Anyway, this episode is filled with so many fish, and incredibly horrible science, but it is also the first Bulk and Skull are BIG DAMN HEROES moment, and I love them so much. SO MUCH.
So, we open in Ms. Applebee's classroom, where Adam is giving a report on kaleidoscopes. Apparently the Rangers are all in third grade. I'd point out that Angel Grove lacks quality education, but we knew that already. Besides, more importantly, Aisha is staring at Adam with a "damn, that boy is fine" expression on her face. I have my priorities when it comes to important things about this show. Ms. Applebee thanks Adam for his awesome report, and asks if anyone has any questions. Bulk and Skull raise their hands, and she sighs and asks if anyone has any intelligent questions, and we start raging about how she needs to be fired immediately as this is completely unacceptable behavior. Bulk says he has an intelligent question, and then asks something about a mountain, and Ms. Applebee asks if he has anything related to Adam's report, which he grumbles that he didn't understand. *bangs head on wall repeatedly* I used to teach high school, and this is just causing me to rage.
So let's talk about happier things, like this plot. On the list of tropes I love, convenient plot-related amnesia is probably up there toward the top of the list. And Zedd is fascinated by Adam's kaleidoscope and decides he will turn it into a monster that will make the Rangers forget who they are. \o/ So barely two minutes into the episode, he sends Putties down to fight the Ranger Trio (Kim/Billy/Tommy) and there is a really awesome fight until the monster is created. Oh noes, the three of them now have amnesia.
You guys, I want all the fic in the world about this. Amnesiac!Kimberly thinks Tommy is creepy and she's dating Billy! Tommy's evil personality reasserts itself! People trying to make them remember things! This should TOTALLY HAPPEN. And yes that deserves the caps.
Back at the Youth Center, Bulk and Skull are preparing a camouflage outfit thing so that they can spy on the Power Rangers. Rocky hypnotizes them, and seriously? The Stone Canyon Trio have only known Bulk and Skull for like, 30 seconds, so they need to stop picking up the worst habits of the old Rangers.
Zordon summons the Stone Canyon Trio to the Command Center, and Zordon fills them in on what happens, and then sends them down to get the other three Rangers. Why they didn't just teleport the others to the Command Center, I have no idea. By this point Kimberly has decided that Billy is totally a brain, and Tommy thinks Kim is really pretty, and if I shipped Tommy/Kim at all I would think that is really sweet, but since I don't, I'm going to just ignore it.
Rocky is all leaderish, and seriously, why doesn't he get more to do? Because he needs more episodes about him, since he's awesome, and really good at taking command.
Adam doesn't bother to tell Tommy anything. HA.
Adam tries to explain Zedd, and the Ranger Trio are all freaked out, and would probably have run away, except Zedd screws up his own plan by sending Goldar down, causing them to run to the Stone Canyon Trio. (Kim holds out her hand to Aisha and is all "best friends, right?" and it is actually really sweet.)
Back at the Command Center, it's like a flashback to the first episode! Billy and Kim both repeat their dialogue from Day of the Dumpster and we start flailing since we're exactly that dorky.
Then there's some absolutely horrible science, that I'm not going to even dignify with a mention in this recap, except to say that Adam comes up with the plan that maybe if they expose the monster's beam to a prism everyone will get their memories back. I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. So Adam and Billy go to Adam's lab, while the other four go to try to find the monster, and Aisha and Rocky morph in the process.
They teleport right in front of Bulk and Skull, and Bulk and Skull are so damn awesome. They're totally shocked, as is to be expected, and I have no idea what really happened, because we were too busy allcapsing about how awesome they are.
The monster shows up, and then Adam and Billy teleport back in, and Adam instantly gets memory wiped. Aisha and Rocky try to go get the prisms Adam dropped and yell about how that will save them, and then they lose their memories too.
Bulk and Skull decide that They Will Not Let The Rangers Be Hurt. So they go FACE DOWN A MONSTER because they are THAT AWESOME and they get to the prisms and all the Rangers get their memories back, but Bulk and Skull lose their memories, and seriously, why is there not fic where they get to keep their memories? Also, how awesome are Bulk and Skull? SO AWESOME.
Anyway, the Rangers summon Zords and defeat the monster, and everyone is all happy, and then they tell Bulk and Skull that they saved them, and there is much flailing.
Back at the Youth Center, Bulk and Skull are trying to tell the story, and nobody believes them, and someone asks why the Power Rangers don't show up and give them credit. Which they should be doing. Instead, Kim and Aisha go over and tell Bulk and Skull that they believe them, and say really nice things about them, and there is more flailing. And then Bulk and Skull try to ask them out, and the girls turn them down very nicely.
If the science in this episode didn't suck so hard, it would be so awesome.
Billy speak: "There is a margin of merit in your plan of action, but the likelihood of bettering our situation is..."
"a fully sentient multi-functional automaton"
Fic people need to write: Bulk and Skull keep their memories, and all sorts of amnesia hijinks.
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