We start out this episode really happy because it's a Trini-centric episode, but the happiness is short lived. This is the creepiest, weirdest episode I think I've watched thus far. I spent most of it unsure what was going on, actually.
It opens at some kind of carnival or fair. It looks like it might be fun with a ferris wheel and carousel (I love carousels), but there are clowns. And clowns are creepy. If you didn't think they were creepy before, you will after this episode.
Zack is walking around on some rockin' stilts and we're impressed. He's awesome! Billy throws out some typical Billy-speak and then Zack shows off by dancing. He's not half bad either... until he falls over. He is caught by Jason in what is probably the most romantic pose ever to happen in the entirety of Power Rangers. Seriously, Zack literally falls into Jason's arms, is encompassed by him, and lowered safely to the ground in Jason's warm embrace. Zack sing-songs "My big strong hero" and then kisses Jason on the cheek. I'm not even kidding, it's actually there on screen. Zack and Jason, in this scene, get more action and romance in this one scene than anybody in Power Rangers does until Tommy shows up. Zack/Jason is totally canon, and probably the only thing in Power Rangers I didn't ship until... um... well, now. But now I do and we wants fic!
Moving on we see Trini running to catch up to the gang with her Random Relative of the week, Cousin Sylvia. We meet the creepy clown who's name is Pineapple and we struggle to not make Pennywise references. Yeah, it didn't work. Pineapple the Clown offers to teach children juggling, but Billy kind of takes over and jumps at the chance. He sucks at it though so his eggs (why they're juggling with raw eggs I don't even know) end up flying through the air and landing on Bulk and Skull in what proves to be their only appearance all episode. Sylvia wants to stay and juggle with leering Pineapple the Clown, but Trini reminds her they need to stick together and drags her off to attempt a human pyramid. It fails and Sylvia, apparently unimpressed, runs off to see Creepy the Clown again. She looks to be about 10 years old. She really ought to know better by that point.
Trini ends up in a minor state of panic until she finds Random Relative Sylvia with Creepy the Clown. Trini tries to pull her away, but Pineapple gets grabby with the little girls and won't let go of Sylvia. He turns her into a cardboard cutout and then runs away. Yeah... I don't even know what's going on at this point.
It ought to be noted that while Trini ran off to find her wayward cousin, the rest of the Rangers just up and went on a park ride. They didn't help look for the missing kid. Trini catches up to them, their fun time now over, and shows them Cardboard Cutout Sylvia. She is sent to Billy's garage to use one of his devices to turn her back into a human and we just have to stop and love the fact that Billy has a machine to turn cardboard into people. In his garage. Because he's Billy. I could smush him.
Jason grabs a megaphone and starts calling out for the evacuation of the carnival. Instead of questioning a random teenager telling them to run, the residents of Angel Grove just run away. Either they know he's a Ranger (probably) or they're very well trained to hide at the slightest inkling of a monster attack. Billy ought to have gone to help Trini, but instead ends up leaving the others to deal with putties while he chases after Pineapple on his own. We think he might have a clown fetish. We marvel at the ingenuity of the Rangers using their environment to help beat the putties. They did an awesome job of improvising with the carnival rides.
Meanwhile, Alpha is in Billy's garage helping Trini reanimate Sylvia. He discovers all the water has been removed from her body, thus turning her into cardboard. Um... wha??? Again, I don't even know. We were yelling FISH by 10 minutes into this episode. That's never a good sign. He dumps some buckets of water on the cardboard, she comes back to the life, Alpha runs and hides, and Trini apologizes for what I don't know.
Trini runs to assist in the fight, they summon the Zords, and then Billy throws his Triceratops horns at the overgrown clown that now resembles some kind of deformed plant. He calls himself the Pinoctopus. He neither resembles a pineapple nor an octopus, so I'm just left scratching my head.
Zack uses his Zord to freeze the Pinoctopus and we see a nice background shot of a glacier. Which is amusing since the Mastodon Zord was standing next to the other Zords on... grassy flatland. Mmkay. Angel Grove geography is just weird. That not being sufficient, they form the MegaZord and Billy suggests something akin to lasers. That's good, but not good enough apparently, as Jason so harshly points out, and so they do... something? and defeat the Pinoctopus. It looked like somebody pulled a wire out of the ground and made dirt fly up and then he exploded, but we're not entirely sure what it was supposed to be. Again, no clue what's really going on, so fish fish fish.
The day is saved, Random Relative Sylvia thanks Trini for teaching her not to run off (seriously? she's ten and nobody taught her this before?), and then Billy is adorable on not-stilts. Credits roll. The end.
I'm still scratching my head and not sure what I just watched.
List time!
Covered in food: Bulk and Skull covered in raw egg
Billy!speak (and lots of it!):
"Remember to keep your center of gravity correctly proportioned."
"I estimate we'll lose structural integrity in about 8.3 seconds."
"We're in imminent danger of collapse!"
"She's been subatomically transduced into a two dimensional space."
"The quasitronic molecular generator in my garage could be the answer."
"Bipedally ambulate to the nearest convenient outlet."
"According to my calculations a multi-phased energy blast should overload him and bring on his destruction."
Overall we give this episode 4 fish due to the sheer rediculousness of the water turning a cardboard person back into a person, Billy's clown fetish, the weird battle, creepy grabby clowns, and the overall wtf-ery of the entire episode.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Episode 12 - Happy Birthday Zack
Hey, it's a Zack centered episode! It only took 12 episodes before he got an episode all to himself. We're surprised it took so long, because Zack is awesome.
Anyway. It's Zack's birthday. We have no idea how old he's supposed to be turning, but the other Rangers have decided to throw him a surprise party, and because Angel Grove is totally centered around them, Ernie is letting them take over the Youth Center the night before to decorate for Zack's party. I hope they're paying Ernie handsomely for this, but considering they rarely remember to pay for their food most of the time, I doubt it.
The episode opens with Billy dancing (apparently he got over the dancing thing with help from the young deaf girl) while the Rangers decorate. Billy apparently built a cake-o-matic, because apparently Billy is impatient for replicators to be invented in the 24th century, or whatever. Of course, the cake-o-matic promptly explodes, and Billy and Ernie get covered in something sticky and blue, while Kimberly and Trini look on without actually trying to help them. They are clearly the best friends ever.
After they get cleaned up, we get possibly my favorite moment in the show, and an excuse for me to at some point write an epic Batman/Power Rangers crossover. Ernie is talking to the four Rangers, and he tells them he's heard things about the Power Rangers. They pretend they don't know who he is talking about, because apparently that is their way of deflecting attention from themselves, when it instead makes them sound like morons, because the Power Rangers have been on tv at this point, and since people call them Power Rangers, they've clearly had to have given at least one press conference at this point. But I don't really care, because it lets Ernie say that "Maybe the Power Rangers will do for Angel Grove what Batman has done for Gotham City."
I apologize for the all caps, but I felt that the amazingness of that needed to be pointed out incredibly strongly. (Look, I love comic books even more than I love Power Rangers, and I love Power Rangers a LOT.)
Ernie continues to tell Jason and Billy what he's heard about the Power Rangers - namely, that they're ordinary humans. This is clearly a hint from Ernie saying "Hey, I know who you guys are. I'm not that stupid." However, Jason is an idiot, and he instead tells Ernie that he heard the Rangers were really space aliens. Because that thought is supposed to be comforting. Look, Jason, people aren't stupid. Did you not see how the deaf girl ran right over to you? People know. Also, space aliens defending people from other space aliens is not at all comforting. One of the nice things about Power Rangers is that these are normal humans, albeit ones who were given the ability to morph by aliens, but most of the martial arts skills are theirs. (Can you tell I have a problem with later series where suddenly they all have special abilities when they're demorphed?)
Jason's attempt at lying and Ernie's pretending to go along with it is interrupted by Bulk and Skull, because the rangers apparently can't remember to lock the door. Nice job, everyone! This is actually the worst we've seen Bulk and Skull - they're downright cruel in this episode, and Skull's sexual harassment of Trini is not at all okay, although the Rangers were still jackasses with some of their comments. (Comparing people to animals is not okay.)
Even after Bulk and Skull leave, the Rangers apparently still don't quite grasp the concept of 'locking the door' because Zack wanders in. Apparently Trini failed to tell her mother this was going to be a surprise party, because she told Zack where they would be hanging out. Zack is very sad that people have apparently ditched him, but we were a bit distracted at this point because damn, his shorts were short. He has seriously nice legs.
Moving on, Rita has also remembered that it is Zack's birthday. Well, it isn't so much that she remembered, it's that all she does is spy on them. Honestly, if she went off and tried to conquer some other city, nobody would notice. But instead she keeps concentrating on Angel Grove. Whatever. She decides to send down a Nasty Knight, and uses an awesome spell to summon him from her big book of monsters.
The next morning, Zack approaches Kimberly at school, and is totally passive-aggressive about his birthday. Seriously, he asks "Do I look any older to you?" Kimberly pretends that she did forget a birthday, and Zack looks really happy, until Kimberly hints that she forgot her pet poodle's birthday, and she hopes the dog won't be mad at her. I'm not quite sure what is more amazing - the fact that this is the excuse she came up with, or the fact that Zack totally buys it as a plausible excuse. Seriously, Kim, be more awesome. I dare you. *hearts* When Zack wanders off, the rest of the Rangers walk over and ask Kim if everything is okay. Kimberly says she hated lying to Zack. Note: Jason is wearing one of his ridiculous tank tops. We're pretty sure it isn't appropriate for school. This will come up again later.
Zack has apparently cut school, or else he just never hinted at his birthday until the end of the day, which we doubt, because he is an attention whore. He's hanging out in a quarry, because... that is where you go when you're cutting school because your friends forgot your birthday? I've got nothing else to offer at that. Rita shows up with Zack's gift, and we're sure that Zack wishes that Rita had forgotten his birthday too. He morphs and fights both the Nasty Knight and Goldar. Zordon is totally oblivious for a while, and then summons the other rangers. Jason is now wearing something else over his shirt. Seriously, he totally got in trouble because of the dress code.
Upon arriving at the quarry, they find that the Knight has the ability to ruin their weapons with one hit, so the Rangers use their blade blasters and shoot him. Rita grows the monster, and there is an exceptionally long Zord summoning sequence, during which we came up with a few theories. First, the Rangers never sound at all excited about Zord summoning. It's silly. Also, we have to wonder how many people end up dying from the volcano every time Kimberly summons her Zord. (I'd also desperately love fic about someone studying that particular volcano.)
The Mega Sword also gets ruined by the Knight, and it looks like all hope is lost for the Rangers, until Zack has the bright idea to reflect energy back at the Knight. Apparently 'reflect energy' is code for 'shoot it with laser beams' and we're really impressed that there were only 3 minutes left in the episode before we had to yell fish! The Mega Sword miraculously repairs itself, and then the Nasty Knight is dusted.
After their victory, the Rangers lead Zack back to the Youth Center, which is completely dark. They turn on the lights and a whole bunch of random extras are there! There was no sign of Angela, which is sad, because she makes episodes more awesome. Zack is excited and he hugs his friends a lot, and then the rangers all dance except for Billy, because his cake-o-matic explodes again and he and Ernie get covered a second time. Except this time the frosting is pink. Whatever.
Rating: Two fish! The rangers actually act like normal teenagers in this episode. And there is BATMAN. You can never go wrong with Batman!
Billy speak: "You're right, Kimberly, the performers assembled to create this harmonious tune transcend all predecessors to this genre of music"
Trini translation: "He likes the music."
Billy speak: "I fail to ascertain why this appliance isn't working, I mean the molecular mix re-arranger is still intact"
Ernie translation: The cake-o-matic that Billy built for Zack's surprise party - it went on the warpath.
Billy speak: "Her proficiency with complex illustrated characterizations is quite impressive, isn't it?"
Kimberly commentary: "Don't look at me, I don't speak Billy."
Trini translation: "He said I draw a good cartoon."
Rita's spell: "Moon of ivory, stars of old, candlelight that's spun of gold. Sky of fire, wind of fright, bring to me a Nasty Knight."
Covered in food: Ernie and Billy (twice!), Skull
Anyway. It's Zack's birthday. We have no idea how old he's supposed to be turning, but the other Rangers have decided to throw him a surprise party, and because Angel Grove is totally centered around them, Ernie is letting them take over the Youth Center the night before to decorate for Zack's party. I hope they're paying Ernie handsomely for this, but considering they rarely remember to pay for their food most of the time, I doubt it.
The episode opens with Billy dancing (apparently he got over the dancing thing with help from the young deaf girl) while the Rangers decorate. Billy apparently built a cake-o-matic, because apparently Billy is impatient for replicators to be invented in the 24th century, or whatever. Of course, the cake-o-matic promptly explodes, and Billy and Ernie get covered in something sticky and blue, while Kimberly and Trini look on without actually trying to help them. They are clearly the best friends ever.
After they get cleaned up, we get possibly my favorite moment in the show, and an excuse for me to at some point write an epic Batman/Power Rangers crossover. Ernie is talking to the four Rangers, and he tells them he's heard things about the Power Rangers. They pretend they don't know who he is talking about, because apparently that is their way of deflecting attention from themselves, when it instead makes them sound like morons, because the Power Rangers have been on tv at this point, and since people call them Power Rangers, they've clearly had to have given at least one press conference at this point. But I don't really care, because it lets Ernie say that "Maybe the Power Rangers will do for Angel Grove what Batman has done for Gotham City."
I apologize for the all caps, but I felt that the amazingness of that needed to be pointed out incredibly strongly. (Look, I love comic books even more than I love Power Rangers, and I love Power Rangers a LOT.)
Ernie continues to tell Jason and Billy what he's heard about the Power Rangers - namely, that they're ordinary humans. This is clearly a hint from Ernie saying "Hey, I know who you guys are. I'm not that stupid." However, Jason is an idiot, and he instead tells Ernie that he heard the Rangers were really space aliens. Because that thought is supposed to be comforting. Look, Jason, people aren't stupid. Did you not see how the deaf girl ran right over to you? People know. Also, space aliens defending people from other space aliens is not at all comforting. One of the nice things about Power Rangers is that these are normal humans, albeit ones who were given the ability to morph by aliens, but most of the martial arts skills are theirs. (Can you tell I have a problem with later series where suddenly they all have special abilities when they're demorphed?)
Jason's attempt at lying and Ernie's pretending to go along with it is interrupted by Bulk and Skull, because the rangers apparently can't remember to lock the door. Nice job, everyone! This is actually the worst we've seen Bulk and Skull - they're downright cruel in this episode, and Skull's sexual harassment of Trini is not at all okay, although the Rangers were still jackasses with some of their comments. (Comparing people to animals is not okay.)
Even after Bulk and Skull leave, the Rangers apparently still don't quite grasp the concept of 'locking the door' because Zack wanders in. Apparently Trini failed to tell her mother this was going to be a surprise party, because she told Zack where they would be hanging out. Zack is very sad that people have apparently ditched him, but we were a bit distracted at this point because damn, his shorts were short. He has seriously nice legs.
Moving on, Rita has also remembered that it is Zack's birthday. Well, it isn't so much that she remembered, it's that all she does is spy on them. Honestly, if she went off and tried to conquer some other city, nobody would notice. But instead she keeps concentrating on Angel Grove. Whatever. She decides to send down a Nasty Knight, and uses an awesome spell to summon him from her big book of monsters.
The next morning, Zack approaches Kimberly at school, and is totally passive-aggressive about his birthday. Seriously, he asks "Do I look any older to you?" Kimberly pretends that she did forget a birthday, and Zack looks really happy, until Kimberly hints that she forgot her pet poodle's birthday, and she hopes the dog won't be mad at her. I'm not quite sure what is more amazing - the fact that this is the excuse she came up with, or the fact that Zack totally buys it as a plausible excuse. Seriously, Kim, be more awesome. I dare you. *hearts* When Zack wanders off, the rest of the Rangers walk over and ask Kim if everything is okay. Kimberly says she hated lying to Zack. Note: Jason is wearing one of his ridiculous tank tops. We're pretty sure it isn't appropriate for school. This will come up again later.
Zack has apparently cut school, or else he just never hinted at his birthday until the end of the day, which we doubt, because he is an attention whore. He's hanging out in a quarry, because... that is where you go when you're cutting school because your friends forgot your birthday? I've got nothing else to offer at that. Rita shows up with Zack's gift, and we're sure that Zack wishes that Rita had forgotten his birthday too. He morphs and fights both the Nasty Knight and Goldar. Zordon is totally oblivious for a while, and then summons the other rangers. Jason is now wearing something else over his shirt. Seriously, he totally got in trouble because of the dress code.
Upon arriving at the quarry, they find that the Knight has the ability to ruin their weapons with one hit, so the Rangers use their blade blasters and shoot him. Rita grows the monster, and there is an exceptionally long Zord summoning sequence, during which we came up with a few theories. First, the Rangers never sound at all excited about Zord summoning. It's silly. Also, we have to wonder how many people end up dying from the volcano every time Kimberly summons her Zord. (I'd also desperately love fic about someone studying that particular volcano.)
The Mega Sword also gets ruined by the Knight, and it looks like all hope is lost for the Rangers, until Zack has the bright idea to reflect energy back at the Knight. Apparently 'reflect energy' is code for 'shoot it with laser beams' and we're really impressed that there were only 3 minutes left in the episode before we had to yell fish! The Mega Sword miraculously repairs itself, and then the Nasty Knight is dusted.
After their victory, the Rangers lead Zack back to the Youth Center, which is completely dark. They turn on the lights and a whole bunch of random extras are there! There was no sign of Angela, which is sad, because she makes episodes more awesome. Zack is excited and he hugs his friends a lot, and then the rangers all dance except for Billy, because his cake-o-matic explodes again and he and Ernie get covered a second time. Except this time the frosting is pink. Whatever.
Rating: Two fish! The rangers actually act like normal teenagers in this episode. And there is BATMAN. You can never go wrong with Batman!
Billy speak: "You're right, Kimberly, the performers assembled to create this harmonious tune transcend all predecessors to this genre of music"
Trini translation: "He likes the music."
Billy speak: "I fail to ascertain why this appliance isn't working, I mean the molecular mix re-arranger is still intact"
Ernie translation: The cake-o-matic that Billy built for Zack's surprise party - it went on the warpath.
Billy speak: "Her proficiency with complex illustrated characterizations is quite impressive, isn't it?"
Kimberly commentary: "Don't look at me, I don't speak Billy."
Trini translation: "He said I draw a good cartoon."
Rita's spell: "Moon of ivory, stars of old, candlelight that's spun of gold. Sky of fire, wind of fright, bring to me a Nasty Knight."
Covered in food: Ernie and Billy (twice!), Skull
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Episode 11- For Whom the Bell Trolls
I love this episode. I know it has a lot of problems, but I love it anyway. It's very much an episode for my OTP (Billy/Trini ftw!) but it's full of... well... fish.
It's Hobby Week at Angel Grove High. Wait, what? Hobby Week? Is this like, show and tell for high schoolers? I'm a little puzzled. Even my second grader doesn't get show and tell anymore, but there is Hobby Week in a high school? That's just ridiculous. So we learn Jason is into martial arts (duh), Kim is into gymnastics (duh), and Zack is into surfing. I can't recall ever hearing about the surfing again and think he really ought to have danced for them instead, but what do I know? I'm just a reviewer with some semblance of a memory and a penchant for continuity. Trini brings in her doll collection. She is mocked for it, of course, but I think it's cute that Billy at least tries to shush Bulk and Skull. Aw. We also discover, from her lamenting at Trini's luck, Rita is sad and bitter because she had a lousy childhood. She watches their every move. It's creepy and obsessive, actually, much like Edward Cullen. *shudder*
We then find out Billy has built a volcano. In high school. When he probably built something bigger and better when he was, oh, 3 years old. This is Billy we're talking about. I mean, not three episodes ago he had built a device to read minds that ended up switching bodies, and here he is with... a volcano. Of course by the end of it, Bulk ends up covered in the contents of the volcano and then spits it out at Skull.
Mrs. Applebee sends them off like a kindergarten teacher with the homework of "For English, read chapter 4! Question Marks. Why do we need them?" This is supposed to be HIGH SCHOOL and they're learning about the necessity and purpose of QUESTION MARKS????? It's a wonder the intelligence level of Angel Grove isn't drastically lower what with the disturbing lack of quality in the public education system. Or maybe it is... after all, nobody really seemed to figure out who the Rangers are.
We are treated to a shot of Trini's house and then the creepiest room EVER. Her room is covered in dolls, all staring blankly at her as she climbs into bed. Creeeeppppyyyyy.
Next morning we see Billy unlock and open Trini's car door for her as he promises to help her find her missing Ticklesneezer. Awwwwww. So chivalrous. Little do they know, Squat snuck into her room last night and stole Ticklesneezer for Rita's nefarious plans (or to reclaim her sad, doll-less childhood, we're not entirely sure). I'd like to take a moment to give kudos for the set team. They have both Billy and Trini demonstrating proper seatbelt usage. Way to be safety minded, guys, good job!
Moving on, they come across Ticklesneezer and get sucked into his bottle to be his treasure. They cling to each other as they scream in terror and... never use the communicators to call for help. After a good 8+ hours of the doll missing (dream!Zordon!fail, seriously), Zordon finally contacts Jason, Zack, and Kim. They are sent to go fight Goldar (with wings!), Squat, Baboo, and a whole bunch of putties. But oh no, Kim is the only one able to hold her own! That's because she is awesome and Trini clearly knows this.
Ticklesneezer joins the party and Kim manages to rescue Billy and Trini from his bottle. Because Kim is awesome. And we have no clue what Zack and Jason are doing all the while, but whatever. There is a ridiculously long Zord sequence, they wrestle the bottle away, threaten Rita (yay, direct confrontation!), and then convince Ticlesneezer to return his "goodies" to the correct time and place. TIME and place? Time? Is Ticklesneezer's bottle the TARDIS or something?
But we soon forget that bit of confusion when we discover Trini is still asleep in her bed. Well goodness, it was all a dream! How could we have been so blind. She awakens to discover Ticklesneezer missing from her nightstand and oh no! We're all so scared that maybe it wasn't a dream after all. We discover Ticklesneezer has just fallen to the floor and it really was all just a dream. Tricksy writers, you sure fooled us (or, y'know, not). /sarcasm
Back in class for a continuation of Hobby Week, we find out Bulk and Skull's names are actually Farkus and Eugene. I don't get the knock on Eugene. It's a good, solid name! Anyway, they like parasites and bring in a flea circus. Billy actually looks interested and leans forward in his seat to see, but alas, the fleas have escaped and are now devouring Mrs. Applebee. The class laughs while their poor teacher writhes in itchy itchy agony.
This gets 4 fish. We were going to be generous with 3.5 since most of the wtf-ery can be explained by it being a dream, but really... hobby week and learning about question marks (and Billy building a volcano) in high school? We just can't in good conscious give it less than a 4.
List time!
Billy Speak: "my homemade volcano will expocate how eruption occurs when gas and lava gush forth from the opening." Okay, note here. We KNOW expocate isn't a word. The only word it could actually be is explicate, however Billy clearly says expocate, so that's what I wrote.
Covered in food: Bulk in volcano (counts as food I guess since it's baking soda), who then spits it on Skull. Bulk also gets cake all over his hand when he mimics Jason and Zack punching through boards... using chocolate cake.
It's Hobby Week at Angel Grove High. Wait, what? Hobby Week? Is this like, show and tell for high schoolers? I'm a little puzzled. Even my second grader doesn't get show and tell anymore, but there is Hobby Week in a high school? That's just ridiculous. So we learn Jason is into martial arts (duh), Kim is into gymnastics (duh), and Zack is into surfing. I can't recall ever hearing about the surfing again and think he really ought to have danced for them instead, but what do I know? I'm just a reviewer with some semblance of a memory and a penchant for continuity. Trini brings in her doll collection. She is mocked for it, of course, but I think it's cute that Billy at least tries to shush Bulk and Skull. Aw. We also discover, from her lamenting at Trini's luck, Rita is sad and bitter because she had a lousy childhood. She watches their every move. It's creepy and obsessive, actually, much like Edward Cullen. *shudder*
We then find out Billy has built a volcano. In high school. When he probably built something bigger and better when he was, oh, 3 years old. This is Billy we're talking about. I mean, not three episodes ago he had built a device to read minds that ended up switching bodies, and here he is with... a volcano. Of course by the end of it, Bulk ends up covered in the contents of the volcano and then spits it out at Skull.
Mrs. Applebee sends them off like a kindergarten teacher with the homework of "For English, read chapter 4! Question Marks. Why do we need them?" This is supposed to be HIGH SCHOOL and they're learning about the necessity and purpose of QUESTION MARKS????? It's a wonder the intelligence level of Angel Grove isn't drastically lower what with the disturbing lack of quality in the public education system. Or maybe it is... after all, nobody really seemed to figure out who the Rangers are.
We are treated to a shot of Trini's house and then the creepiest room EVER. Her room is covered in dolls, all staring blankly at her as she climbs into bed. Creeeeppppyyyyy.
Next morning we see Billy unlock and open Trini's car door for her as he promises to help her find her missing Ticklesneezer. Awwwwww. So chivalrous. Little do they know, Squat snuck into her room last night and stole Ticklesneezer for Rita's nefarious plans (or to reclaim her sad, doll-less childhood, we're not entirely sure). I'd like to take a moment to give kudos for the set team. They have both Billy and Trini demonstrating proper seatbelt usage. Way to be safety minded, guys, good job!
Moving on, they come across Ticklesneezer and get sucked into his bottle to be his treasure. They cling to each other as they scream in terror and... never use the communicators to call for help. After a good 8+ hours of the doll missing (dream!Zordon!fail, seriously), Zordon finally contacts Jason, Zack, and Kim. They are sent to go fight Goldar (with wings!), Squat, Baboo, and a whole bunch of putties. But oh no, Kim is the only one able to hold her own! That's because she is awesome and Trini clearly knows this.
Ticklesneezer joins the party and Kim manages to rescue Billy and Trini from his bottle. Because Kim is awesome. And we have no clue what Zack and Jason are doing all the while, but whatever. There is a ridiculously long Zord sequence, they wrestle the bottle away, threaten Rita (yay, direct confrontation!), and then convince Ticlesneezer to return his "goodies" to the correct time and place. TIME and place? Time? Is Ticklesneezer's bottle the TARDIS or something?
But we soon forget that bit of confusion when we discover Trini is still asleep in her bed. Well goodness, it was all a dream! How could we have been so blind. She awakens to discover Ticklesneezer missing from her nightstand and oh no! We're all so scared that maybe it wasn't a dream after all. We discover Ticklesneezer has just fallen to the floor and it really was all just a dream. Tricksy writers, you sure fooled us (or, y'know, not). /sarcasm
Back in class for a continuation of Hobby Week, we find out Bulk and Skull's names are actually Farkus and Eugene. I don't get the knock on Eugene. It's a good, solid name! Anyway, they like parasites and bring in a flea circus. Billy actually looks interested and leans forward in his seat to see, but alas, the fleas have escaped and are now devouring Mrs. Applebee. The class laughs while their poor teacher writhes in itchy itchy agony.
This gets 4 fish. We were going to be generous with 3.5 since most of the wtf-ery can be explained by it being a dream, but really... hobby week and learning about question marks (and Billy building a volcano) in high school? We just can't in good conscious give it less than a 4.
List time!
Billy Speak: "my homemade volcano will expocate how eruption occurs when gas and lava gush forth from the opening." Okay, note here. We KNOW expocate isn't a word. The only word it could actually be is explicate, however Billy clearly says expocate, so that's what I wrote.
Covered in food: Bulk in volcano (counts as food I guess since it's baking soda), who then spits it on Skull. Bulk also gets cake all over his hand when he mimics Jason and Zack punching through boards... using chocolate cake.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Episode 10 - Foul Play in the Sky
Honestly, until we started watching this episode, all I remembered was that this was the airplane episode. I thought it was going to be more like the Sweet Valley High book Crash Landing, which had not as wacky hijinks about someone losing control of a plane. (Although, that book would work really well as a Kimberly and Tommy story. I'm just saying.)
Anyway. Like all stories for tv where someone goes up in a tiny plane, the plot of this episode revolves around Kimberly having to fly a plane when the pilot passes out. In this case the pilot is her uncle Steve, who is actually fairly cute, and the reason he's passed out is because he's been given what we can only assume is liquid green iocane powder. We assume this because even though a giant vial of green liquid was poured into Steve's drink, he still drank the whole thing. Therefore it had to be odorless and tasteless. Coming along on the trip are Bulk and Skull, who are actually pretty awesome in this episode. The only reason they come along is... to yell a lot? Insert random commentary? Prove that her uncle is totally oblivious? (Okay, they are probably actually there to just make sure that Kimberly can't just teleport out.)
While flying, but before Uncle Steve passes out, we are introduced to Angel Grove's geography. First, let me make one thing clear - Angel Grove is not a city. Angel Grove is a suburb. That is not a city by any standard, and I'm not just saying that because I'm from New York. But seriously, they show a giant park and rows of houses and the youth center. Of course, it isn't like Angel Grove's geography has ever made any sense, considering that it is located by a rain forest, an ocean, a desert and a glacier. But we also get treated to a flashback of the series premiere when they fly over the mountains near the Command Center. (Zordon apparently stole a Romulan or Klingon Cloaking Device, and that's how nobody notices the Command Center. Or so we've decided.)
Uncle Steve finally succumbs to the green iocane drink, and he passes out. Bulk and Skull both faint as well, but it is pretty clear that Skull has only pretended to pass out because he still does whatever Bulk wants him to, so we can only assume that he hears what happens next. Instead of calling Air Traffic Control, Kimberly calls Zordon. Alpha talks her through landing the plane, which... well, mythbusters says it might be possible, but since Alpha didn't have a flight controller's view, we doubt it.
Moving back over to the rest of the Rangers, we get a very important character introduction this episode! Angela, aka the girl who keeps turning Zack down, because she is way too awesome for his bullshit. She is wearing a totally ridiculous outfit, but she's working two hula hoops at a time, which makes her way more awesome than anyone. (Zack's outfit is also ridiculous. Bulk and Skull have awesome boots, and Kimberly looks fabulous. Seriously, whoever picked out her outfit in this episode did a great job. She looks adorable.)
While Kimberly is attempting to not crash the plane, Rita sends down her most ridiculous monster yet - the Snizzard. Half snake, half lizard. Look, we don't make this stuff up, we just report it. For some reason, the monster is blue. Because apparently that's the color you think of when you think of snakes, clearly. The rangers are having lots of trouble beating the Snizzard (which sounds like a bad Harry Potter pairing name for Snape/Wizard) until Kimberly finally lands the plane. She runs away from the plane without offering any explanation, even though there are police and ambulances on their way. Nobody tries to chase or follow her or even get a statement or anything.
Kimberly morphs to join the battle, and then she then beats the monster all by herself, making the moral of this episode that Kimberly is amazing, and that girls kick a lot of ass. This is a moral that we both approve of. Kimberly is also the first Ranger to defeat a monster by herself, unless you count the Jason's Zord beating Bones way back in episode 2. (We don't. For the record.)
The episode ends with Kimberly flirting with a guy who is not Tommy (we approve of him too!) and bragging about how she landed the plane. Zack says to Jason, "'tell me more you big strong hunk of a man, you!" and then I demand that the entire internet (or at least QueenRiley) should write Jason/Zack fic. Okay, Zack was trying to mock Kimberly, but that actually makes no sense, because she was the one telling the story. And then Bulk and Skull get covered with food, ruining what could have been a decent ending to the episode.
Fish: We actually had a running commentary during the episode about how many fish this episode should get. At one point it was as low as 2, at another it was as high as 4. We ended up going for a middle ground of 3 fish, because Kimberly and Angela are awesome. Also, considering everything, this episode still isn't as ridiculous as Big Sister or Teamwork. I mean, the whole having to land a plane thing has a tv tropes entry and everything!
Billy speak: None! He's barely even in this episode! I can't even remember if he talks.
Covered in food: Bulk and Skull. Of course.
Oh my God, we are so old moment: Kimberly uses a pay phone to call Trini. Life before cell phones. WHAT.
Question: Okay, so Bulk and Skull were only in this episode to prevent Kimberly from just teleporting out. But since they were both unconscious, why didn't Kimberly teleport them all out anyway?
Extra bonus question: Where in California do you think Angel Grove is located? Make sure your answer is close to a volcano/mountain range, a rain forest, a desert, the beach, and a glacier!
Anyway. Like all stories for tv where someone goes up in a tiny plane, the plot of this episode revolves around Kimberly having to fly a plane when the pilot passes out. In this case the pilot is her uncle Steve, who is actually fairly cute, and the reason he's passed out is because he's been given what we can only assume is liquid green iocane powder. We assume this because even though a giant vial of green liquid was poured into Steve's drink, he still drank the whole thing. Therefore it had to be odorless and tasteless. Coming along on the trip are Bulk and Skull, who are actually pretty awesome in this episode. The only reason they come along is... to yell a lot? Insert random commentary? Prove that her uncle is totally oblivious? (Okay, they are probably actually there to just make sure that Kimberly can't just teleport out.)
While flying, but before Uncle Steve passes out, we are introduced to Angel Grove's geography. First, let me make one thing clear - Angel Grove is not a city. Angel Grove is a suburb. That is not a city by any standard, and I'm not just saying that because I'm from New York. But seriously, they show a giant park and rows of houses and the youth center. Of course, it isn't like Angel Grove's geography has ever made any sense, considering that it is located by a rain forest, an ocean, a desert and a glacier. But we also get treated to a flashback of the series premiere when they fly over the mountains near the Command Center. (Zordon apparently stole a Romulan or Klingon Cloaking Device, and that's how nobody notices the Command Center. Or so we've decided.)
Uncle Steve finally succumbs to the green iocane drink, and he passes out. Bulk and Skull both faint as well, but it is pretty clear that Skull has only pretended to pass out because he still does whatever Bulk wants him to, so we can only assume that he hears what happens next. Instead of calling Air Traffic Control, Kimberly calls Zordon. Alpha talks her through landing the plane, which... well, mythbusters says it might be possible, but since Alpha didn't have a flight controller's view, we doubt it.
Moving back over to the rest of the Rangers, we get a very important character introduction this episode! Angela, aka the girl who keeps turning Zack down, because she is way too awesome for his bullshit. She is wearing a totally ridiculous outfit, but she's working two hula hoops at a time, which makes her way more awesome than anyone. (Zack's outfit is also ridiculous. Bulk and Skull have awesome boots, and Kimberly looks fabulous. Seriously, whoever picked out her outfit in this episode did a great job. She looks adorable.)
While Kimberly is attempting to not crash the plane, Rita sends down her most ridiculous monster yet - the Snizzard. Half snake, half lizard. Look, we don't make this stuff up, we just report it. For some reason, the monster is blue. Because apparently that's the color you think of when you think of snakes, clearly. The rangers are having lots of trouble beating the Snizzard (which sounds like a bad Harry Potter pairing name for Snape/Wizard) until Kimberly finally lands the plane. She runs away from the plane without offering any explanation, even though there are police and ambulances on their way. Nobody tries to chase or follow her or even get a statement or anything.
Kimberly morphs to join the battle, and then she then beats the monster all by herself, making the moral of this episode that Kimberly is amazing, and that girls kick a lot of ass. This is a moral that we both approve of. Kimberly is also the first Ranger to defeat a monster by herself, unless you count the Jason's Zord beating Bones way back in episode 2. (We don't. For the record.)
The episode ends with Kimberly flirting with a guy who is not Tommy (we approve of him too!) and bragging about how she landed the plane. Zack says to Jason, "'tell me more you big strong hunk of a man, you!" and then I demand that the entire internet (or at least QueenRiley) should write Jason/Zack fic. Okay, Zack was trying to mock Kimberly, but that actually makes no sense, because she was the one telling the story. And then Bulk and Skull get covered with food, ruining what could have been a decent ending to the episode.
Fish: We actually had a running commentary during the episode about how many fish this episode should get. At one point it was as low as 2, at another it was as high as 4. We ended up going for a middle ground of 3 fish, because Kimberly and Angela are awesome. Also, considering everything, this episode still isn't as ridiculous as Big Sister or Teamwork. I mean, the whole having to land a plane thing has a tv tropes entry and everything!
Billy speak: None! He's barely even in this episode! I can't even remember if he talks.
Covered in food: Bulk and Skull. Of course.
Oh my God, we are so old moment: Kimberly uses a pay phone to call Trini. Life before cell phones. WHAT.
Question: Okay, so Bulk and Skull were only in this episode to prevent Kimberly from just teleporting out. But since they were both unconscious, why didn't Kimberly teleport them all out anyway?
Extra bonus question: Where in California do you think Angel Grove is located? Make sure your answer is close to a volcano/mountain range, a rain forest, a desert, the beach, and a glacier!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Episode 9- I, Eye Guy
Today we have a special Thursday episode of Power Rangers!
I will admit up front, I am heavily heavily Billy biased. He has been my favourite Ranger since the very first episode and the only other Ranger in the entire history of the show who comes close is Bridge (who comes very close indeed). I won't even try to keep that out of my recaps.
I'm very partial to this villain. Eye Guy was pretty cool, as far as villains go. He could separate his one weakness from himself and hide it for safe keeping, he could break into a million pieces and come back together over and over again, and he threw EYES at people. EYES. At people. Threw them. He's awesome.
We open onto the Cranston household outside shot. I love this shot. It's used over and over again in episode after episode, but it just makes me love the house even more. It's one of the few Ranger homes we ever see.
Billy is in the garage with a 12 year old boy. The Rangers seem to spend A LOT of time with 12 year old children. This is creepy and slightly disturbing, actually. Anyway, the boy is in overalls and blue. Mini!Billy is named Willy and they've been working on his science fair project. He's made a virtual reality machine which is actually really cool, especially for a kid and especially in the early 90's. Way to go, mini!Billy... I mean Willy. TSB is convinced Willy is actually a clone of Billy used in previous experiments. I am not so sure, but it's an interesting theory, so I'll go with it (and would love to read some fic!).
Mini!Billy takes the Rangers on a virtual roller coaster that Kim ruins by getting dizzy and making him stop, and Jason grabs hold of Billy affectionately out of surprise. Yes, I see slash in everything. We don't really know why all the Rangers are involved, but they are so we'll nod and smile and assume maybe it was just for testing purposes or moral support.
They head off to the fair and, partway there, are attacked by putties! Like a triceratops family, they shove the kid in the middle and circle around him. Zack calls to "protect the kid" and we get a moment of "awwww". We're impressed. The Rangers have coordinated moves, a plan of attack, and have obviously been practicing together. They're taking this seriously! Crisis averted, they beat back the putties and head off to the science fair.
It's in the Youth Center. I would have thought a school, but okay, whatever. Willy is concerned about his project, Billy gives him a pep talk, they do their awesome secret handshake (complete with overall strap pulling), and then Bulk and Skull show up. Skull covers his mouth lest he catch nerditis. I was beginning to have some negative feelings towards Bulk and Skull due to that little issue, but then the Rangers end up being horribly horribly cruel and, well, any poor feelings towards the "bullies" disappeared. Billy tells them an IQ is required to be at the science fair, Jason calls them cavemen while Zack grunts at them, and then the girls shove them into a makeover machine and they come out looking like girls while everybody laughs. They're all so mean, I just can't see how this is a good example for kids. I have kids and I would never ever condone my kids treating another person the way the Rangers treat Bulk and Skull.
Moving on. Willy is blamed for the ruckus, why we're not sure, but he is told he is disqualified and cannot be in the science fair. He runs off and Billy says he knows just how Willy feels. Frankly, I'm upset with Billy for this. It's Billy's fault the ruckus happened in the first place! Anyway, they suck at finding him and mini!Billy ends up being captured by Eye Guy. Awesome bad guy. Willy is trapped in an aerotrim (that spinny thing used at Space Camp). As soon as they suspect Rita is involved, their communicators beep and they go off to the Command Center. Once again, Zordon FAILS at monitoring the safety of Angel Grove.
The Rangers morph and go to fight Eye Guy. It doesn't seem likely they can beat him, however, since every time they think they've won, he just reassembles himself and gives them another beating! Zordon alerts them of the need to destroy the main eye and tells them where it's hidden. Billy goes off to find it and leaves the others to contend with Eye Guy, who is doing a good job of not losing.
Billy destroys the eye, the Megazord is called and destroys Eye Guy, and the Rangers go get Willy. We find it odd that Willy doesn't pick up that the voices behind the masks are the same people he's been hanging out with all day, Billy in particular. If Billy was around the 12 year old enough (creepy!) to help him build his VR machine, surely he knows what Billy's voice sounds like at this point. But we'll overlook that since we're it's obviously expected of us.
They get back to the science fair in time for the judge that disqualified Willy earlier to offer an apology, let him back in the fair, and give him the blue ribbon. Bulk and Skull then wander in wearing only towels and while I know I should comment on the partial nudity issue, I just can't pass up any opportunity to see Jason Narvy mostly devoid of clothing. They ask for their clothes back and the girls say they cleaned and sanitized them. They present Bulk and SKull with tiny miniature versions of their outfits. So they embarrass them, leave them naked, and then ruin their clothes. Way to be compassionate, Rangers!
We give this 2.5 fish simply because we cannot overlook just how exceptionally mean ALL the Rangers are in this episode. The episode actually follows moderate show continuity, what with having random adults blame kids for things they had nothing to do with, but the bully factor just can't be ignored.
Nobody gets covered in food this time.
No Billy speak either! Not one bit of it. There is one line of Mini!Billy speak though, so we'll count it: "The quasitronic circuitry is acting up again causing the visual imagery to fade."
I will admit up front, I am heavily heavily Billy biased. He has been my favourite Ranger since the very first episode and the only other Ranger in the entire history of the show who comes close is Bridge (who comes very close indeed). I won't even try to keep that out of my recaps.
I'm very partial to this villain. Eye Guy was pretty cool, as far as villains go. He could separate his one weakness from himself and hide it for safe keeping, he could break into a million pieces and come back together over and over again, and he threw EYES at people. EYES. At people. Threw them. He's awesome.
We open onto the Cranston household outside shot. I love this shot. It's used over and over again in episode after episode, but it just makes me love the house even more. It's one of the few Ranger homes we ever see.
Billy is in the garage with a 12 year old boy. The Rangers seem to spend A LOT of time with 12 year old children. This is creepy and slightly disturbing, actually. Anyway, the boy is in overalls and blue. Mini!Billy is named Willy and they've been working on his science fair project. He's made a virtual reality machine which is actually really cool, especially for a kid and especially in the early 90's. Way to go, mini!Billy... I mean Willy. TSB is convinced Willy is actually a clone of Billy used in previous experiments. I am not so sure, but it's an interesting theory, so I'll go with it (and would love to read some fic!).
Mini!Billy takes the Rangers on a virtual roller coaster that Kim ruins by getting dizzy and making him stop, and Jason grabs hold of Billy affectionately out of surprise. Yes, I see slash in everything. We don't really know why all the Rangers are involved, but they are so we'll nod and smile and assume maybe it was just for testing purposes or moral support.
They head off to the fair and, partway there, are attacked by putties! Like a triceratops family, they shove the kid in the middle and circle around him. Zack calls to "protect the kid" and we get a moment of "awwww". We're impressed. The Rangers have coordinated moves, a plan of attack, and have obviously been practicing together. They're taking this seriously! Crisis averted, they beat back the putties and head off to the science fair.
It's in the Youth Center. I would have thought a school, but okay, whatever. Willy is concerned about his project, Billy gives him a pep talk, they do their awesome secret handshake (complete with overall strap pulling), and then Bulk and Skull show up. Skull covers his mouth lest he catch nerditis. I was beginning to have some negative feelings towards Bulk and Skull due to that little issue, but then the Rangers end up being horribly horribly cruel and, well, any poor feelings towards the "bullies" disappeared. Billy tells them an IQ is required to be at the science fair, Jason calls them cavemen while Zack grunts at them, and then the girls shove them into a makeover machine and they come out looking like girls while everybody laughs. They're all so mean, I just can't see how this is a good example for kids. I have kids and I would never ever condone my kids treating another person the way the Rangers treat Bulk and Skull.
Moving on. Willy is blamed for the ruckus, why we're not sure, but he is told he is disqualified and cannot be in the science fair. He runs off and Billy says he knows just how Willy feels. Frankly, I'm upset with Billy for this. It's Billy's fault the ruckus happened in the first place! Anyway, they suck at finding him and mini!Billy ends up being captured by Eye Guy. Awesome bad guy. Willy is trapped in an aerotrim (that spinny thing used at Space Camp). As soon as they suspect Rita is involved, their communicators beep and they go off to the Command Center. Once again, Zordon FAILS at monitoring the safety of Angel Grove.
The Rangers morph and go to fight Eye Guy. It doesn't seem likely they can beat him, however, since every time they think they've won, he just reassembles himself and gives them another beating! Zordon alerts them of the need to destroy the main eye and tells them where it's hidden. Billy goes off to find it and leaves the others to contend with Eye Guy, who is doing a good job of not losing.
Billy destroys the eye, the Megazord is called and destroys Eye Guy, and the Rangers go get Willy. We find it odd that Willy doesn't pick up that the voices behind the masks are the same people he's been hanging out with all day, Billy in particular. If Billy was around the 12 year old enough (creepy!) to help him build his VR machine, surely he knows what Billy's voice sounds like at this point. But we'll overlook that since we're it's obviously expected of us.
They get back to the science fair in time for the judge that disqualified Willy earlier to offer an apology, let him back in the fair, and give him the blue ribbon. Bulk and Skull then wander in wearing only towels and while I know I should comment on the partial nudity issue, I just can't pass up any opportunity to see Jason Narvy mostly devoid of clothing. They ask for their clothes back and the girls say they cleaned and sanitized them. They present Bulk and SKull with tiny miniature versions of their outfits. So they embarrass them, leave them naked, and then ruin their clothes. Way to be compassionate, Rangers!
We give this 2.5 fish simply because we cannot overlook just how exceptionally mean ALL the Rangers are in this episode. The episode actually follows moderate show continuity, what with having random adults blame kids for things they had nothing to do with, but the bully factor just can't be ignored.
Nobody gets covered in food this time.
No Billy speak either! Not one bit of it. There is one line of Mini!Billy speak though, so we'll count it: "The quasitronic circuitry is acting up again causing the visual imagery to fade."
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Episode 8 - Switching Places
Before we begin, I need to admit that I was really not looking forward to this episode. It isn't that I don't like body switching episodes - Out of Their Minds is one of my favorite Farscape episodes ever - it's that I remembered this episode as being bad and cringeworthy, and would probably set off my embarrassment squick. QueenRiley even offered to watch this by herself, but I made the effort. I only covered my eyes briefly, I swear.
This episode takes what could be a really awesome premise - Squat messes up one of Billy's inventions, and then Billy and Kimberly end up switching bodies - and... well, fails on the execution. Both of us would desperately like to read fanfic dealing with the fallout of this episode, or fic that handles it better. We're just saying.
Anyway. Billy has apparently invented a mind reading device, and apparently if you just switch some wires around it will make you switch bodies instead. Billy demonstrates this with Kimberly, and then Bulk and Skull who were spying on them end up switching bodies as well. For some reason the cutouts (yes, cutouts) are sized exactly to Kimberly and Billy's bodies, making me wonder if Billy came up with this invention so he could read Kimberly's mind and find out if Trini liked him or something, since they're the only ones who would fit.
There is some fairly decent acting in this for Power Rangers, and David Yost's valley girl impression is never going to stop being funny. EVER. Speaking of the actor, he looks so much better without his glasses, and because for some reason the writers of this episode decided that if they switch bodies, apparently the eyesight switches as well, so BillyinKimberly needs glasses while KimberlyinBilly's eyes are totally fine. (We also think that there should be a scene where Kimberly takes Billy for a makeover after this episode, possibly because of this episode.) Of course, we don't watch Power Rangers for the science, so we probably shouldn't complain, but pointing it out was important.
Kimberly and Billy have clearly never heard of a minor concept called 'calling in sick' when something like this happens, because they both go to school the next day. In fact, they apparently never even bothered to call Zordon or the other Rangers to tell them what happened. It makes you wonder what they did in the hours between the body switch and school the next day. There's some seriously stereotypical problems in the school scenes - BillyinKimberly can't put on makeup or cook! KimberlyinBilly makes a computer explode! (Why BillyinKimberly even tried wearing makeup is beyond us.) There's a lot of unnecessary yelling and Jason wears possibly the most ridiculous outfit so far! (Disclaimer: We are torn on the outfit. I love it, QueenRiley does not. Have a picture.)

We also need to point out that KimberlyinBilly somehow managed to find some snazzy clothes to wear while she's in Billy. These things are also important.
While the body switching hijinks are going on, Rita apparently has a very cunning plan! She's going to send down a genie in a bottle and have Squat rub it the right way, because that is totally thematically relevant with this episode, and somehow this monster is going to destroy the Morphin Grid. Or something. We aren't really sure. It was handwaved in about two seconds.
Zordon has clearly been paying even less attention than usual, because he first sends the Rangers to fight one group, and then teleports them to fight the actual Genie, and then brings them right back to the Command Center. Why? Because he's the worst mentor ever, clearly. (This isn't true, but we'll talk about Dimitria MUCH later.)
Anyway, they go back to the fight, and Rita makes the Genie grow, and then the giant!Genie attacks the megazord with a really phallic hand-powered drill, and then Zordon and Alpha destroy the lamp which destroys the Genie, so the Rangers don't actually even win the battle. Massive fail!
BillyinKimberly figures out how to switch them back, and then has to ask Trini whether he should switch Bulk and Skull back or just leave them like that. Which is just incredibly mean, and the Rangers are still going for the Worst Rolemodels Ever award. He does agree to switch them back, and Skull immediately asks Billy if he's willing to switch places for the math test on Monday. Oh, Skull. Don't worry, you'll get some actual character development soon!
Important things of note that didn't quite make the recap: Skull's crush on Kimberly is totally adorable and in a not-sketchy way this episode! We have 87,000 fic bunnies that we would like people to write! Trini's concern over KimberlyinBilly is really sweet. And KimberlyinBilly not being sure which name to answer to during the megazord calling sequence is pretty funny. The home-ec teacher really should have stopped BillyinKimberly as soon as it showed signs of being a disaster. BillyinKimberly refused to wear pink! And most importantly - KimberlyinBilly still felt the need to wear makeup. Oh, Kim. *adores*
Covered in food: BillyinKimberly's entire home-ec class, because apparently BillyinKimberly is that talented at ruining cheese soufle! (It is also neon orange. We suspect silly string was involved.)
Billy speak:
-Facilitate direct thought transfer.
-Parameters are within the specified range.
-Are you feeling nominal?
-The generator experience diothermic overload.
-We've undergone spatial personality displacement.
-I trusted you with an elementary processing tutorial and you turned my transmission decoders into a synaptic nightmare.
-my synaptic interlock generators malfunctioned and I'm unable to reverse the personality displacement until I can rebuild it
-By networking our maximum energy linkage.
-I appear to have regained control over my synaptic neurons.
KimberlyinBilly speak:
-Like, I think so (response to "Are you feeling nominal?")
-Like, what happened?
-Will you please, like, speak English?
-Push shift F4, then this grungy button
-No, no, I think we can get this (computer tutoring)
-Like, what's the big deal?
-People think I've gone totally [?]. My hair, my make up, YUCK (We can't figure this one out. Any takers?)
-Obviously somebody who doesn't know how to put on make up
-'Fraid so (response to "Kimberly, are you in there?")
-You're right. Like, major muscle.
-For sure. Like, that genie's done for, okay?
-Kimberly, I mean, like, Billy, I mean...
-Are you, like, sure this is going to work?
Appearances: The Radbug. Briefly. We do love the Radbug.
Rating: 4 fish. From Billy trying to invent a mind reading device to the fail total embarrassment and Rita's genie having absolutely nothing to do with the theme of this episode.... 4 fish. Yes.
This episode takes what could be a really awesome premise - Squat messes up one of Billy's inventions, and then Billy and Kimberly end up switching bodies - and... well, fails on the execution. Both of us would desperately like to read fanfic dealing with the fallout of this episode, or fic that handles it better. We're just saying.
Anyway. Billy has apparently invented a mind reading device, and apparently if you just switch some wires around it will make you switch bodies instead. Billy demonstrates this with Kimberly, and then Bulk and Skull who were spying on them end up switching bodies as well. For some reason the cutouts (yes, cutouts) are sized exactly to Kimberly and Billy's bodies, making me wonder if Billy came up with this invention so he could read Kimberly's mind and find out if Trini liked him or something, since they're the only ones who would fit.
There is some fairly decent acting in this for Power Rangers, and David Yost's valley girl impression is never going to stop being funny. EVER. Speaking of the actor, he looks so much better without his glasses, and because for some reason the writers of this episode decided that if they switch bodies, apparently the eyesight switches as well, so BillyinKimberly needs glasses while KimberlyinBilly's eyes are totally fine. (We also think that there should be a scene where Kimberly takes Billy for a makeover after this episode, possibly because of this episode.) Of course, we don't watch Power Rangers for the science, so we probably shouldn't complain, but pointing it out was important.
Kimberly and Billy have clearly never heard of a minor concept called 'calling in sick' when something like this happens, because they both go to school the next day. In fact, they apparently never even bothered to call Zordon or the other Rangers to tell them what happened. It makes you wonder what they did in the hours between the body switch and school the next day. There's some seriously stereotypical problems in the school scenes - BillyinKimberly can't put on makeup or cook! KimberlyinBilly makes a computer explode! (Why BillyinKimberly even tried wearing makeup is beyond us.) There's a lot of unnecessary yelling and Jason wears possibly the most ridiculous outfit so far! (Disclaimer: We are torn on the outfit. I love it, QueenRiley does not. Have a picture.)

We also need to point out that KimberlyinBilly somehow managed to find some snazzy clothes to wear while she's in Billy. These things are also important.
While the body switching hijinks are going on, Rita apparently has a very cunning plan! She's going to send down a genie in a bottle and have Squat rub it the right way, because that is totally thematically relevant with this episode, and somehow this monster is going to destroy the Morphin Grid. Or something. We aren't really sure. It was handwaved in about two seconds.
Zordon has clearly been paying even less attention than usual, because he first sends the Rangers to fight one group, and then teleports them to fight the actual Genie, and then brings them right back to the Command Center. Why? Because he's the worst mentor ever, clearly. (This isn't true, but we'll talk about Dimitria MUCH later.)
Anyway, they go back to the fight, and Rita makes the Genie grow, and then the giant!Genie attacks the megazord with a really phallic hand-powered drill, and then Zordon and Alpha destroy the lamp which destroys the Genie, so the Rangers don't actually even win the battle. Massive fail!
BillyinKimberly figures out how to switch them back, and then has to ask Trini whether he should switch Bulk and Skull back or just leave them like that. Which is just incredibly mean, and the Rangers are still going for the Worst Rolemodels Ever award. He does agree to switch them back, and Skull immediately asks Billy if he's willing to switch places for the math test on Monday. Oh, Skull. Don't worry, you'll get some actual character development soon!
Important things of note that didn't quite make the recap: Skull's crush on Kimberly is totally adorable and in a not-sketchy way this episode! We have 87,000 fic bunnies that we would like people to write! Trini's concern over KimberlyinBilly is really sweet. And KimberlyinBilly not being sure which name to answer to during the megazord calling sequence is pretty funny. The home-ec teacher really should have stopped BillyinKimberly as soon as it showed signs of being a disaster. BillyinKimberly refused to wear pink! And most importantly - KimberlyinBilly still felt the need to wear makeup. Oh, Kim. *adores*
Covered in food: BillyinKimberly's entire home-ec class, because apparently BillyinKimberly is that talented at ruining cheese soufle! (It is also neon orange. We suspect silly string was involved.)
Billy speak:
-Facilitate direct thought transfer.
-Parameters are within the specified range.
-Are you feeling nominal?
-The generator experience diothermic overload.
-We've undergone spatial personality displacement.
-I trusted you with an elementary processing tutorial and you turned my transmission decoders into a synaptic nightmare.
-my synaptic interlock generators malfunctioned and I'm unable to reverse the personality displacement until I can rebuild it
-By networking our maximum energy linkage.
-I appear to have regained control over my synaptic neurons.
KimberlyinBilly speak:
-Like, I think so (response to "Are you feeling nominal?")
-Like, what happened?
-Will you please, like, speak English?
-Push shift F4, then this grungy button
-No, no, I think we can get this (computer tutoring)
-Like, what's the big deal?
-People think I've gone totally [?]. My hair, my make up, YUCK (We can't figure this one out. Any takers?)
-Obviously somebody who doesn't know how to put on make up
-'Fraid so (response to "Kimberly, are you in there?")
-You're right. Like, major muscle.
-For sure. Like, that genie's done for, okay?
-Kimberly, I mean, like, Billy, I mean...
-Are you, like, sure this is going to work?
Appearances: The Radbug. Briefly. We do love the Radbug.
Rating: 4 fish. From Billy trying to invent a mind reading device to the fail total embarrassment and Rita's genie having absolutely nothing to do with the theme of this episode.... 4 fish. Yes.
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