Anyway, we open again with the new theme. We like the new theme. However, it just isn't the same without Rita yelling that she's free and it's time to conquer Earth. Plus, teenagers with attitude! We miss that! :(
Anyway, the actual episode starts with a basketball game. Frankly, we're amazed that they got Billy to play. We shouldn't be that surprised, since Billy has already proved he's awesome at basketball but we still think that Billy playing sports is out of character. Besides, he's supposed to sit on the sidelines and then get turned into a punk. Then their game is interrupted when a gorilla puts his hand on Kim's shoulder.
It is not a monster, but Zack in a monkey suit! Honestly, considering they live in Angel Grove and do get turned into monsters a lot, you would think that Zack would know better than to pull a stunt like that, but no. He gives some excuse about entertaining tiny children, which we assume is code for "spending time with Angela in the hopes that she'll think he's adorable and kiss him again." Zack, honey, we really don't think Angela is a furry. Jason tells him to get out of the suit and play some b-ball, and we aren't sure whether to laugh at the 90s slang, make fun of Jason's hair (I think you overdid it on the gel, Jason), make fun of Jason's ridiculously 90s jeans, or be pleased that Jason wants Zack to take off his clothes.
However, their communicators then go off, and the team goes to the Command Center, where Zordon tells them that he will temporarily de-ionize and be depowered. He also says that Alpha will be monitoring things and they should listen for his signal. We're not sure why this is such a big deal, I mean, Zordon Fails half the time anyway. He fades out and then the Rangers all leave, while Alpha starts to monitor things. He notices a little boy is lost in Angel Grove Park, and thinks he should call the Rangers. I love how apparently the Rangers rescue little children. I wonder if they also fetch cats out of trees. Someone should write that. However, he decides instead that it should be "Alpha Ranger to the rescue!" and he teleports out to go rescue the kid.
Alpha Ranger to the rescue is never going to stop being funny to me.
Anyway, to get on with the plot, Zedd decides to take advantage of the situation and create the Primator out of Zack's monkey suit. (I am still sad that monkey suit is not a tux. Zack in a tux would have been hot.)
At the park, Alpha finds the kid, who is named Dillon, and at that point Queenriley and I start plotting ridiculous insane crossover fic where the kid ends up actually being Dillon from RPM. He even looks (a little) like a baby Dillon! He's got the right color hair and eyes anyway! Look, we know that RPM technically takes place way in the future, but there is a way to make it work. And he tries to teach Alpha how to play soccer!
The Primator can apparently turn into any of the Rangers, and we're pleased that it's another evil twin episode. Especially because David Yost does a really good Evil Billy. How awesome would it have been if Billy had been the Evil Green Ranger? Seriously! Also, he's really hot when he's evil.
And evil!Billy says that Alpha is a naughty boy, and I die laughing.
Anyway, when evil!Billy sees himself reflected in Alpha's golden head, he turns back into the monster. But not before trying to make Alpha take him to the Command Center. Alpha activates his self destruct and baby!Dillon takes care of him. Oh, Alpha, you fail so hard.
The monster goes to the Youth Center and turns into Zack, where he tells Kimberly and Trini that Tommy got attacked by putties and is losing his powers and is failing a lot. They believe it, because it is the best excuse ever. Seriously, this monster totally gets Tommy. A++++ show! Also, Trini and Kimberly go right to the park without bothering to try and contact Tommy. They don't believe in communicators. Evil!Zack promises to look for Billy and Jason. I also love how they don't bother to question how Zack knows this - do they think he just left Tommy behind? Or what?
The girls get to the park, and when they don't see anything, they try and contact the guys, who are in Billy's garage with headphones on doing... something. We don't know. However, they can't hear their communicators. Apparently Jason can hear his over the sound of a motor bike but not with the earphones on. Also, I love how this is totally "listening for Alpha's signal". On the bright side, the girls get to fight putties and be awesome.
By the time they finish their fight, the guys have moved back to the Youth Center, and... well, that must have been a long fight. Otherwise, I've got nothing to explain how they moved so quickly. They looked pretty involved in Billy's lab. Just saying.
Kimberly and Trini start to yell at the guys for not being there. Can we say major secret identity fail? They just discuss it in the middle of the Youth Center! Oh, and then they use their communicators to try and contact Alpha. Still in the middle of the Youth Center. Of course, he doesn't answer because he is still lying in the middle of the park with baby!Dillon taking care of him. Longest self destruct sequence ever.
The Ranger teleport to the Command Center (luckily not from the middle of the Youth Center) and Zordon is back, just in time. He tells them about the new monster They figure out that it wasn't really Zack who told Kimberly and Trini to go to the park, and Kim apologizes.
The Rangers go to find the monster, which pretends to be Trini. They can't figure out which Yellow Ranger is the real one, so instead of having
Then the Primator turns into the Red Ranger, and Jason gets really pissed. He's all "No Red Ranger imitations allowed! Even Goldar knew that! Fake!Jason can totally shoot energy from his helmet, but regular Jason can't. At least we've never noticed that.
The Rangers retreat to the Command Center, and Zordon tells them to use a mirror to reveal the fake. Kimberly, of course, is carrying a giant mirror on her. I'm not really sure where she pulled it from because a) it's a fairly big mirror and b) she's morphed. Seriously, where was she carrying it?
Anyway, they teleport back to the fight, and for some reason only half of them are there, even though they all teleported in together. This will never be explained, just assume that they got hit by a fish. Somehow Kimberly's mirror is now blue and has a triceratops on it, we guess because Billy is carrying it. Tommy shows up and is all "this is too hard! We must surrender!" and for some reason Jason thinks that this is the monster (Oh, fine, we know Tommy probably wouldn't just want to give up) and hits him in the face, and then forces him to look in the mirror. Oh, it is a fake. (Also, why would they bother with the mirror once they figured out he's the fake?)
Then the monster grows and we have a long Zord sequence and it is so awkward, and I wish that I didn't know that the monster and the Zord were from different sentai seasons because so awkward.
After they win, the Rangers go to the park, where Billy deactivates the self destruct on Alpha. Longest self destruct ever. Baby!Dillon is all excited to see them, and he promises never to forget them. Sorry, Dillon, there's that whole Venjix thing in your future. Dillon's mom finally shows up. Took long enough. Seriously, her kid was alone for hours.
Back at the Command Center, Alpha is grounded for a few thousand years.
Fish: 4.5 This episode was amazing but it was still filled with fish.
Fic we want: Seriously, that kid totally grows up to be RPM!Dillon, right?