Saturday, April 21, 2012

Episode 317- Green Courage

It's a Damon episode! OMGIT'SADAMONEPISODEYOUGUYS! The only thing that could make me happier would be more Dramatic Swishy Cape. So we start off with Damon being a Super Awesome Good Guy. The female head honcho drops a piece of paper and Damon kindly picks it up and attempts to hand it back while meanwhile all surrounding military personal are all "HALT! FREEZE!" Super Cool Lady In Charge rolls her eyes and tells them to back off because really, it's not a crime to hand somebody something they dropped. Meanwhile, Trakeena's ship is taking a beating from a meteorite shower. They are dead in space with a meteor field flying towards them with meteors the size of fire engines. They are, understandably, freaking out a little. But Deviot has a plan! Because they need a real mechanic. So what do they do? They go to Terra Venture because they need Damon of course! Who else could fix the Scorpion Stinger? Miles O'Brien himself couldn't even do it as well, I bet. Bad guys kidnap High Commander Renier (I think that's her name... Boss Lady) so they can find a mechanic. Damon feels really guilty because he was there but powerless to stop them, and he's determined to find her. Maya wants Leo to stop him, but Leo is being supportive of Damon. He knows Damon needs to this. Trakeena wants to bargain with Terra Venture. She needs the best mechanic and she's willing to trade Renier for him/her. The Council argues back and forth but Damon steps up and volunteers. Because he's a BAD ASS! And the only one who could actually do it. They agree to send him over. Which wouldn't actually happen, but he'd have found a way to go anyway, so I guess this just makes it easier. The ship is kind of creepy but Damon is all "Just show me what to fix and let High Commander Renier go". Trakeena is terribly excited she was able to get herself the Green Ranger. And then "I'm a mechanic, not a doctor"!!!!! OMGDAMONYOUARESOAWESOME. Yeah, random, I know, but Bones would be so proud! He fixes the ship. We feel Trakeena really should have just chained him to a bed and then he can bond with Adam. But alas, he just fixes the ship. But he looks great while doing it! Leo, meanwhile, is sneaking about trying to rescue Renier. He's... really bad at this whole covert-secret-make-no-noise thing. He gets her out, though, with Damon's help in the mechanical room. Damon tries to leave, but Trakeena won't let him of course. She's evil, she doesn't keep promises, DUH GUYS. Damon manages to escape anyway, because he's just THAT GOOD YOU GUYS, and meets up with Leo and Renier. She starts to lecture him about taking orders and he's all "Sorry, let's just go". Damon gets caught and injured, while Leo and Renier rush to the ship. Renier tries to stop to help Damon because she's awesome too, but Leo won't let her. She makes him hold the ship, stops the bad guy, and gets Damon on board safely. THESE GUYS, EVERYBODY! THEY ARE THE BEST! The monster goes over to Terra Venture and then MikeMagnaDefender stops him from shooting everything down. There is a ranger fight and it's less than interesting. Damon gets to use double swords for all of five seconds, which was kind of cool, but would have been better if he'd been able to do so the whole fight. Instead they call the Fish of Orion and I'm bored. The first half of this episode was way better. After the fight, Damon is working when Renier comes over and gives him a bit of a lecture on following orders and putting himself in danger. He looks appropriately guilty when she turns the whole thing around and tells him how courageous he was and how grateful she is and then she gives him a medal and says she hopes he would do it again, should the situation ever arise. And then there are high fives! Because she's the coolest High Commander EVER. 3 fish. Boring fight. Awesome Damon! Awesome High Commander! Yay kidnapping plot!

Episode 316 - Memories of Mirinoi

Long time no recap! We've been busy. April is a hellish month. So we open with a kitty in a tree, and a girl looking very sad because of it. But don't worry, because Maya is coming to the rescue, and there's some really obvious wirework to make it look like she's super climber or something. Then Maya sees someone named Shondra, who is apparently also from Mirinoi. This should be an obvious sign that this is a trap, since a) everyone on Mirinoi is turned to stone, b) they had to go through a portal thing to leave Mirinoi, and c) how the hell has she been hiding on the ship for this long? But Maya is too excited to think of any of these things. We see a flashback of them frolicking, so I'm just going to assume that this is Maya's girlfriend. Maya finally asks her how she escaped, and Shondra claims she fell through a portal, which still doesn't explain how she's been hiding for so long. Maya takes Shondra to meet Kendrix, and Kendrix is all excited to meet Maya's other best friend. Kendrix and Kai are all excited to cook for Maya and Shondra, and we get more flashbacks to them being babies and trying to pull the swords. Now, I normally love the lost best friends are secretly evil trope (as does QR) but they're all REALLY STUPID this episode. But Kai is wearing a chef's hat, and that's pretty amazing, so I'm going to quit griping about it. Maya and Shondra never show up to the special dinner planned for them, and Kendrix looks like she's going to cry, mostly because she forgets that Maya is poly and she's afraid that Maya doesn't need her anymore. She has such a sad, I think this episode will get the emo ranger tag. During the night, Shondra sneaks out to go after the galaxy book that Kendrix had been working on earlier. Trakeena shows up to check on Shondra's progress. Some guard is patrolling and gets knocked out. We discover what was pretty obvious, that Shondra is actually a monster working for Trakeena. Why she turned back into her monster form to use a keycard to get the galaxy book, I.... have no idea. Anyway, a security guard shows up and shoots the monster in the leg, and Shondra leaves, and limps away. Shondra sneaks back in, and we see that Kendrix has been awake. The next morning Kendrix hears the story, and tells Maya she thinks that Shondra might be evil. Maya doesn't take it very well and yells at Kendrix that she thinks Kendrix is just jealous. Until Maya sees Shondra with a huge bag right after the galaxy book has been stolen. Shondra starts using an eeeeeeeeeeeevil voice, and the two girls fight, and then Shondra turns into the monster form. Maya morphs and there's a fight scene. The rest of the rangers show up and Maya apologizes to Kendrix, although she does point out it isn't Shondra, although she apparently knew enough stories to fool Maya! The monster grows and we get a zord fight, and I'm actually busy discussing this week's PRS instead of paying attention as the toys hit other toys. Anyway, they use the megazord saber and the monster blows up. Kendrix finds Maya up a tree, and she is really sad. Clearly, she needs a kitten. Kendrix and Maya apologize to each other some more, and Maya goes on about how she just wanted to believe. She still has a sad. Then the two of them go off together to make up. Fish: Four. They all fail logic FOREVER. Question things, people!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Episode 315 - An Evil Game

Appropriate icon is appropriate!

So Deviot is still pissed because he doesn't get the cocoon, since Trakeena is having it locked away. She says she's powerful enough without it, but she should keep it around just in case. Trakeena is having a flashback to the events of last episode, with Leo killing her dad, and the tearful goodbye she had with her dad. Villemax is all "Hey, found the Red Ranger" and Trakeena demands that he be brought to her, so she can kill him slowly and painfully.

In some really dusty place on Trakeena's ship, Deviot is busy being angry, and then he hires some monsters to take out Trakeena. Kegler interrupts telling Deviot that Trakeena wants him to help Villemax.

AND THEN I GET DISTRACTED BECAUSE LEO AND KAI ARE SPARRING WITH SWORDS AND HIIIIIII. (Seriously, I have a ton of icons from this episode.) Sadly, instead of getting another 15 minutes of them sparring, Villemax interrupts to try and get Leo, and we get a fun instamorph. It's a pretty great fight scene! Kai manages to call for backup, but he gets blasted in the process. Then Deviot shows up and takes Kai hostage, and the other Rangers are ALREADY IN CHAINS. DID I MENTION THE CHAINS???

If Leo doesn't surrender, then the others will all be destroyed. The others yell for Leo not to do it, but Leo is not about to let his teammates be hurt, so he powers down, and tosses his sword and morpher away. (Kai is VERY ANGRY that they are putting their hands on his boyfriend.)

Leo gets teleported away, and Villemax is all "I gave my word, they go free." Because Villemax is GREAT. Deviot is all "fuck, you're LAWFUL EVIL?" Then we get a little distracted because Leo is all chained up again, and also his shirt has started ripping dramatically and he is being tortured and clearly there should be some comfort later.

Trakeena shows up and starts molesting Leo, and Leo is trying to explain why he did it, but Trakeena is all "now I will destroy everything, and I'm more powerful then my father was." She wants to throw Leo into a pit of lava (and um, Trakeena, please read the evil overlord handbook) and somehow Leo manages to capture a stingwinger and fly out of the lava pit? Sure. He starts running away, and Deviot points Villemax in the wrong direction. (Speaking of Villemax, I ship Villemax/Trakeena so hard.)

Deviot shows Trakeena the real direction, in the hope that Leo will destroy Trakeena like he destroyed her father, and of course, also sends his assassins after them.

Trakeena had somehow been planning for him to escape, because they both end up in a dome she prepared, and Leo DRAMATICALLY RIPS HIS SHIRT OFF AND IT IS THE MOST FANSERVICEY THING EVER but then they ruin it by having him morph. :-/ (He got his morpher back when he flew out of the lava pit.)

Anyway, the Trakeena vs Leo fight is pretty fun. The other Rangers are on their way, which is good for Leo, because Trakeena is kicking his ass. Trakeena is just about to kill him, when Deviot brings down the force field, and Trakeena gets attacked by the two monsters. Leo is all "crap, which side am I on?" Trakeena takes out one of the monsters, and right before she's about to find out from the other one who had hired them, Deviot blows them up. Gee, Trakeena, maybe this was a sign?

And Leo has taken advantage of the situation to escape. Good Leo. As he's being chased again, the other Rangers all come to the rescue. Trakeena blasts them with green energy and is about to destroy them, when the monster that Deviot has "destroyed" shows up and has grown. Trakeena leaves, and the Rangers summon the Fugazord to fight. Easy victory

Trakeena shows up again to swear dramatically that she will destroy them.

Villemax gives Deviot a present for coming to Trakeena's aid, because Villemax is totally in love with Trakeena and also his honor. He should hang out with some Klingons. Then Deviot is all "yes, we are friends" and then he destroys the dagger as soon as Villemax is out of sight. But WAIT. Someone is watching!

Fish: Leo ripping his shirt off dramatically automatically makes it a one fish episode. We've decided to institute that as a new rule.

Fic we want: VILLEMAX/TRAKEENA. Also, the comfort part of the hurt/comfort with Leo/everyone.

Episode 314 - Heir to the Throne

It's a Trakeena episode! I'm looking forward to this.

So Daddy Bug is not happy that Trakeena has run away. Frankly, I don't blame her for leaving. Her father loves her and misses her, yes, but he was going to force something on her that she didn't want. Not like cleaning-your-room something, but a lifelong completely altering physical change. That's not cool, Daddy Bug! Poor Trakeena doesn't quite know where to go or what to do, so currently she's just wandering a desert.

In the same saloon we saw in PRiS, Trakeena finally finds relief. She needs a drink and all the males oogle her, but she will have none of it. She's not terribly good at the whole fighting thing, but she's trying! Her spoiled rich girl side is showing, but I have to give her credit for not giving up or taking crap. They throw her out, but Villemax (he looks like a big zipper) steps in to help her. Because that's no way to treat a lady. She doesn't really want his help but he manages to insult her into it. All she wants is to remain as she is and rule by her father's side, and Villemax says he'll help her learn to fight so she can.

He manages to break her of her spoiled rich girl attitude and teaches her to fight in the most awesome learn-to-fight-in-five-minutes montage ever! Nevermind it actually takes years and years and years of grueling practice, but hey, it's a tv show. And she's pretty awesome! It's a great training montage, where he makes her angry and her anger fuels her passion to learn and and and!

On Terra Venture, bad guys are trying to blow up the ship. The Power Rangers intervene, per usual, and rush to the tower the bad guys are going to blow up. But it's a trap! Deviot uses this plot to trick Scorpius into thinking Trakeena is on Terra Venture, held prisoner by the Power Rangers. Scorpius wants his daughter back, so he decides to go himself. He fights the rangers and he is actually pretty badass. He doesn't even have to MOVE. He just sits there and is all "I will put you in your place with my crazy long tentacles". AND HE DOES. They call out the Fish of Orion and there are explosions and they totally blew up Scorpius! Poor Scorpius. He died not knowing if his daughter is okay or not (although I'm pretty sure he's not really dead... that was way too easy).

Trakeena, all strong and fast and powerful, goes back to Onyx and teaches a lesson to the guys who fought her before. She took a few extra minutes to show off, because she's awesome, and then learns of her father's injuries. Villemax wants to escort her, because clearly he's in love with her, but Kegler is all worried about staying long. Scorpius is in pretty bad shape and tells Deviot to enter the cocoon. Trakeena shows up just in time! She and her father have a wonderful heart to heart and both apologize for their wrongdoings. Her father then passes all his power to her and dies, with his daughter by his side. GUYS! I AM SAD! I AM SAD ABOUT THIS BECAUSE IT WAS WELL WRITTEN AND EMOTIONAL AND SHE'S GOING TO MISS HER DADDY SO MUCH AND I AM LEGITIMATELY UPSET BY HIS DYING! One of his tentacles turns into a staff with a spider in amber at the end. Deviot tells her the Red Ranger did this to Scorpius and she wants revenge.

Back on Terra Venture, the rangers are lounging in a lovely picnic. Damon wants Kai to teach him how to "cook". A butterfly tells Maya that Scorpius is dead, but somebody more evil has taken his place. Duh duh duh!!!!!!

1 fish! ONE. SINGLE. FISH. Because Trakeena is AWESOME.