plan to rescue Tommy, but they need to head to Billy's garage. (For fun sexy makeout times.) On the way there (and why they didn't teleport directly to Billy's garage, I have no idea. I guess the fish made them do it) they run into the Kat monster. The other Rangers are summoned, and they fight Kat, and then Billy and Adam go to the garage to finish doing something.

A conversation-
QR: does [Billy's] father never venture into the garage?
TSB: not after he caught Billy and Trini having sex on the couch in there, no
TSB: see, I even said Billy and Trini instead of Billy and Kim, just for you :P

Back in whatever dimension it is, Rito has joined the fight. There's too much Tommy in this fight, and not enough bromance of evil. Billy figures out how to do something, and then the Rangers all hold hands and somehow this teleports Tommy out, and then they summon Zords again to fight the Kat monster. Ninjor shows up, but we guess he left his snark behind, because it's a really boring fight.

After the Kat monster is destroyed, the Rangers find Kat hanging out in the park. She tells them some sort of sob story about how scared she was, and everyone thinks she's really hot. Also, turns out that this episode takes place during summer vacation! That at least explains something.

There is no mention of Kat's car. I guess a fish ate it.

The episode ends with Aisha finding cat!Kat again, and ignoring her glowing green eyes of doom.

Fish: 2.5 It's not awful, but there were a few moments that just made us yell fish.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Episode 128- A Ranger Catastrophe Part 1

Last time on Power Rangers was the BESTEST EPISODE EVER OMGYAY! And so this time we get... incredibly boring.

We start out by learning that Aisha volunteers at the local animal shelter. She loves the animals and loves helping out, and the shelter is understaffed and underfunded anyway, so they love having the help. I like this aspect of Aisha. Very noble.

Later, as she's walking in the park with Kim, they discuss the love of animals. Kim stumbles upon a stray cat just kind of milling about the park. A very white, very CLEAN, stray cat. I don't know why this didn't clue them in that it wasn't, in fact, a runaway kitty. But we'll just move on for plot purposes, yes?

Aisha carries it around for awhile, including through the Youth Center and to the outdoor cafe of the Juice Bar, and I cry foul! One does not bring a pet into a restaurant! Service animals, yes, of course. But not a pet. Health and safety, you see. Bulk and Skull, as junior police patrolmen, agree and attempt to find the correct codes to make Aisha leave. They don't, but they're adorable at trying to enforce the rules. Aisha and Kim take the cat to the shelter and Aisha gets all excited because if the cat isn't claimed within a certain timeframe, she has permission to adopt it herself. She really wants this cat.

There is a problem with this, though. This cat was planted by Rita. She calls all her dimwits, to which Rito responds enthusiastically, and then explains her dastardly plan. It's no ordinary cat, you see. It's an EVOL Cat born in the pits ruled by Basement Cat.

Rito is sent down to scare away potential pet adopters from the animal shelter, and Bulk and Skull manage to catch him in the act. They bravely attempt to arrest him, hoping to make themselves famous, but he is big and mean and threatening and they back away rather quickly in fear.

Meanwhile, not-really-a-cat is being pampered in the shelter by Aisha. She spies Rito, however, and has to run outside to be all badass and take him on herself. Because she's awesome like that. Zordon, in a rare moment of attentiveness, notices and calls the others to help. They rush to aide Aisha, even though she didn't really need help, and a very boring fight ensues. The not-really-a-cat turns into Human!Kat to observe the fight and is caught by the vet in charge of the animal shelter. Thinking quickly, Kat convinces the lady that she's there to adopt a puppy to help her be not lonely in a new town, seeing as she's all Australian and far from her friends.

When the fight is over, Rocky runs off in search of an overly large sandwich, with Adam and Billy hot on his tail. And I mean that in just about every possible way.

Aisha, Kim, and Tommy head into the animal shelter and Human!Kat quickly vanishes to turn back into not-really-a-cat. Time is up and Aisha gets to take not-really-a-cat home. She's so excited! We're so bored.

Aisha names the cat PC, for Park Cat, since they found it in a park. Really? That's the best you could do, Aisha? That's... the lamest name ever. I can deal with PC, that's fine. I had a turtle named PC (but it was short for an actual name!). But at least make it stand for something legitimate or meaningful! Anyway, Kim comes home and leaves the door open, and not-really-a-cat-now-with-a-bad-name! runs out the door and down to open windows, where she promptly leaves the house and transforms into Human!Kat. Aisha and Kim search desperately for the lost not-really-a-cat-now-with-a-bad-name.

Human!Kat is met by Rita, who tells her to go steal Tommy from Kim. Rita transforms a dumpster into a hot car (with a cool, but not the coolest ever, vanity plate that says PURRRFECT) and sends Kat down to the Youth Center. Tommy is milling about, waiting for Kim, when Ernie realizes he failed to deliver the message that Kim would be late. Tommy is interrupted by Kat. She claims car trouble and gets Tommy outside, where he does something under the hood that leaves him and his sparkly white clothing completely clean, and then oohs and aahs over the car. Kat offers to let him drive "just around the block" and he accepts, even though he's supposed to meet Kim. He really falls so easily for the damsel in distress act. They go for a drive, but Rita zaps them into some vortex/alternate dimension thing, and Kat acts frightened and clingy, for which Tommy also falls. Oh Tommy. Could you BE any easier?

Zordon, in yet another glaring moment of attentiveness, notices that Tommy has been kidnapped, finds him, and then contacts the other rangers. Kim is jealous of the girl he's with (can't really blame her!), they wonder at how they'll get him back, discover that Rito is on Earth again, and then we cut to the To Be Continued screen.

That's not much of a cliffhanger.

And all I learned from this episode is that Steve Cardenas really really needs to stop overacting.

1.5 fish. It wasn't really fishy. Just very boring.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Episode 127 - The Potion Notion

After the fail that was the last episode, we make up for it with the rarest of creatures, the ONE FISH episode. You guys, this episode was adorable and we love it and SO AWESOME. Whenever we need to be happy, this is going to be one of the episodes we watch.

(In case you were ever wondering about the difference between me and - she rewrites the recaps so that all the caps are removed, while I just go CAPS YAY!)

So, the episode begins with Bulk and Skull trying to butter up Tommy and Kim by saying how adorable they are. Turns out that they are trying to sell tickets for the Junior Policeman Ball. Tommy and Kim think this is a great idea, and Tommy buys tickets. Awww. Basically, Bulk and Skull are adorable, and Tommy and Kim are being really cute together. And you know my opinions on Tommy/Kim.

Up on the moon, it appears that being really cute is the theme of the episode, as Rita and Zedd are preparing for their second honeymoon. Goldar is acting like he's going to be sick, but we think that they're cute! Zedd tells Goldar that he's in charge and that Finster's monster had better be ready by the time they get back. When Rito goes to check on it, he finds out that Rita put a love spell on Zedd, and he sends the Cupid Monster thing down to Earth to spread looooooooove. And, you know, cause chaos.

Kim is the first victim of our invisible cupid monster, as she immediately falls in love with Skull. She plays lovestruck REALLY well. We feel really bad for Skull, because this is not the first time this has happened, but it is so adorable. Especially the look on Tommy and Bulk's face as Kim starts talking about how wonderful Skull is. *SHIPS SHIPS SHIPS SHIPS SHIPS*

The next victim is Lieutenant Stone, who falls for Ms. Applebee. Hey, it's another pairing I can TOTALLY get behind. ADORABLE.

Bulk is mocking Skull for what Kimberly was saying, when he gets hit with the spell, and falls for Aisha, who immediately thinks something is up. The Rangers all gather in the park, and Aisha asks if they noticed anything weird, and Tommy points to Kim. Billy wonders if it's a spell. GEE, YOU THINK?

The Tengas and Goldar show up, and there's a fight, and Kim is all "MUST PROTECT SKULL" and then they head back up to the Command Center, where Kimberly ponders different variations of her name with Skulls, and has a whispered conversation with Aisha that may or may not be about how she hooked up with Skull in the janitor's closet.

On Serpenterra, apparently Rito failed to charge the batteries, so Rita and Zedd are heading home. Goldar finds out that Rita had placed Zedd under a spell. Uh oh. Finster has to go around cancelling the love spell on everyone on Earth (including on Principal Caplan, who was also hitting on Ms Applebee.)

Poor Skull is sad when Kim runs back to Tommy. :( Aww, Skull. Don't worry, you'll find someone eventually!

Up on the moon, Rita accidentally gets hit with the love spell, and she falls for Goldar, who is freaked out. Finster quickly cancels it, and then Goldar tells Zedd that Rita had put him under the spell and Finster cancels it. but Zedd STILL LOVES RITA and makes Goldar apologize. ADORABLE.

Later, at the police dance, the BOYS ARE WEARING SUITS. SUITS. You may have noticed how we feel about this, but it is something AWESOME. AND THEN. Kim feels horrible about what she did to Skull so she goes to dance with him and tells him that they're friends, and it is the CUTEST THING EVER.

Aisha and Billy go off to dance, Ms. Applebee dances with Lt. Stone, and Rocky hits on some random girl, and then Adam and Tommy make out in a corner. I may have made that last part up. OR DID I?


Fic we want: SKULL/KIM. Also, Adam and Rocky being under the spell and not noticing.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Episode 126- Final Face-Off

Well. We're never watching THIS one again.

So we start off with the rangers (minus Kim, who is training for the Pan Globals in the first mention of them) walking into a museum and wondering where the Kahmala exhibit is. Rocky consults a map and points directly ahead, y'know, where the big huge sign for the Kahmala exhibit is. They determine all the priceless cultural artifacts from this entire civilization (from Kahmala, which they never explain where this country is supposed to be) are creepy. Really guys? Creepy? Way to be non-xenophobic and open-minded there, guys.

The only good thing about this episode is that Billy and Adam at least took the time to learn a little about another culture and it's mythology BEFORE talking to other people about it.

They learn about the Face Stealer, a mythological monster who came out and... stole faces. Avatar did it waaaaayyyyy better. It was trapped in a jar and they've got the jar on display. Rita decides this is a great idea and sends down her minions to steal the Face Stealer. I'm going to ignore the racefail in her speech and just focus on the fact that she wants to turn the rangers into zombies.

There is a Tenga attack not five minutes into the episode, which is never a good sign, and then Rito, Squatt, and Baboo break lots of priceless artifacts while stealing stuff. The rangers show up after everything is stolen and find in charge of the display Museum Lady upset. They go look for clues like the meddling teenagers they are.

Face Stealer is woken up, Zedd makes a crack about 500 years being a nap to him, and then Face Stealer goes and steals Bulk and Skull's faces. It then manages to steal Adam and Aisha's faces as well. I hate this episode. The "flesh" revealed once the faces are stolen is white. Why is it white? Adam and Aisha aren't white. I... could rant on this for hours. But I'll spare you. Because I don't want to be that angry tonight. And I've already written this paragraph about four times now.

I'm just going to skip to the end. Billy figures out how to get the faces back, they beat the Face Stealer, capture him in his jar, and give the jar and mask to Bulk and Skull to return. The cops stop Bulk and Skull from returning the jar and mask because, despite the uniforms, they think Bulk and Skull stole them in the first place. Museum Lady shows up at the Youth Center to tell the rangers that the priceless artifacts were returned.

Frankly, I want to pretend this episode did not happen.

5 fish. This episode is so full of fail. Fail, fail, everywhere. ARG!